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Sally Kuang

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sally [main]
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Mermaid Scale
Anna, Belle, and Noah's parents were killed in the fire.

Noah doesn't know that his sisters are alive.
At first Anna thought Belle was dead and Belle thought Anna was killed by the wild animals but they turned out to be alive and they met in the woods when they were 16. Both of them doesnt know that Noah's alive. They thought Noah was killed in the fire along with their parents.



Annabelle used to live in an orphan house and she hated the place, the kids used to bully her and this is why she could never act too nice to other people.....

Annabelle is very individual, she doesn't cling around other people. She's cold toward other people and never really show interest in others except if they're one of a kind.
She's a rock headed.
She always say that she hates Maybelle, her twin sister but deep inside she loves her.

Well probably a boyfriend for Anna and he should act as if he own her and he wont let other people touch her. And is not afraid of hurting her when he's mad (But not kill her)...



Maybelle was taken care by the Kim in Korea. Unlike Anna who wasn't treated very well, Belle was the other way around, Kim took care of her as if she was their biological daughter....

Maybelle is very sweet, she is one of those who is easily scared and one of those who need to be protected really well. Belle never hate other people, she loves everyone.


enemies.. U can bully her if u want


Noah Starr

Noah used to live in an orphan house where all the children are muggle, but then someone took him and put him to a magical orphan house. The orphans are all either wizards or witches in Wellington.

Noah love to sneak out at night and run away from the orphan house, this is how the Korean mafias found him. At the age of 12, the leader of the gang which is also called a hyung-nim take care of him, he had been sending Noah to the best Wushu academy in China and pay the fee. Noah love his fellow mafias. But as time goes by, he can see that his hyung nim is taking an advantage of him, the hardest work is always given to Noah. Sadly, there's no way to turn back, so he has to remain with the group.

Noah is quiet and isn't good with new people. A lot of people think that he's an ignorant, but he's actually far from it. He's just really quiet and tend to stay away from trouble or even run away from it.


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