
Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
It was a beautiful night. It wasn't too hot or too cold. She lay on the roof of the North tower, humming softly to herself. It was nice to get the opportunity to just lay back. Not a care in the world. After a bit, her eyes started to drift shut. She hadn't realized how little sleep she'd been getting. Between the quiet and the soft breeze it wasn't long before she had passed out. She snored softly, an arm over her face and her foot hanging over the edge of the roof.
Sometimes, Sophie Wilson needed a moment for herself. The Ravenclaw Common room wasn't exactly noisy, but it was still often filled with people. The same thing went for the dormitory, especially when Phoebe Holland had some sort of weird mood and started babbling about uninteresting things to whoever was within earshot. Sophie liked to head up to the north tower sometimes, especially in the evenings. She didn't do it often, and so far hadn't been caught out of bed after hours. She never stayed long either. Rule-breaking wasn't something she was extremely against, not like her older sister, but it still made her a little nervous. She had brought her sketchbook along this time, hoping to get a few good sketches in before heading to bed. But as she arrived, she noticed someone was already there. Someone... asleep? The Ravenclaw approached, a small frown on her face. The girl was alarmingly close to the edge, and Sophie worried waking her up would cause her to jump and roll off. She assumed there were spells that kept students safe, but she wasn't about to experiment. She grabbed the girl's shoulders and dragged her back away from the edge. "You found a really stupid place for a nap." She scolded, though she wasn't sure if the girl was awake enough to hear her.
Sapphire woke up slightly as she heard footsteps, and stirred a bit when she felt someone pulling her away from the edge. She smirked a little at the snarky admonition she received. She stretched as the girl let go, not bothering to open her eyes. "Seeing as how I usually sleep underground anywhere above the grass is an improvement." She quipped, enjoying the night breeze against her skin. "What're you doing up here anyway?" She asked idly. "Not many people bother coming out here at night." She had always figured it was because no one thought to, or they were too worried about rule breaking to bother with anything fun.
Sophie was surprised the girl was awake enough to make a joke, and felt like maybe the danger hadn't been as big as it had seemed. Still, she rolled her eyes. "Right, because falling off the edge and becoming a pancake is better than sleeping in a dormitory in the dungeons." She said as she looked over the girl skeptically. "I admit the Slytherins got the short end of the stick, but there must be safer places to sneak in a nap." The girl was lucky Sophie wasn't her sister or another prefect. But then again, Sophie was lucky there was no one like that here too. "Just tried to find a place to be alone. Roommates can be annoying." She said with a small shrug. "Guess I didn't expect any snoozing Slytherins here." Maybe this should be a piece for the next Hogwarts Monthly. 'Top ten worst places to take a nap' did seem to have some potential.
Sapphire opened one eye to see a pretty girl standing above her. Why was she noticing how attractive people were lately? She shrugged it off and listened to the girl talk. "Eh, being a pancake is better than class sometimes." She joked again, sitting up. So the girl had been looking for somewhere quiet? "At least you picked a pretty good spot. Mostly. Aside from me this place is usually pretty empty. Good for clearing your head."

She leaned back, supporting herself with her hands behind her back. "Most of my roommates just ignore me. I'm Sapphire." She held out her hand to the older girl. "I'm the snoozing Slytherin no one ever expects," She teased lightly with a smile. She was still a bit sleepy, but if the older girl really wasn't up for company then she would definitely just head back to the dorms for some shut eye.
Sophie had to admire the girl for her lack of worries about falling off the tower. Sophie doubted she really wouldn't mind being flattened against the ground like a bloody pancake, but at least she was doing an admirable job of keeping up the pretense of not caring. That was something Sophie could understand. "I suppose so. I dropped the worst ones by now. Well, the ones I don't need. I still have a few bad ones." She said with a small shrug. "And I know it is. I probably came here before you even got to Hogwarts." The girl was younger than her, though Sophie wasn't sure how much younger she was. The Ravenclaw had never paid much attention to students in the years below her. "It's not being ignored that's the problem, it's ignoring them. For Ravenclaws, they can be noisy." She nodded when the girl gave her name, and shook her hand quickly. "Sophie." She said, gesturing to herself. "I suppose everyone has their thing. Snoozing in unexpected places is at least original." She said. Even though she had come here for some alone time, she didn't mind this Sapphire girl too much so far.
Sapph yawned and sat up as the girl continued to talk. If she had dropped classes then she was at least a year older than her. "I can't drop any until next year." She commented with a slight pout. "And the only class I really want to take- well, aside from potions, isn't available until next year either." She complained half-heartedly. She snickered at the girls comment about being here before her.

"So how old of a dinosaur are you then?" She teased lightly, blue eyes sparkling. She laughed at the girls comment on ignoring noisy roommates. "You should hear the girl I dorm with. It's all make-up boys and drama." She rolled her eyes.

"Nice to meet you Sophie." She greeted cheerily. "As far as being original, with a new twin brother I'll take what I can get."
Sophie didn't have to ask the girl her age, as she quickly confirmed she was a second year. It was a little strange that Sophie was two entire years above her, she didn't feel that old. Her eyebrow raised slightly when the girl mentioned she wanted one class in particular, apparently one of the electives. "Oh yeah? Which one is that?" She asked, wondering if she herself was taking it.

The girl's comment about her being a dinosaur was lighthearted, but it made Sophie wonder. She knew she looked pretty young for her age. It came with being short and having a round face like she did. She wondered if Sapphire thought she was just one year older, but at least the girl asked her instead of assuming. "I'm in my fourth year." She said with a shrug. "So do the math." The girls Sapphire was talking about sounded like a snoozefest. At least she had never heard any of her roommates talk about either of those subjects overtly much. She herself had a boyfriend, but she didn't understand why that would be any of her roommates' business. "Sounds dull." She said with a shrug. "Guess Slytherin isn't that great either." Her comment about her twin brother made Sophie think for a moment, but she quickly decided she had it worse. "Well, that does sound like a pain. But at least with a brother you're not expected to be the exact same. And you're the same age, so at least he's not doing things before you that you then have to live up to." She said with a shrug. "I have an older sister, she's two years older and almost perfect. I am pretty original if you compare me to her, but that isn't always appreciated." She felt like her parents often wished she was a bit more like Amber, which had made her resent her sister. Now that she was older she realized that wasn't Amber's fault, but she still liked that she herself was different from her sister. She was purely herself, and deep down she was proud of that.
Sapphire smiled as Sophie asked her which subject. "Care of Magical Creatures." She told her with a shrug. "I've picked up an interest in it and it drives me nuts you can't learn anything in class yet." She shook her head. She was asked to do math then, and it took her a second. "Well I'm thirteen so you're either fourteen or fifteen, depending on where your birthday falls." She guessed idly.

Sapph laughed dryly as Sophie said Slytherin wasn't that great either. "Ah, well, everything sucks if you look at it the right way. I've taken to ignoring it and focusing on the more interesting things." Her companion then went on to talk about her sister, and Sapph nodded sympathetically. "That sucks. My brother has the edge on me since he's already in. When our parents died he went to our uncle and I got sent to the home. He doesn't have to work to impress the family." She commented with a shrug. "If you've had any luck distinguishing yourself from your sister I could probably use a few pointers." She suggested with a grin.
Sophie shrugged when Sapphire mentioned she wanted to take Care of Magical Creatures. "I didn't take that one, didn't much feel like scooping up animal poop or whatever they do in that class." She said bluntly. There wasn't much she had in common with Amber, but a general disinterest in animals was one thing. But unlike her sister, she wasn't scared of them. That was something. "I'm fifteen." She told the girl, nearly misspeaking and saying fourteen instead. She had only just had her birthday.

The girl's move of ignoring her roommates and focusing on better things was a good idea, though Sophie wasn't sure if that would work for herself. The story the girl told about her parents dying and being sent away made her pause briefly, wondering if she should say anything. "That... sucks." She said in the end, not sure if it was enough. But she wasn't some sort of counselor for the girl, if she wanted to talk the school actually had one of those to talk to. The last thing the girl said was easier to respond to, and Sophie smiled slightly. "I started by not being as perfect, not very difficult to do." She said with a shrug. "That, and not wearing pastels all the time. Liking guys instead of girls. Actually, we're just pretty different people without really trying, I guess."
Sapphire groaned. "If they make us pick up shite the whole time I'll be peeved." She pouted a bit but was distracted when the girl said she was fifteen. "Well, I was almost right then." She grinned. She was only thirteen, but she imagined by fifteen she would have a much better grasp on the magical aspects in her life.

Sapphire thought about what Sophie said about her and her sister. "Well, he's the only boy in our generation so he's got me beat there, though I'm the clever one." She grinned ruefully. "Though he'll be competing with me for any boyfriends later on so that might be annoying." She started to get lost in thought. Her and Onyx were eerily similar, the more she thought about it. Were being twins always this... odd?

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