Stacy Isabella Cameron

Stacy Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name


The Basics​

Name Meaning:
Stacy: The meaning of the name Stacy is Resurrection. The origin of the name Stacy is English
Isabella: The meaning of the name Isabella is God Is My Oath. The origin of the name Isabella is Italian

Character's Birthdate: March 31st 2004
Hometown: Sydney, Australia
Current residence: New Zealand
Blood Status: Half Blood
School House: Slytherin


Stacy has light brown hair with natural blonde highlights running through it. Her eyes are a deep hazel colour and are surrounded by long eyelashes. She is short compared to most people but average for her family, standing at 5"3.

A Little Deeper​

Stacy is in a very confused place at the moment. While she is usually loving and friendly, the death of her husband, Kevin, has left her emotionless and uncaring. She no longer cares about those close to her, not even her own children and adoptive children, and tends to spend her days in bed or wandering aimlessly around town. She can be vicious and cruel if someone pushed her the wrong way and, even though she appears not to care about them right now, would stoop to killing someone if they harmed any of the children in her care in any way.

Talents and Likes​

Magical talents: Healing spells
Other talents: Fashion, sewing,
Best subject: Astronomy
Worst subject: Potions
Patronus: Jaguar
Boggart: Explosion


Sign: Aries
Element: Fire
Ruling planets: Mars
Symbol: Ram, Sun
Stone: Aquamarine


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