Closed Stability

Professor Grace Holland

Mother | Caring | Flying Instructor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Dominik)
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
2/2027 (35)
Grace wanted to help all her students as much as she could. She was proud of how she had managed to help Apollo during his detention, and hoped Scott Baker was also feeling a bit better after they talked after class. Flying was n important skill in life, and race was happy to support any student that had problems or fears about it. She saw it as her job to provide extra help where necessary. So when Miss Jusantrea had asked her for extra flying help after falling in class, Grace had agreed. They had set up a time, and now Grace was waiting for the young Hufflepuff to arrive at the Quidditch pitch. She hoped she could help her a bit, as her fear of flying had probably grown a lot after falling off her broom and hurting her hand. She had been helped immediately at the hospital wing, but was probably afraid of falling again.
After falling in the flying hour, Jenna was still feeling unwell and she had a sense of fear while flying back on the broom. Therefore, she had gone to the professor and told her that she would like to learn to fly and maybe that she would have some chance to keep her steady while flying and landing on the ground as she should. She arrived at the agreed meeting place, Jenna's hand had just healed and the fracture was no longer visible. Now she was able to stay steady and eat normally during school, no matter how hard she had been.

Jenna first decided to congratulate the teacher and find out what they would do today.'' Hello, Proffesor! I'm not sure i'm ready again flying, but i will trying again flying. ''She was very grateful that the professor gave her her free time so that the girl would learn how to fly and Jenna would try to make it happen and the professor would be proud of her.
Grace smiled at the Hufflepuff girl as she arrived, and nodded in greeting. “Hello Miss Jusantrea. Don’t worry, we’ll take it one step at a time.” She told her kindly. She took the school broom she had taken with her for this lesson and placed it next to the girl. “Let’s take it from the start. I believe everything up until now has been going well in lessons, but you probably lost some confidence with that fall.” She explained to her. “So I think we should try the up command again, and then try hovering again before we try having you fly. Doe that sound good to you?” It was a tricky balance. She didn’t want to push Jenna too fast, but if she took it too slow the girl might think things were scarier than they really were. If she didn’t get Jenna back into the air quickly, she felt like she might never fly again. The first time falling was always scary, especially if you actually hurt yourself. “So try summoning the broom to your hand first.” She instructed the girl.
Jenna was very worried when she listened to what the teacher said. She felt a ball in her neck and her blue eyes seek further help. '' Fine, , professor! I will try very hard not to let fear! '' The girl was trying to find a little bit of bravery in them to put themselves in their hands. After the fall, the girl had less satisfaction with the plane and had dropped to zero. '' Yes, Professor! '' 'The dark woman agreed with the professor and went after the broom and lay on the ground. '' If the fall is repeated again. How came the broom sometimes does not listen to his master? '' Jenna is still on the slots themselves that maybe she felt the fear of her master.

''Up!'' The girl clearly stated her pronunciation and hoped that she would succeed at first, but unfortunately the broom did not move. Jenna looked uncertainly at the professor and she wanted to give in, but then she got there again and stretched her hand forward. ''Up!'' Jenna said the words more safely and the broom slid up and she grabbed it with her hand.
Grace watched as the young girl did as she asked, summoning the broom to her hand. Only after she managed, did Grace answer her question. "Some people think brooms can sense confidence in their rider. It's why the 'up' command works less well when people are nervous or unsure. The best thing you can do is believe in yourself and believe in your broom. It's made to fly, not made to make you fall. If you're confident but careful, it's very difficult to actually fall off." She said with a smile. "Unless you're doing difficult and dangerous stunts in the air, of course." She added. Jenna had managed to get the broom in her hand, and Grace nodded encouragingly. "Now try to hover, like we did in class."
Today, though, Jenna was still standing with a broom in her hand, unable to believe her eyes and ears as the teacher said. Someone rhythmically talked to himself, or maybe he was poetrying? Had Jusantre been destined to experience the fact that she could fall again on the broom today. ' I always feel that I am not convinced of all abilities. Maybe it's my fault when I was in a car accident at the age of seven when my mother died. This is not possible anymore because it cannot be don.'' Jenna says proffesor, but still she was no sure about her self and belived and she hoped today flying lesason would be help to her. ' I will try to be convinced of myself as the only force.''

This time Jenna had gone to see the teacher and she had to get in and at least hide her fear. Realizing that this is one of the most suitable places to develop the cloud pusher profession needed flying skills and so she will soon receive when answering the teacher. '' I can do this!'' The girl tried to believe herself and flew into the air, but then she stopped again and wasn't sure what to do now. Flying in a circle?
Grace's eyes widened in surprise wat what the girl told her, and for a moment she was speechless. It was impressive that she had thought about why she had trouble flying, but her reason was very tragic and sad. Grace was silent for a moment. "I'm sorry that happened to you, and I can understand that such a tragedy still affects you to this day. But you have to believe in your ability yo fly, and I'm sure you can do it." She said with a nod. She watched as Jenna flew into the air, and grinned. She got on her own broom and flew up too. "Good job! Let's try flying a lap around the pitch."
Jenna was still blaming herself for what had happened that day, it was not her brother who was at fault and her heart could not disappear or be made as she would have liked. It is impossible to fly when it comes to the car crash and the memories that may have floated. ''Thanky proffessor, for nice words. I will try belive my self becouse i want so much try to be a good flyer as you. '' Jenna found the bravery of the beads and she listened to the task that was to be done now. She exhaled from the air and inhaled again, then got up and started flying a bit faster, not at all when someone believed in her abilities when she could. ''If I can't land? I'm very afraid of it'' Jenna asked to the proffessor and she again fealt a little fear.
Grace smiled at Jenna, glad she didn't seem too upset about the memories of her parents she had brought up. She would be able to help the girl with flying, but if she had other things that were bothering her, Grace didn't know if she was the right person to help. Maybe the counsellor would be able to do more if things kept bothering Jenna. Grace kept up with the young girl easily, smiling when she said she wanted to be as good as her. "You're doing fine the way you are." She told her. "Let's practice landing. First... slow down, then you angle your broom down and start to slowly fly down to the ground." As she spoke, she showed Jenna how to do it.
''Thanky, Proffessor you are a good teacher!'' Hufflepuff girl says to compliment proffessor and she now feal a little bit more then ready to flying and make her dream big about the dragons. Jenna was ready started to again flying and listened what proffesor Holland says.

The girl nodded to the professor as she realized her task. She would slow down the plane's flight to the ground and fly a little bit, as she had said she was not a perfect ideal on the ground. ''I did it!'' She smiled to proffessor.

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