Square One

She liked how he smiled and found it all but contagious as if she had to simply smile in response to his. As Robert spoke she found herself glancing away though. He had been lucky enough to at least find someone who had wanted to date him, two girls in fact who fought over him. She knew Daniel had wanted to kiss her at one time and she had not let him, but she had never had someone actually want to date her. Shalamar wondered briefly if there was something wrong with her and found she did not want to even begin to analyse that subject.

Artemis was always telling her that she was beautiful and she had grown up with just about everyone she knew telling her the same thing but she had taken no notice. Preferring always to work hard for everything instead of trading on her looks. Part of her wished now as she looked at him smiling again that she had learnt even once to use her looks to her advantage. She could not flirt, could not kiss, could not do anything that boys found appealing. Stepping out onto the seventh floor corridor she returned his smile once more. She was glad to have made another friend, knowing that you could never have too many of those but just once she wished someone would find her pretty enough to want to be with too.

"Are they talking to you at all now?" she asked him, knowing she was not ready at all to give up his company.
Robert thought for a moment. "Not voluntarily no." he replied honestly. Although these days he hardly spoke to anyone. As a first year i knew quite a few people, liked to mix with the big crowds, although now he tended to keep himsel to himself. Well, and those closest to him. Robert wondered if he was boring her at all, with his past, and her curiousity was suprizing him.
Looking down to her again he asked suddenly, as though it had never even occured to him before, "Where are you heading?". As they walked down the corridor, other students walked towards them, going in the opposite direction. A particular first year made Robert dive out the way before he was run over. He looked to Shalamar again, not caring whether people shouted at him for not looking where he was going. This time i wasn't looking for something about her personality, but the fact he thought she was pretty. Robert didn't care for the type who concealed themselves completely, and was mesmerized by her natural beauty.
Shalamar could not help but chuckle softly when he told her that. She shook her head slowly, her long brown hair swayed gently.
"Then they are very foolish girls and are losing out greatly" she told him brightly, no hint of teasing at all in her voice. She was being truthful as she always tried to be. As their eyes met yet again and he asked her a question she considered that. She had every intention of heading to the North Tower but had gotten so caught up in speaking with him that she had completely walked past it.

As others passed them by and Robert had to jump out of the way, she gasped slightly looking at him with concern etched on her features.
"Are you alright?" she looked at the hastily retreating figure of the smaller boy before looking at Robert once more. Again she found herself smiling at him and mused how he was nothing at all like Henric. He did not make her feel anxious in any way and she was grateful for this.
"I wasn't heading any where important" she told him, "I had planned on going to the North Tower in case my friend was there but I will see her later back at our dorm I am sure. Would it be alright if I spent some more time ... with you?" she blushed a little not sure if he had asked the question with the hopes that she had somewhere else to be or if he would like to simply continue walking with her.
Robert grinned when she said they were foolish. He gave a small light laugh, his hands returning to his pockets as they normally did when he walked, at least then he wouldn't be tempted to hold her hand as much this way. He nodded, "Fine. Have to keep your eyes open for the first years this year" he joked.
"Well if you're sure" he said, in reply to meeting her friend later. "Do you really like my company?" he asked her seriously. He'd never known someone to keep asking questions, or to be so interested in him. "Of course you can" he smiled, secretly thrilled, the urge to hold her hand getting stronger. He glanced out of the window, the view directly over the lake which surrounded the school. "Want to for a walk ouside?" he asked, "Or a sit" he grinned. It was a nice day, and they should have been out rather than inside a crowded corridor.
How could she not miss his hands being pushed into his pockets? She felt disappointed and could not understand why, a part of her felt disgusted with herself that she was enjoying herself so much in Robert's company when only such a short time ago she had truly believed herself in love with Henric Lee. Well maybe not in-love with him but definitely loving him. She knew then she was truly too young for those types of emotions, she had to be. Having no basis to judge what love felt like or not, other than what she read in books she had always presumed she loved him but he had never once made her feel so utterly comfortable and relaxed. He had never made her feel disappointed for not holding her hand. Shalamar wondered where all of this was coming from, Henric and Robert were so completely polar opposites that perhaps that was why she liked him so much. There was no real comparisons to be made because there were no similarities there at all.

Robert asked her a question and she looked at him puzzled at first, then a gentle smile blossomed on her face.
"I like your company very much" the truth would set her free, where had she read that? It did not matter so much now, a calm had settled over her in his presence and she was loathe to give it up so easily.
"Yes, I would love to" she smiled at him, glancing back for a moment over her shoulder before they headed down the stairs to the school entrance and headed outside to the beautiful spring day.


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