
Flavio Morales-Tipene

Newlywed | Father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Flavio wasn't the biggest quidditch fanatic out there. However he did find the sport interesting nonetheless. He had been to quidditch games, he had sat in the stands alongside his older sister and he had cheered Ravenclaw on with the rest of his house and Flavio figured that was enough to justify walking to the pitch on that surprisingly sunny post-summer day. He had no intention to try out for his team this early on during his school career when he was yet to gain enough confidence on his grasp of the English language, let alone his ability to fly, but the more he thought about trying out when he was older, the more it appealed to him. Even if it was just for the experience of it all.

The problem was, Flavio knew he was uncoordinated. He had two left feet at the best of times and although he wouldn't exactly be using his feet to fly around on a broomstick it certainly wouldn't help him be a decent enough player to be in the starting line up of Ravenclaw's team. So he was left to attempt to be less clumsy until he was both old enough and confident enough to try out. That of course involved Flavio going to the pitch and standing on the edge of the soft, green grass as he stared into the skies, observing the people flying around. He was a visual learner though as he stared he was more so envious of the few people flying around than anything else. They could probably afford to own a broom of their own and use said broom to circle around the pitch seemingly effortlessly, honing their flying skills in their spare time without the restriction of using a school broom. It bothered him that he wasn't able to do the same thing but he continued observing the way the students were flying regardless. Just in case he learned something vital that the flying professor failed to teach in classes.
Trying out new Broom's was Scarlet's favourite past time aside from practicing Quidditch and playing Quidditch itself. her mum started to make brooms as a hobby when she was pregnant and Scarlet had picked it up an decided to try for her summer activity to make a broom, she had selected the base and had built it from the ground up, she had spent weeks carving out the handle to make sure it sat nicely but the technical stuff she thought she had the hang of.

Scarlet had decided to head down to the Pitch that day to test out her new broom, there was no practice on so she had hoped it would be fairly empty. She mounted her broom and took off, the broom lacked finer control, she hadn't really put a lot of effort into the end and her turns would change from being slow arcs to sharp shoot offs, she kept low and tried to do laps around the pitch, almost getting the hang of it when a student walked up to the edge, she looked up 'Look Out' she squealed moving her broom hoping it would do a sharp turn, but instead the broom decided to do an extremely sharp turn and stop flinging her off in the process, Scarlet did a few tumbles along the grass before coming to a stop. She shook her head and quickly scrambled to her feet, jogging over to where the other student was who she almost collected with her broom 'Oh my gosh' she said checking the boy 'are you alright? I am so, so sorry' she said not sure if she hit him or her broom whipped him as it flung her off.
Observing the more talented students flying around the pitch was interesting and Flavio eventually could not take his eyes away from them no matter how much he tried. The envy he was feeling as well as the inspiration to be as much of a graceful flyer one day kept his gaze glued to the sky. He was so distracted watching the flyers that he didn't notice someone flying in his direction, speeding up and getting closer to him by the second until he was hit by a solid, blunt object that winded him then threw him to the ground. He gasped for air as his body hit the grass and sat up when he could finally breathe again. It assumed it was a broom that hit him but as he glanced around his shoulders it was nowhere to be found. Though he did notice someone jogging towards him, asking if he was alright. "Yes I am okay." He said in a raspy breath, airway still recovering from being winded. He attempted to stand up and managed to do so slowly but surely. He wasn't sure who the girl was, but he assumed she was part of the reason he was thrown suddenly to the ground as she began apologizing. Defensively holding up one of his hands, with the other held against his upper abdomen, Flavio said "No, it is okay. I am sorry for being in the way." so the girl did not get angry at him for standing on the pitch as people flew leisurely around on their brooms. In hindsight Flavio was asking to be hit. It was not a smart move on his part.

The boy apologized for being in the way and she held her hand out to assist the boy with getting back on his feet, she wasn't sure if he was disorientated or not, after all he did apologize for her hitting him with her broom. She brushed her hair out of her face and chuckled 'No, No, It's completely my fault' she said flustered, she hoped she was making sense in her rush to check o see if the boy was okay 'I was testing out a broom I had made, clearly not very well, It has absolutely no control when it comes to turning it has a mind of it's own'

Jogging over to her back which was flung against a wall she pulled out her water bottle and jogged back and held it out to the boy who may appreciate a cool drink to try get the wind back into him 'Here, have some of this, Gosh, I hope you're okay, it didn't hurt too bad?' she asked wondering if she had bruised the boy 'Do you want me to take you to the Hospital Wing.. uhm?' she paused for a moment realized she didn't know the boys name and she had just come along and beat him with a broom.
Flavio accepted the girl's help, glad that he didn't need to stand up completely on his own as the lack of air in his body caused him to feel weak and if his lanky limbs were due to collapse under him at any second. The girl was continually apologetic, Flavio wanted to reassure her it was his fault and not her own. The impact of whatever pushed him to the ground happened too fast for him to realize. In addition to that, he should have understood the dangers of standing on the pitch in plain sight and becoming so unaware of his surroundings. "That was a broom?" He queried, looking around a second time for the broom. It was to no avail and his gaze soon returned to the girl. He watched with curiosity as she ran to a wall and retrieved something. As she returned Flavio realized it was some sort of water bottle. He smiled, continuing to keep one hand over his abdomen as he accepted the bottle and sipped from it. "No, I am okay, we can stay here." He then answered, hoping he wouldn't go to the hospital wing. It would cause more harm than good and Pia would baby him more than she was already. She wouldn't leave his side and the promise of that constantly wasn't a fun idea to the Ravenclaw boy.

Flavio was slowly managing to steady his breathing to normal with the aid of the refreshing water. "Thank you." He said, handing the bottle back to the girl and then speaking further to continue conversation with her. Both to satiate his curiosity to how on earth the girl was able to construct a broom and to ensure she didn't force him to go to the hospital wing. He was sure he would be fine, eventually. "You made that broom?" He asked. "How?"
The boys reaction amused her, she chuckled when he queried her, 'Yeah, well an attempt at a Broom' she said she put her hand up to request one second and jogged over to where her broom lay and gathered it up, the bristles had come out of their fixing and now had a sad small bunch left on the end of the broom and the rest all over the ground, she jogged back to the boy and swung the broom around in her arm so it rested across her shoulders 'It was a Broom, now it's a glorified Stick' she joked

They boy seemed fine to stay there and she nodded 'Okay , if you're sure but if you need to go let me know' she added not wanting to be the cause that the boy somehow got internal bleeding and she did nothing about it, His breathing seemed to steady and he seemed to be looking normal which gave her some relief, the boy asked about the broom and she smiled 'Not very well, My Mum used to make brooms as a Hobby and I thought I might try make one to pass my time when I couldn't practice so I borrowed some of her supplies and tried to make one from scratch, whittle my own broom and everything, but it didn't turn out that way, I think i've done something wrong, it's too heavy or something, it just doesn't fly right' she said, she tiled her head slightly she was picking that the boy had an accent but she couldn't figure out where it was from 'Where are you From?' she asked, she may as well get to know the boy she potentially almost killed
Flavio chuckled at the girl's joke after she moved to hold what was left of the broom around her shoulders. It was a 'glorified stick' but it was still more of a broom than Flavio could ever dream of owning. The idea that this girl, who was seemingly his age, was able to construct a broom that did work, albeit dis-functionally, perplexed him. He had never once thought about the effort of constructing a broom nor did he have any lick of an idea to what it entailed. But he was interested to see what the girl would do now that most of its bristles were scattered on the grass surrounding them and it's sense of directionality was clearly off kilter.

He continued to take deep breaths while holding his hand over his abdomen in an attempt to even out his breathing as she mentioned the hospital wing again. "Thank you, but I am much better now." He reassured, voice still slightly raspy although more normal thanks to the water. Slowly but surely his breathing was evening out and although he would undoubtedly have a bruise over his torso where the broom made impact, that was sure to heal. If anything was seriously wrong he was sure he wouldn't have been able to stand and talk as he was in that moment, nor listen to the girl talk about making the broom. "It is very good, though. I could never make a broom that worked." He commented. The question of where he was from momentarily put him into a tail spin but he answered regardless to not seem rude and returned her question out of politeness as it seemed to be the way in which conversation within Hogwarts played out. "I am from Chile. Are you from New Zealand?"

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