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Meera Gupta

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust

Hello everyone!! :D
So I have Meera here :cool: Yes, she's pretty cool. She is 16 years old and just transferred to HNZ from Beaux :woot: I am waiting for the applications for plot approvals to open to confirm that her parents have been murdered and her royal identity revealed in media but I thought I'll at least put this up for now.

So with her parents gone and the whole transfer, crazy media and gossip she is in desperate need of true lovely students at HNZ. Obviously she is not crazy fan of the school. Everything is very new and confusing plus she is sad. Also she has probably broken up with her boyfriend because a long distance relationship does not work. She was not in love with her boyfriend the way he was with her but she thought he was a pretty decent and nice guy.

So she was born in India. Her parents ran to France while she was two months old due to the killing spree her uncle went on for the throne. They changed their surname from Patel to Gupta and lived as normal wizard-muggle family. Meera turned to be witch like her mom. Her brother is muggle. He is currently 12 or 14(not sure). He is still alive(if the plot gets approved). Meera now only trusts Arjun who is her guardian, friend and mentor. He is also a prince but no one knows that not even him. But he is also wizard. at the moment no one is playing that character so if you're interested throw me a PM.

Hmm.. Meera likes swimming, reading, horse riding, dancing, playing sitar and piano. Yeah well just about everything
She is also trained in hand to hand combat, archery and sword fighting.

So far Meera has had a crush on Lake Silver, a fling with Adoh Wilkes and a relationship with Karl. Who is now her ex since she is transferred. For more info check biography in siggy :D

Plus she is majorly a Fashionista so she won't be friends with people who always like to wear rags

What I need for her:

FRIENDS: People who will talk to her- not because she will be famous- but because they actually want to help. Meera is not used to easily opening up to people especially after all this so it will take time but she will be friendly eventually. I need like two best girl friends and close guy friend.They can be from any house and either fifth, sixth or seventh year.

ENEMIES/STALKERS/ GOSSIPERS: People who hate her because she is stealing the spotlight or are just trying to know her because she is a Princess. I am even open to people hating her right away for no reason etc.

BOYS: She is very pretty and talented in mostly everything. Plus she is smart so anyone could fall for her easily. I need any boy around her age to develop maybe a crush on her and ask her out later. We could see how it goes since she has all this Indian Princess complex. Plus I need few other boys who are just flirting with her or trying to charm their way to her etc.

Thanks for reading!! Hugs to everyone who replies :)

Hey Khushi!

I have JazzyMae here. She is a fifth year Hufflepuff and a prefect. She is sweet, but she does get irritated easily, and she judges based purely on looks. She is part-veela, and she is still trying to figure out how she should feel about this. I am sure she would be willing to help Meera out I she gets lost or something. I don't know. She'd be willing to be a friend, but she has problems keeping friendships because she doesn't want to open up to people.

An sorry Kyle and JazzyMae fell out. We could try something else with them??

He kushi. I have a couple of offers for you.
One. Tara sitara. I believe they are already good friends and she will be willing to help meera out in what ever way she can, literally she puts her friends needs before her own. She could offer a home in the holidays, someone to wright to, seriously anything you can think.
Also I was saying that Tara was working for the guptas whilst it was the school break before moving to New Zealand so maybe (if the plot was approved she was one of the first there after it happened. (Maybe something that should be discussed by pm)

Two. Rhiannon McGowan she is a first year puff and fairly smart and she wants to be a doctor when she grows up like her parents are. She is muggle born so doesn't know anything about magic or the wizarding world, thus probably nothing about her being a princess. So although there is a fair age difference. Maybe they could be sort of friends or acquaintances. Perhaps rhi could be lost and ask meera for directions thinking she has been around for a few years not realising she was new.
Jazzy Mae and Meera
Sound like Jazzy Mae could be the perfect cocktail that Meera is not sure how to handle. Meera could approach her as she is a prefect for some help and then through some talk Meera would realize that she is not exactly the best friend type. So maybe they would just get acquainted or something. Plus Meera would obviously love if Jazzy is into fashion and looks but when Meera knows that that is all that she cares about she would not be very happy. It could be mix. How would Jazzy feel about having someone famous around?

Tara Sitara and Meera
That would be great. Meera would seriously need a friend like Tara. I suppose Meera would have a home since she is rich and will now be more protected in holidays then ever but letters and RP would be great. I was thinking about writing it in the Fan Fiction section. Maybe we could do our emotions and reactions there?

Rhiannon McGowan and Meera
She sounds sweet. Meera would love to have a young friend since she would be in the sort of same situation in the big castle. Would you like to start an RP? Maybe they could end up exploring some part together?
Tara and meera.
Did you get the plot approved?
Even though I know she will be able to afford a home of her own she can still stay with Tara if and when she wants a little company. Just let me know when you want me to react. Then yes letters would be good.

Meera and rhiannon
This would be great. I don't mind starting. It may not be for a couple of days though if that's okay. Where would you rather it be? And I like the idea of exploring somewhere.
I sent the request like one and half day back so I'll have to wait. But it sounds great. I'll let you know once I receive the reply. And I don't mind waiting. :D

Plus need Sixth Years. Roomates. Anything
Ooo Oo O! I have Jordan Trace Vanderhol, he is a Seventh Year Hufflepuff, I have so neglected him during his years at Hogwarts, but basically I can make him be whatever type of guy you need at this point. He isn't involved in any major plotting right now or anything :)
Okay so I got my plot approved with some minor editing. Meera has transferred to HNZ because her parents fear that she was not safe enough in France and keeping her in NZ would allow the royal family to be protected by spreading their bloodline etc. So her parents are alive. She is not yet famous but is going to soon be as her secret is revealed in Rumor Has It. Then she will be famous in the wizarding world but not in the muggle world.


Meera could visit Tara Sitara in holidays but she won't be as sad. Just upset and scared as her secret would be out.
Also the topic with rhiannon would be great. I will start it and post it here in a day or so as I want to RP using Meera.
Jazzy Mae and Meera could be frenemies right now and then once her secret is out we shall see how it goes from there

Jordan and Meera
That would be perfect. I think they could be close friends. Jordan could support Meera from first and then when her secret comes out many people would change their behavior but not him, what do you think?
Ahh sorry for not responding, but yes that sounds perfect!!! For my lack of responding I'll start a topic now in the Common Room for them!
I could offer David as either a platonic or non-platonic relationship. He's a little shy, but he's kind at heart. ^.^
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