Spoiled Candy Leads to Wandering in the Kitchens

Isabella Chaos

infamous | fashion designer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Ash Wand, 14 1/4", Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
1/2009 (44)
Isabella loosened her hair from it's tight bun after it had been up all day under her purple wig. "Ah that feels better," she whispered to no one in particular, shaking it loose as she quietly made her way down to the kitchens.
She only had an idea of where it would be so once she got to the general area, she stopped, not knowing what to do next.
Angus paused behind Isabella, looking around. "Hmm...I'm not sure..." he muttered, resting his hand against the wall. "I'm not sure I remember how to get in...although I think I've heard how it might be done," he continued, shifting his hand on the wall a little bit.
[color=9977bb]Lemina was down in the basement. She was on prefect duty, but was also wandering around inquisitively. In her latest letter, Lizzi had told her that at HS the Hufflepuff Common Room was in the basement. (In the form of - 'Clari, she's a 'puff and she hates having a common room down in the basement. So I told her It's because the animal for Hufflepuff is a badger, and they live underground. But we're ravens so we fly high which is why we're up in the clouds!)

She wanted to see what it would be like living this low in the castle. She wasn't sure, she liked the fourth floor. Not too low, not too high! As she was wandering, she heard some discussion. Oh great! She followed it, and stopped when she was just around the corner from the people. She had approached silently, so she stopped and listened, evesdropping, she guessed.[/color]
Isabella looked at Angus. "Any hunch is better than no hunch, I say," she said to him, encouraging him to go ahead and say his idea about how to get in. As another form of encouragement her stomach gave a big rumble. "Ooh, sorry, I'm just so hungry," she said apologetically.
Annamarie leaned against a wall. The last time she wandered off out of a different door from the Great Hall she got lost in the dungeons. She was glad that she was with Isabella and Angus they would probably know what they were doing better than she would. She watched as Angus felt around the wall with a confused look on her face. "I wonder if they would have cheesecake?" she thought out loud.
"I hope so!" Angus exclaimed, excited at the prospect of cake of any sort, particuarly cheesecake. He began to move his finger along the point of the wall where his hand was, hoping to achieve something. He'd heard that this was the way of getting in to the kitchens. "Well, I heard..." he paused, as the wall gave a jolt, "that this is the way in."
[Ok I'm confused, did you open the door or not??]
((ooh geez, sorry, I wanted to make it so it looked like the door was opening. that was badly written. my bad. :p))

The door to the kitchens creaked open, and Angus grinned. "Okay, so, I guess this is it then..." he said quietly, as he began to walk inside.
[color=9977bb]Lemina heard the voices of three pupils, most likely first years. She took a deep breath as she heard the portrait hole opening and walked around the corner. There was only two girls there, she was sure she had heard a boy there too. She stood, silently looking over them, waiting for one of them to speak up.[/color]
Isabella clapped happily as Angus figured out a way to get inside. "Wicked!" she said as she began to follow him in.
Lemina stared. One of the girls had just blatently ignored her and walked into the kitchens. Jeez. She cleared her throat. "Excuse me?"
"Oh, excuse me," Isabella said looking back. "Did you want to come in and join us too?" she asked, puzzled. Isabella's stomach gave another painful rumble of hunger.
Lemina listened to the girl. She was a Slytherin, she could tell from her uniform. I do not like her attitude. Is she being funny, or what. "You do know you're not allowed in the kitchens, right?" She looked from her to the Gryffindor, waiting for a reply.
Isabella heard the tone of superiority in her voice and grew angry. She knew her being Slytherin affected things as well. So typical, she thought. "Obviously I didn't," she replied back to her in the same tone. "Why is it off limits?" she asked.
[color=9977bb]"The kitchen is open to house elves only." Lemina sighed and counted to 10 in her head. You can't get angry, Lemina. She glanced around. They all looked so young. She really ought to let them play. She remembered what it was like when she was that age, always looking for adventure. She was - in a way - glad these kids had more get-up-and-go than she had had at that age. Sure, they were only two years younger, but still. "Listen guys, I don't want to spoil your fun. Have a little look around here, but be careful. Try and not distrupt the house elves, and just stay safe." She waited in order to see what their response would be.[/color]
Isabella breathed a small sigh of relief and smiled at the girl. "Thanks. Look, sorry, it's just that all our Halloween candy was spoiled by somone in the castle," she said, thinking of Andy and chuckling a little. "We're just really, really hungry because we haven't eaten anything all night," Isabella explained to her.
Annamarie was deep in thought about her cheesecake and blindly began follow Angus and Isabella into the kitchens. They were suddenly stopped by an older girl who told them that the kitchens were off limits. A jolt ran down Annamarie's body when the older girl looked at her. Was she supposed to react in the proper way just because she was in Gryffindor? Annamarie had never thought about what her house meant to others...she only had thought about what it had meant to herself. She stood perplexed and watched on as Isabella carried the dialogue with the older girl, who Annamarie assumed to be a prefect. She could tell that both the girls were getting a bit worked up. I really can't get detention right now...or worse get points taken away. she thought as the two other girls were talking. Finally, it had sounded like the older girl was going to let them go. She smiled a small smile of appreciation and added to Isabella's comment "Yeah...we promise we won't cause any trouble." She hoped this was enough to get them by.
"Andy?" Lemina smiled. She remembered the prank her friend had pulled. "Guys, go get some food quick, the house elves will help. But hey, if anyone asks, I did not see you!" She grinned and giggled, smiling at the two girls. They weren't that young, only two years younger.
Whammy had been cleaning up some food that had spilled on the floor when he began to hear voices. He cleaned up the mess as quick as he could and then with a pop! he disappeared.

Several minutes later he reappeared back in the kitchens. There where still people in the kitchen. Whammy began to walk towards the voices. "W..what are the young masters doing down here?" Whammy asked the group of students.
Lemi was about to leave when she saw a house elf approach them. She wasn't sure what would happen, so she took control. "Excuse me, I apologise, I do not know your name. I am a prefect, these children, they have not been able to eat due to a disaster which happened at the Feast. Please, find them something to eat." She waited, expectantly. She wasn't sure if she'd done the right thing. They used to have a house elf, but got rid of it when Celia was born, she didn't know if she could treat it like that.
"Thank you..." she told the girl, whom she'd never gotten the name of.
She turned to Angus and Annamarie and shrugged, and then turned to the house elf. "Hello," she said. "I'm sorry if we're bothering you, but we'll try to be as invisible as possible if you don't mind," Isabella asked anxiously.
Annamarie watch on as a house elf appeared and as the older and Isabella explained to it what was going. A sudden rush of guilt came over her. Her grandmother had always been anti-elf labor. She thought it was a unjust relationship between magical beings. "Why use an elf when you could easily just do something yourself." her grandmother use to rant.

Annamarie stared at the elf for a moment. "Um...yes...I would like a piece of cheesecake if you have it. I mean you don't have to make some if you don't. I-I mean you actually don't have to get it at all if you don't want to." she rambled.
((I am so sorry about the delay!))

Angus had been looking around the kitchens in awe, only half listening as Isabella and Annamarie had been defending them to an older girl. He was completely stunned. Wow, he thought. I could so get used to this. Secretly, Angus wanted a future career involving food, but he would never have been allowed to pursue it. He would have to go in to the Ministry, just like Antoinette would, just like Violet would, and just like his grandfather had.

He was jerked out of his reverie when he noticed a small creature - a house elf - appeared before them. "Oh!" he said, stunned out of his reverie. "Um, I'm sorry, guys," he said to Isabella, Annamarie and the older prefect, "I was kinda distracted," he muttered, sheepishly. "We're sorry to have intruded," he said, looking at the house elf, "it's just that hunger kinda takes us to extremes," he laughed.
Lemina smiled at the first years. "I'll see you around guys." She grinned as she made to leave, "I'm Lemina by the way, Lemina Troque." She sighed, she was pretty sure that they could handle the situation themselves now, so she walked off, humming the tune to Supercalafragilisticexpaladosis. to herself as she left.

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