Closed split

Elio Zephyr

finders keepers + I found you 💫
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Killian <3
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Whippy Elm Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
1/2035 (29)
continued from here

Elio hadn't expected Rowan to follow him, but he hadn't expected her to apparate away, either. When he heard the familiar crack, the room around him felt as though it was closing in on itself. His breathing had gotten tighter, jaw clenched, as he started to shove whatever clothes he could find into his bag. He didn't know what he was doing or where he was going, only that he couldn't be here in their house. His fingers were trembling as he managed to grasp the zipper, tugging it shut. He'd thought there was a serious conversation on the horizon, but he hadn't thought Rowan would have left him. After everything they'd been through, she was gone. Gone.

He felt numb, his brain on autopilot as he walked through the eerie space of their family home. He couldn't do this. His eyes were welling up once more, and without another look over his shoulder, he apparated too, not entirely sure where he'd end up.

Elio didn't know what time it was, only that at some point the moon had come out, and the shadows in the sky had covered his face. Stepping up onto the doorstep of the house he'd arrived at with barely a thought in his head about the real world in front of him, he'd knocked with frozen knuckles. He just needed to hold on for a few seconds more. Not 20 minutes. 20 seconds. Hopefully.
Ava had the house to herself this weekend- the kids at their grandparents house, Vader staying at Tags. She had taken an early night (albiet unintentionally) having curled up to stargaze through her window before falling asleep fairly early. She was awake now... sorta, she was really just shuffling blearyeyed through the dark to her kitchen for a glass of water. She was wearing one of Vaders shirts and a pair of shorts. She'd just picked up the glass when she heard a knock on the apartment door. Her brow furrowed. Who could that be? She was too tired to think it through- there were only a handful of people who could apparate into the bookstore afterhours, and at this hour it couldn't be good. She set the glass down, and stifling a yawn, Ava shuffled to the front door. Rubbing her eyes, she opened it and gazed sleepily up at the darkened yet familiar form of one of her best friends. "Elio?" She murmured, stretching a bit. "Wasgoinon?" She slurred a bit, still waking up.
Mercifully, the door swung open to reveal Ava, sleepy but awake nonetheless. Elio wasn't sure where else he would have gone had Ava not been home or available. Seeing his best friend standing there, it was enough that every muscle is body simply gave away, as though all the strength he'd been holding together finally relaxed as he realised the gravity of the situation he'd just come from.

His breathing quickened, chest closing in on itself once more as he could no longer stop the tears that formed in his eyes, spill against his cheeks. And just like that, on Ava's doorstep, Elio broke down.

The weeks of feeling like something was wrong, unnerved that there had been things left unsaid between them, the shock and instant pain the moment Rowan told him he couldn't do it anymore. She'd practically begged him, begged him to stop as though he was causing her so much pain. Maybe he was, maybe Elio had been dragging her down with him for years, unaware of how much she'd been hurting, forcing them to work. Elio had shouted at her tonight, and he never shouted at Rowan. Over the years he felt like he'd done so much, and he had if he thought about it, but why did that mean Rowan should be able to have what she wanted, too? His head was a mess, tears freely following down his cheeks as he pulled up a hand to rest on the doorframe, his knees about to give way. He was so angry. Rowan had been lying to him for years about how she felt. Maybe she was trying to convince herself that she would and could be happy, but all Elio could see was someone who knew this was inevitable, and had all just been a matter of time. She didn't want to fight for them, hadn't even wanted to try. And Elio, he was so tired of always being the person left to pick up the pieces.

And yet, despite all that he still felt guilty. Rowan had left without even saying goodbye. Had he known where she'd gone he would have tried to follow her, to make amends like they had that day on the cliff. He hated himself for that, for knowing that deep down he would've asked her to stay if he had the chance. It was likely a blessing she'd left him after all, not giving him the option to convince her. No, he wouldn't do that again, not if this was going to always be the outcome.

"She's gone," it was all he managed to get out, the sobs coming from his chest harder still as the reality kicked in. Their entire life had been built together. What was he supposed to do with their home, the business they'd created, with Honey? How was he meant to figure out any of this when now he was on his own? Own. It was an ugly word, one that made him feel sick to his stomach the more he thought about it. He couldn't do this and yet he had to, he had no other choice.
-godmods approved-

Ava blinked, more awake in a minute. "Oh, wow," She reached up gently, taking his hand off the door. he was an absolute rag doll, letting her pull him along and bring him inside. She didn't speak at first, summoning a blanket and leading him inside. She dropped his bag in the living room and threw a few pillows on the edge of the couch.

Ava sat down, before dragging Elio in to curl against her chest, wrapping her arms around him and making sure he was tucked in and they were at least somewhat comfortable. "Okay," She murmured, running her fingers through his hair. "Let it all out," She prompted, resting her cheek against the top of his head.
It was hard to tell through the tears and the brain fog, but Elio wasn't sure if the news that Rowan left him came as a surprise. Had everyone except him known that this wouldn't have last? Had he been performing in his very own theatre production so well that he couldn't establish where reality and fiction met? Elio allowed Ava to take his hand and lead him through her house. He'd hardly felt the movements as his mind swarmed with questions and theories, but he had the energy to speak of none of them. For all he knew he was intruding on Ava and her family, her children, he'd woken them up in the seemingly middle of the night and for what - Something that he should have prepared better for years ago.

With his vision a constant blur, he trusted whatever and wherever Ava was leading him, letting her remove his bag from his grasp before pulling him down onto the couch. He could still feel the way Rowan had hung onto his shirt as she broke up with him, and the way he'd felt trapped in those seconds, stuck between a rock and a hard place. "I'm sorry," he got out through broken breaths. He'd tried to swipe at his face but it was useless, there was nothing he could do to stop the torrent that was the waterfall of his tears.

It was the feeling of Ava running her fingers through his hair that had him curl up tighter into a ball, face hidden in his hands as he wept in a way he wasn't sure he'd ever done, even when he'd grieved for Elsie. Was he even deserving of someone who looked at him with such consideration as Ava, who took him in no questions asked? He'd treated Rowan so poorly, kept her in a place she'd been so unhappy in for years. She'd been right all along, told him that she couldn't be with him all those years ago and he'd put it behind him, bending them both until they were completely out of shape. How was he supposed do anything at all or be anyone at all if he couldn't even love her properly?

Elio didn't know how many minutes had passed before he finally felt as though he had control of his breathing again, although now it was the pain that was taking over, followed by the blanketing numbness. He stared off into the distance and through the darkness, never focused on where he was as he fought himself in his mind. "I didn't mean to wake you," he said, voice croaky. He wished he had more energy in him to address Ava properly, not to barge in and be a burden in her home. When she'd told him once he was always welcome, perhaps she'd come to regret suggesting that. His mind was a swamp as he peered off into the darkness, unmoving as his breathing began to calm down.
Ava didn't reply to Elio's apology, knowing he wasn't in a space to hear anything she said anyway, instead just continuing to run her fingers through her hair and keep him curled up and wrapped in the blanket as he cried. She couldn't help but be worried- what had happened? Had someone been hurt? Well, obviously Elio was hurt. She wasn't sure she'd ever seen him so broken before. But then, she'd not been there for him the last time something major had happened, either. She just kept quiet, holding him as he got through what he needed to get through.

When he eventually spoke, she bit back a yawn. "Don't be silly," She murmured, squeezing her arm around his shoulders gently. "I was already awake. And even if I wasn't you know you're always welcome." She tried to reassure him gently. "I don't really know what's happened, Elio, but I'm right here. Whatever you need," She promised. She wasn't coherent enough to make much more sense than that- she was still too sleepy for any big speeches or grand words of wisdom. But she was present. "I've got you," She promised softly, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.
Ava's touch against his arm was a comfort, it reminded him he was really there and this was really happening, but that he wasn't on his own. He tried not to think about where Rowan had apparated to, where she'd gone, or who she'd left to see. He hoped she'd gone back to Ilija's, but part of him had a horrible feeling she would be on her own right now, and that wave of guilt threatened to expose a fresh set of tears. Maybe now that he was out of the picture, she'd be free to meet someone new in a way that he would have held her back. Give her everything she needed and more.

Elio nodded slowly as Ava told him she was already awake, perhaps another lie to soften the blow but he appreciated it nonetheless. She didn't know the full story of what happened, and frankly, Elio was in no place to try to explain it; heck he wasn't even sure if he could. The thoughts were scattered in his brain before they even made an attempt to reach his mouth. So instead, he sat there in silence, his head resting against Ava's shoulder as she continued to play with his hair. His eyes had become heavier along with his heart, and at some point his hand had found its way to hers, entwining their fingers. Elio had been friends with Ava for even longer than he had Rowan, and the nature of their friendship had also been close but platonic. He wasn't sure at what point he fell asleep, giving in to the urge to fight the rest of the day, but that night his dreams had him on edge, his hand not once leaving Ava's.
Ava didn't push, just keeping close and snuggling Elio. She didn't let go of him, and as he drifted off, so did she. Ava had always been one to sleep in, especially when she was holding one of her boys. She passed out again quickly, even if she woke up a little bit every time he adjusted. She would shift in turn, keeping him comfortable and covered. She stirred as he shifted again, her grip on him tightening a little again. She yawned, before humming and moving her arm from his shoulders to play with his hair again, hoping to lull him back to sleep. She felt like he needed it, even when she was half awake.
12 hours later.

That night he'd dreamt of a storm. Elio awoke before he opened his eyes, not daring to prove to himself whether or not this was real. He remembered the day before, the night walking through the streets before his body had brought him here. His eyes were still closed as he registered the way in which he was curled up with Ava, her fingers in his hand, their other hands together. Usually, Rowan would have been up and out bright and early, and more often than not Elio would wake up alone a few hours later. It seemed however that Ava shared his desire for rest, and as he finally forced open his eyes to look at her, he saw her sleeping beside him soundly.

Had he really just come into her house in this state, practically falling into her space in the dead of night? His head was about to start the cycle of debating whether or not Rowan being out of his life would change more things than he realised when he stopped himself. He didn't want to think about it, about her. He knew he'd have to tell Ava what happened, but then he'd be free to tie everything Rowan-related up in a box and hide it at the back of his mind like he would an old scrapbook he no longer wanted to look at.

Resting his head against Ava's arm, he was watching her sleeping, his focus in front of him now as he observed through tired eyes. Sweet Ava who'd always been there for him, listening to him or trying to cheer him up. Those years he'd been away he'd missed her dearly, and he knew that there was a lot he was going to need to make up for over the coming months.

Elio did his best to slip out from underneath her arm, covering her once more with the blanket they must have been sharing, before heading out to the bathroom. He looked rough, he felt rougher. The water on his face helped a little, but when he looked at himself in the mirror, he no longer recognised the person staring back. After a few minutes, he'd reemerged, closing the bathroom door as quietly as he could behind him so as to not wake anyone else up in the house.
Ava fell asleep completely after a few hours. She slept well, but eventually a soft click woke her up. She frowned, too comfortable for a moment to move. She shifted, stretching out. Ava sat up, hair a mess and her eyes bleary. Running her tongue over her teeth, she dragged herself up and peeked around the house. She poked her head around the hall just in time to see Elio stepping out of the bathroom. "You don't need to sneak around," She yawned, stepping forward so she could lean against the wall, finger brushing her hair. "It's just us- Timmy is at his boyfriends house for the weekend and the kids are at my dads." She yawned.
Elio had already slipped back into his thoughts by the time Ava spotted him, peering at him from around the corner, giving the man a jumpscare the moment she spoke. "Oh," was all he could manage after a moment to regain himself. Of course, Vader had been staying with Ava and he hadn't even considered that when he'd found himself on her doorstep. Although Elio struggled to feel embarrassed, he was struggling to know what he was feeling at all, he felt better knowing that the children and Vader were away and Ava had the place to herself. Perhaps that was why she was up so late. At least he thought that's what she'd said, was she doing something with the stars? Painting the stars maybe? He was a terrible friend and he knew it, he'd come here with such little thought about Ava and what she was doing, he should have just left her to enjoy her free day on her own.

Except where was he going to go? Going back to the empty house seemed more than he could bear at the moment, and beyond crashing at someone else's house or finding himself roaming until he eventually got too tired to keep going, he no longer knew what was best. He didn't know what the best thing to do was in any portion of his life, between his job and his friends and his family, everything had been tied to Rowan, so now he was just, lost.

"Even so, I should have called first," he was glad that Ava had let him stay the night, but he knew it would have been better if he'd asked her or at least warned her before doing what he'd done. He knew he owed her an explanation of what happened too, although where was he meant to begin? Elio was still standing with his hand on the bathroom door handle, feeling emotionally exhausted. "Rowan," he looked away from Ava, trying to think of the right words to tell her, "we don't fit together anymore," he added, voice wavering a little as he said the words but he continued on, "maybe we never really did, not properly." His blue eyes had started to well up again, and he knew he had to tell Ava as much as he could before the waves took over again, "we tried. We, really tried." Elio knew he'd said some harsh things to Rowan last night, that she wasn't what he needed anymore either, and the guilt of his words had him clearing his throat, "But, she's gone now," he was shaking his head now, as though he almost couldn't believe the reality of the situation himself. "And I, I don't know I'm supposed to do any of this."
Ava listened to Elio, not interrupting. She moved forward slowly, stopping when she was closer and offering out her hand to him gently. She had to admit that she was a little stunned, she hadn't thought there would ever be an end to Relio- they'd just always been, and while she'd not always understood it, she'd always stood behind it. Whatever made her friends happy. And Elio was one of her best friends- he had always been one of her closest friends.

She shook her head slowly. "First of all, my door is always open for you. You can stay whenever you like, however long you like, come here at any time. I love you to bits, Elio. Nothing changes that." She gave him her warmest smile. "I'm sorry," She offered softly. "I won't make you tell me. How about you come sit down at the kitchen bar, hm? We'll get some breakfast and have a few cocktails." She thought aloud, thinking a few drinks seemed the most fitting for the situation.
Before Elio knew what he was doing, he'd crossed the space between himself and Ava, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and planting a kiss on the top of her head. "Thank you," he said, slightly muffled by her blonde locks. He'd always be grateful for the kindness and support Ava had shown him over the years, and as she offered him to stay with her as long as he wanted, he could have started crying again. "I'm not here to intrude, I just need to get my bearings," he said, pulling away from Ava to give her his best variation of a warm smile, although it felt detached. He figured it would probably be a while until he knew how to function normally again, but that wouldn't stop him from trying even if he had to convince himself to go through the motions.

The man relaxed a little knowing that his friend wasn't going to push the issue or ask for details. It was a good thing too because Elio wasn't sure if he could have given her any, it was too fresh in his own head. "Yes," he immediately agreed on the premise of breakfast cocktails, preferring they switch the topic to something that would mean he didn't have to think too hard about the thoughts running through his mind. "I can cook something up if you can do the cocktails?" he offered, given he had no idea how to make the beverages, only drink them. It was fine, if nothing else maybe he could just chop some fruit. Besides, cooking something may have taken his mind off things just a little.
Ava wrapped her arms around Elio, hugging him tightly. "You could never intrude, Elio," She murmured against him, rubbing her thumbs over his ribs. She didn't pull back until he did, though even then she just let her hands shift to hover on his hips. She smiled brightly back at him. "You know I love your cooking," She teased him. "Come on, Elio." She stepped back, offering out her hand for him. "Let's just relax a bit, hm? I can put on some of my favorite music and we can dance in the kitchen?"

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