Closed Spies on the Inside

Soren Gates

Rin- Stylish- Brave
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
4/15/2044 (19)

I've got an interesting piece of gossip for you. Maybe if you're nice I'll share it. But before I share, I've got a few fun questions. Mind telling me why you're being so slow with the lovely Charms Professor? She is rather pretty, with that soft, flowing dark hair and her sweet smile, and she does look rather nice with all those flowers she likes to lace into her braids. Don't you think?

Well hello, Soren,

Don't I get a hello? And yes, I'm fine. Thank you for asking.
*sighs* Okay, I love Mallory, you know that. And I know she is not just pretty, she is beautiful. She is.... well, she is everything to me. I just don't want to scare her into moving things so fast. I don't want her to feel that I am controlling her into decisions that she is not prepared for. All I know is I am here to support her in everything she wants to do. It's just... I want to wait for her to be ready... I guess...
There, now what gossip is that? I hope this is not taking you away from your studies or I'm telling your mom.


Harsh. Tattling already. Where's the love?

And okay, you're an idiot, got it.

Aunt Mallory is such a soft girl, you honestly think waiting is your best bet? Atkin.

As for my gossip, well.. someone just so happened to be walking, you know, just strolling around, and just so happened to be walking past a certain Charms Professors office. Simple, you know? And someone may have heard a tidbit of information that you would absolutely die to know.

Still want to tattle? Or are you going to buy my gossip?

Fine. No tattling.
This better be good and not you causing trouble there.
What is it?
Oh, I'm not causing trouble, but if mom finds out you might get in trouble.

I just so happened to be walking down the halls, as you do, and may have been passing by an office and might have heard a bit of worrying to unknown parties. Something along the lines of worry a particular someone only wanting a Professor as a placeholder. You know, until something- someone- better comes along. Prettier, more confident, more available. Since, you know, little brother has eloped and little sister is pregnant and living with her boy toy. Some fretting there will never be a wedding- or babies- or you know, dragging your heels and not putting a ring on it.

But that's just rumors.

I'm sure that's what every woman wants, you know- being the oldest and getting stuck having to choose between a career or a man while all her siblings and cousins have babies and weddings. Well, not counting uncle Cooper. But we all know he's married to his food.

I mean, come on, Atkin. At the rate you're going the three of us will be hooking up before you do.

Or, you know.... I could pass my gossip on to Aunt Ember. I'm sure she would love to hear all about it.
Noelle passed by a first year as he made his way to the school owls so he could send a letter.
Oh lord.
You really heard that?
Mallory thought I won't marry her?
Now you got me worried there.
Hey, you know I love her right?
Now, I'm panicking.
Seriously,So. You're not making this up?
Hey, no telling Ember. I'll get an earful from her if that happens.
Atkin. Does it matter if I'm making it up? You've got the softest woman I've ever known who ran away from being a rich heiress because she wanted a family. What are you even waiting for? It's been ages. Her brother is married. Her sister is living with her- whatever he is. And we both know that Aunt Annika will never marry, so that's literally the biggest thing she'll ever do relationship wise, move in with her baby daddy. Are you really just going to make Mallory wait for who knows how long? Get your act together or I'm passing my gossip on to mom and aunt Ember.
Okay, okay.
No word about this to Tyra or Ember.
I swear you are enough as it is already.
Okay, I have a plan. I'm not sure if it's enough nor it works but it's still a plan.
You know, I just want to give her the world.
Then why are you still pestering me? You have a charms professor that wants babies. Hurry up before she decides to try her chances somewhere else- with someone else.

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