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Zaros Lodowick

Serious- Closed Off- Loner
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 18 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Boomslang venom Core
12 (11/11/2049)
Zaros wasn't the best at these sorts of things. But he'd been doing okay talking to Hazel, he thought, so maybe it was time to try these dances a bit more seriously. He didn't have a date- he'd tried to pluck up the courage to ask Hazel, but even just as friends he wasn't very good at these sorts of things. So instead he just stood a bit awkwardly on the edge of the room, a drink in his hand and his other hand in his pocket, watching the student body moving about the room.
Morrie hadn’t planned to stick around long at the Valentine’s dance. The lovey vibe really wasn't her thing. But as she scanned the room, her eyes landed on Zaros. She hadn’t spoken to him in ages, not since first year, but she didn’t actually mind him. He was one of the few people who didn’t irritate her. She casually walked over, "Alright?" she said, her tone not as sharp as usual. It wasn’t exactly warm either, but for Morrie, it was practically friendly. She lingered for a moment, clearly not in any rush to disappear just yet.
Zaros looked up when someone approached- Morrie. He gave her a small smile. "Hello," He greeted, a little slower in his speech as always. "How are you doing, Morrie?" He asked, shifting more to face her. He wanted to offer her a drink, but he didn't want her to feel rushed or obliged to stay.
Morrie huffed when he asked how she was doing, "Drowning in a sea of ick. I don't see the good in this whole Valentine's thing." She said, holding back slightly talking to Zaros by not being rude about the other students here, "But otherwise, you know..." She shrugged, not finishing her sentence. "But thanks for asking I s'pose. How are you?"
Amodeus was busy sleeping through this dance.
Zaros listened intently to Morrie- it was just his way, staring a little too hard when people spoke. He couldn't help it, he was just processing all the information of what they were saying combined with his body language. "I'm alright," He offered back. He waved a hand towards all the decor. "It is a bit... much, but most of the student body seems to be here," He spoke, referring to the teeming masses. "Something must be drawing them."
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