Closed Speculations

Charlotte Harper

International Confederation | Workaholic | Direct
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 Inch Swishy Yew Wand With a Veela Hair Core
Charlotte could mostly be found in the library where she studied together with Simon, But lately the student lounge was a room where she came. She had met Shane there and hanged out with him sometimes. In a bad mood she had been meeting him, but the blonde saw a opportunity in him. And especially when she saw Diana and Simon hanging out a lot. It seemed like she had to share him with the younger slytherin and that wasn't gonna happen. Charlotte would make that clear. But she also had a plan of hanging out with Shane on the other hand and letting Simon know that. If he did it she could do the same. Charlotte wasn't gonna beg for his attention, she was used to getting it from him and people had to work for her, she wasn't gonna. Not now at least. But the fact that Simon seemed to be hanging out with Diana did bother her, more than she wanted to admit. But that feeling she got when she was with Simon or when he complimented her was something that made her happy. He was the one person right now that could make her smile. Her parents didn't and Matthew didn't anymore. And she could use something happy in her life. Since the start of the year, not making it to prefect and releasing that her family had done nothing but lying to her did make her very angry.

The blonde girl was on her way to the library this time and was ready to study. She had one goal in front of her and that was beating Simon with her grades. She wanted nothing more than that. Because she wanted to be the best. Charlotte thought of herself that way already, but she also wanted to do it actually. But when she walked through the fourth floor corridor she noticed Diana. And Charlotte would keep an close eye to the girl. She took a seat at small bench and looked at Diana. Charlotte was going to talk with the girl for sure, but first she wanted to observe.
Diana felt like things had been going well for her lately. Many people at Hogwarts seemed to know who she was, either from her mother's name or from the game she had hosted last semester. Sure, there were a few people who were annoying and clearly jealous of her, but for the most part she was doing well. She was truly over Edmund now, no longer simply pretending. Did she still feel annoyed when she saw him with Analei? Of course she did. But if she wanted a loser like him, she could have him. Diana would just rather not see it happen in front of her, that's all.

But she had a new person to think about, someone much better than Edmund Westwick ever was. He was still older, but also popular and handsome. The best part was that Simon Vanity had even made the first move, approaching her. That had really re-established any confidence she may have lost during the twin fiasco last year, though she knew better than to let any boy that close so easily now. Simon was cute, funny, and definitely swoon worthy. But she wasn't just going to give him her heart because he flirted with her. Diana would be more cautious this time. But that didnt'mean she couldn't seek him out. He seemed to be in the library a lot, because he cared about his grades. Diana didn't care that much and found the library boring, but lately she had taken every opportunity to head there in case she would run into Simon. The girl stopped in the corridor, a few steps away from the library. Before going in, she took a compact with a mirror out of her bag as well as a lipstick. She started to apply it quickly and efficiently. If he was there, it wouldn't hurt to look her best when she stepped into the library. She didn't notice the girl looking at her until she closed the compact. "What are you looking at?" She asked her, frowning a bit.
Charlotte liked to observe people. She liked guessing what they would think or what their deepest secets were. And she was kind of good in reading and playing people, but that was something she did when she was younger and not angry. Now she was angry and didn't cared what would be happening next. She didn't cared if she had to go to Styx for punishment or anything. She was just mad at everyone and now the one person she wasn't mad at seemed to be seeking attention elsewhere she was all on fire. But those were speculations, she didn't caught Diana and Simon together or something or heard them speaking. But she would be following the two now closely. And she would have Shane with her as distraction and also for Simon. Charlotte looked at Diana and saw how she wanted to walk into the library. What was she going to do there? When she and Simon were studying there she never noticed Diana once. So why would she all of sudden have interest in the library? Was it because of Simon? Charlotte frowned for a moment. And when Diana did her lipstick she felt her blood boiling. She had to found out, but before she could make a move that stupid girl asked what she was looking. Well this was good. That kind of way she spoke to her, it would be a person she didn't liked at all she already knew. Being a daugther of the minister of magic, she must think highly of herself. And perhaps that was the only thing Simon liked about her. Diana had hosted a stupid kissing game, like how old were they? Charlotte felt way better than all of those people. She looked arrogant to the girl. '' I can look where I want. '' The blonde than stood up and walked closer to Diana and waved her hair to the back. '' But actually. I was hoping to run into you.. Diana.'' The blonde started off and looked from bottom to top closely to Diana. Charlotte didn't understood why Simon wanted to hang out with her, she was way more pretty than Diana ever was. The blonde put her hand into her side. '' Paying a visit to the library aren't you? And doing your make-up before going in? What are you trying to charm a book?'' Charlotte than asked and grinned for a moment. Charlotte looked to see which people were walking by and if Simon would show up perhaps.
Diana's eyebrows rose as the blond girl told her she could look where she wanted. She guessed she had a point, but there was something odd about this whole thing. She had definitely been looking at Diana specifically, and Diana had no clue why. The girl got up and approached her, and Diana was immediately wary. She could see the girl wasn't here to be her friend, and her guard went up. Diana wasn't totally surprised the girl knew her name, but she didn't know hers. That almost felt like a victory in itself. The girl's next commend was a dumb one, and Diana just stared at her, unimpressed. "Sorry, who are you?" She asked her, her tone clearly indicating she wasn't important at all. "Can you tell me why I should explain myself to some irrelevant stranger? Because I don't think I have to." She said, tossing her own hair back and looking down her nose at the girl. "But I also think I'd have an easier time charming a book than you have charming anyone. Is that why you're approaching me? Do you want some tips?"
Charlotte had been acting innocent at first. She just knew or felt that Diana did this all for Simon. But in case she didn't this would be all for nothing. And she wanted to know for sure first. When the brunette spoke in a way Charlotte didn't liked at all she raised her eyebrow. It could be that she never had heard of her because Charlotte didn't really liked hanging out with most people. And she wasn't even in her year. Charlotte just learned a lot about people and listened along as she heard people talking, she had eyes everywhere and Diana didn't it seemed. She didn't mind Diana not knowing who she was. But the fact that she and Simon were hanging out and perhaps he didn't mentioned her bothered her. But on the other hand, she didn't even knew who she was yet so.. She smiled bright and showed her white teeth. '' I'm Charlotte Harper. You will not forget I'm sure.'' Charlotte explained and looked back with her usual arrogant look. The way Diana reacted was something funny. Simon sure looked for Slytherins it seemed and girls who spoke not yes and amen. The fact she called her irrelevant made Charlotte her blood boil and she looked back at Diana. '' Irrelevant.. no... Stranger for you.. yes. But you are not for me. Since I know a lot what is going on in this school. And hear a lot.'' Charlotte than said a bit more challenging.. And was gonna prove it. '' Let me see. Daughter of Minister of Magic, hosted a stupid childish kissing game to get attention and that's all interesting to say about you. I expected more of a daugther from a Minister. But I'm sure your sisters do better. '' Charlotte than spoke and felt like she could say more but didn't want to give the girl a feeling that she was someone around here. '' You have something to explain than? I'm sure you have intentions with that lipstick of yours.'' She spoke about that lipstick as dirty. And than looked at it again. '' Really free advice here. Just don't. Don't try. It is horrible. Not even a book will fall for you.'' Charlotte than said. She wanted to wipe the lipstick on the girls face, but hold back. She needed more details.

The girl already made it clear for Charlotte. If she would just needed a book she would have said it, but she had something to hide it seemed. But the next thing Diana said made Charlotte laugh. This was too funny. Was she so full of herself? She was joking. Charlotte heard she had dated some guy, and he was the most ugly boy Charlotte ever saw. And strange, those twins. '' Really.. don't make me laugh.'' She than said and rolled her eyes. The girl didn't even knew her she already said so she was wrong about that too. '' If you were able to like and love one of those creepy ugly twins, you are blind. And so was he. But you just do anything for attention do you? Those poor boys. And now you are stalking Simon.. arent'you? The red headed Ravenclaw. '' The blonde than spoke and played with some blonde hair. She was coming to the man of the hour, and was curious what she had to say. If Diana was staying like this and would not speak. Charlotte wasn't sure what she would do, but than that lipstick would not be on her mouth again but over her face.
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Diana wasn't intimidated by the other girl, even though she was clearly being hostile from the start. Diana Holland knew exactly who she was and how to deal with people like this, and she knew this girl wouldn't be able to say anything that could actually hurt her. But it was a downside that she had no clue who the girl was, as that made it harder to talk back. She simply raised an eyebrow as the girl introduced herself, then started to speak. She seemed to like hearing herself talk, and seemed to think what she was saying was actually hurting Diana's feelings. "Sorry, I still don't know why anything you say to me is relevant. I don't know you. You don't know me, besides maybe what you read in the paper. The game was a ton of fun, probably partly because you weren't there so thank you for that." She smiled, adjusting her bag. She snorted when the girl spoke about her lipstick. "Really? You're going after my makeup now? I know I look good, I don't need a reason to wear it besides that. And you're not going to make me doubt it with some words." She said, dismissing her advice. She wasn't sure what this girl wanted from her. It was mildly irritating, but Diana didn't really get the feeling she knew her well enough to cut deep, which was nice.

But then the girl started talking about Edmund, which was a slightly more sore topic. Diana frowned, annoyed. Why did she care, anyway? And why did she know so much? Diana crossed her arms and looked at her, unimpressed. It wasn't until the girl mentioned Simon that she understood what this was. "You're hilarious. You call me a stalker after you list all that stuff about me? You sound like you've been following me around and taking notes on everything I do. That's seriously creepy." She checked her nails, just to indicate how unimpressed she was. She thought of her words for a moment. "I know it must be hard that other people are out there having relationships, but maybe if you tried a bit harder you could get a boyfriend too." She had no idea if this girl was dating anyone, but guessed from what she said that she liked Simon. "Not Simon though," she said, as she met her eyes again with a smile. "Pretty sure he'll with me before long. He doesn't seem to mind my lipstick, not even when it's on his cheek." She let that trail off. "But a lady shouldn't speak of such things, so if you'll excuse me, I have other things to do." She rolled her eyes, then made to walk closer to the library door.
Charlotte hoped that the things she said were all true and letting Diana know that she knew stuff and had here eye on her for now. There were people before, like Analei who she had been pointing as a stalker to Simon and that worked and Alexis had been annoying too and interupting their study sessions together. And now there was a new player, but she didn't seemed so easily scaring away as the two other girls. Diana was in the same year as Analei so she probably knew her. Diana was so full of that game of hers it seemed and now again she just didn't understood it. It was so childish, and screaming like '' I want somebody to kiss me.'' so pathetic the blonde thought. '' Glad I wasn't. I'm a lot better and smarter than going to such a event. I don't need a bottle to get a kiss. '' She felt honestly about that, and was suprised Simon would ever go to such a thing. But he was better with people than she was she figured. Charlotte could get a kiss easily she knew. She hold back with Simon and wanted someone who fighted for her. She liked that boys put in some effort for her. What Diana said back to her didn't made sense at all. She wasn't reacting to it and that was kind of stupid. Charlotte would have loved to get her angry or hurt. But they sure had get some advice when their mother became minister, about to deal with stuff and people. '' Well if it's wrong what I say and only in a paper, go ahead and defend yourself than? You are just being a chicken now and don't come with anything at all. Boring.'' Charlotte than said and made a gape movement. She ofcourse didn't knew from deepdown how Diana was and felt, but she wanted to learn. And she was going too no matter what. She would see how far she could go with her, and if she tried to avoid it she would become physical and than she had to do something.

When she spoke of Edmund she knew she had hit the right spot. And she noticed something in Diana her face. Bingo! And she would continue on that. How hard she tried to deny it Charlotte would continue. '' Was your ex on your game as well? I hope he watched you kiss someone else. Did you like that? Making him mad? I'm sure you will do anything.'' Charlotte continued about Edmund, and wasn't gonna stop. Diana had a point when she spoke of her as a stalker, but Charlotte didn't mind. She thought of it as one of her talents. And how did she even knew? This was the first time she had actually been looking at Diana. '' I don't need to do that. I have eyes and ears everywhere as I said. And just listen to what people have to say. You should visit the student lounge, for free you get information there. Really entertaining. Pretending you are reading and following a full conversation also. Works fine. People are just stupid and have loose lips. And some money works too. Being rich helps.'' Charlotte than explained. She would put anything on the table. Diana could know what she was dealing with. And she could think of it as creepy that was good. Though it seemed she wasn't impressed yet. Charlotte had no intention for a boyfriend at all, only Simon would do for that. And she wasn't even sure if that was something she wanted. But than Diana spoke of Simon and having her lips on his cheek. And Charlotte her blood was boiling at the highest level she clenched her first out of anger. Diana was trying to walk away but Charlotte pushed Diana to the back so she would stand in front of her. It now became physical shortly and she stood in front of Diana between the library and her and looked at her angry. She had to make things clear. '' Good for you. Ofcourse he would not mind! He is not dumb. You are the daughter of the minister and that will be the only thing he is interested in. Are you so dumb!?'' Charlotte than said. She was curious how Diana would react at her pushing her away. What would she do? She could create a story out of this. '' Daughter of Minister comes in a fight with a pretty blonde and amazing, smart, intelligent student on Hogwarts. Didn't the minister didn't raise her daugther well? The black sheep of the family?'' It would be bad publicity for sure.
Diana wondered if she should tell Simon he seemed to have a stalker, but giving this girl any of his attention seemed to be her goal. Diana shrugged when the girl said she was glad she hadn't gone to the event. "I'm glad too, it probably saved a few people running off screaming in fear when the bottle landed on you." She said with a mean grin. The girl truly wasn't that ugly, but Diana just wanted to push any of her buttons. It seemed like the girl was ready to attack her on any point as well. "I'm not saying it's not true, I'm just saying you don't know me. I don't have to say anything about myself to creepy stalker." She said with a roll of her eyes. "You're not someone I need to defend myself from, I don't care what you think." She added in a bored town.

The girl's questions about Edmund were getting a bit disturbing, and Diana pulled a face. "Why do you care so much? It's weird how much you know about me. You're a weirdo." She said, pointing at the girl. "I guess you're someone who has no life of their own, so has to poke her nose into other people's business to feel any sort of happiness. You admitting to spying on people in the student lounge only makes that more obvious." She sneered. "That's honestly pathetic. Does it make you feel powerful? Thinking you're spying on people? Please." She flicked her hair back with as much arrogance as she could muster as she made to walk past her. She gasped in anger when the girl pushed her. "Don't touch me, you weirdo! You are way more obsessed with my mum than Simon is, I think. I'm done talking to you now, you're a freak." She spat at her. "If you're so obsessed with my being the minister's daughter, you should think twice before pushing me. I don't want to talk to you anymore, you're weird." She snapped, then stepped to the side and pointedly started to walk past her. If she tried to push her again, Diana wasn't sure what she would do, but it wouldn't be pretty.

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