
Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Professor Kingsley snapped the newspaper open once more as one of the corners began to droop. You would think that a paper about magical goings-on would have some sort of enchantment to keep it from drooping, but that was not the case. The paper was full of speculations about who might run for the next Minister of Magic, complete with odds on the favorites. Cyndi scanned through the list, nodding her head as she read the favorite. It was her old professor, the Head Auror, Nicolas King. He had been the favorite during the last election, but the professor was fairly certain that the man hadn’t bothered to run. The professor glanced at her empty coffee cup, trying to decide if she should have another cup.

With a relaxed expression on her face, the woman continued to read on, recognizing most of the names at the top of the list. A brief smile flitted across her face as she continued reading through the names and the brief bios that accompanied them. Skipping towards the bottom, the woman snickered as she read one of the names down there. “Come oooon” she murmured to herself, shaking her head as she read the name once more to be sure. It was a quidditch player, one that barely seemed aware of what was going on during games. The woman would rather have a troll running the country’s Ministry rather than see him in office. Cyndi hoped that the people of New Zealand would choose someone with substance rather than just elect a celebrity into office. They had made a good choice before with Minister Hensel, so she held hope that they could do the same this time around.

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