Open Specific Knowledge

Iris van Houten

Whimsical | Quiet | Thoughtful | Inner Eye Asst.
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Gay (Rosalind)
Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
1/2038 (24)
Iris was in the library to do some homework, and was trying her best to focus on it. She had an essay for Transfiguration to complete, but after writing a few words, her gaze kept drifting to a nearby bookshelf she really wanted to get a better look at. She probably should have found a table further away from the Divination section of the library, but she hadn't been able to resist. Iris made it through about half of her essay before she stood up and made her way to the shelf. She had always been fascinated by fortune telling, every form of it. She'd used her pocket money to buy a few books on the subject for herself, as well as a tarot deck and a set of runes. But she had never seen this much information on the subject in one place. Iris read the spines of different books, picking out ones that caught her interest. It didn't take long before she had an armful of books, which she carried over to her nearby table with some difficulty. She looked at the books and picked one up, trying to figure out which one to read first. Her essay was lying to the side, completely forgotten.
Selene was in the library doing her homework. it was Saturday afternoon and she really wanted to go to bed and get some sleep after having several nights in a row of horrible dreams. one night she was trapped in a burning house. the next lost in a frozen forest. then she was in a lake in a boat during a storm. It was not something that was new to her but she had thought she was getting over them but they had returned with a vengeance. unfortunately, she had an essay to write on ancient runes. which was why she was in the library now and not in bed. sbe made her way over to the set of shelves that homed the books for runes and divination looking for a particular book. after looking twice along the shelf and the one above and below she realised that it was certainly not there and there were quite a few gaps along the shelf. she was making her way back to her table when she saw a younger student with a pile of familiar books on her desk. "Sorry, but were you using Living runes" she said gesturing to one of the books on the table. it had a lot of information in on the history of the runes in both Norse myth and day to day practices.
Iris was running her fingers over the cover of one of the books, anticipating the amount of interesting knowledge inside. She wished she could read multiple books at once, as she didn't think she would be able to read everything she wanted to even in seven years at Hogwarts. She knew Emma wouldn't just let her live in the library and read books all day, she would drag her out eventually. She had just decided which book to start with, when an older girl with pretty curly hair walked up to her. Iris turned to look at her with a shy smile. She wondered if the girl was going to question her for using books that weren't meant for anyone below third year, as they were all about electives. But instead she just asked for a book. Iris nodded, then shook her head. "Oh, no. I'm not." She said hurriedly. "Sorry, please take it."
Selene watched as the girl looking at her warily. as she was scanning the shelves for the book. she figured that the other girl was younger than her which meant that she wasn't doing runes or divination and was either reading the books for fun or they had been on the table when she arrived. she had a feeling it was the first option. It reminded her a bit of her first year when she would take out books on divination just to read in the common room at weird hours of the night when she couldn't sleep. Thankfully the girl said that she wasnt using the book and that she could borrow it. "Thank you" she said.
she glanced over the other books the girl was reading. "so you are interested in divination too" she asked. she hadn't had a single class yet but she still liked to talk about the subject. having her mum who she was she knew a fair amount about it already even if it was not practical knowledge.
Iris thought the older girl would probably take the book and leave immediately, as she didn't think she would be interested in talking to someone younger than her, but it seemed like the stack of books caught her attention. Iris nodded at her question. "Yes, are you as well?" She asked, hopeful, as the girl's words seemed to imply that she was. "Are you a third year or up? Do you get to take it?" She asked, wondering if she could ask this older girl a few questions about the subject. "I've been interested in it for a while, I have my own tarot deck. But I can't take the subject until I'm a third year, and I'm only in my first..." She admitted, though she then stopped. The girl may have been nice so far, but that didn't mean she wanted to hear everything about Iris. She didn't want to be rude.
Selene was happy that she had found someone else who was as keen on learning about divination as she had been in her first year. "divination is the one subject i wanted to learn most" she said. "yes, I am third year but i don't have divination until next semester." she said. almost adding if i am even allowed to take the class but deciding against it. it was nice having a talk about divination without the other girl knowing she was the divination teachers daughter. "Tarot decks are so cool. like cards but pretty. I have one too that I borrowed off my mum but tarot isn't taught until fourth year" she said, "I am Selene by the way" she said realising that they hadn't introduced themselves.
Iris was delighted to hear this girl understood her desire to learn about divination, though also a little sad to hear third years didn't have divination until the second semester. "Oh! I'm glad you get to take it soon." She said with a smile. "I have to wait a few more years." She immediately formed a liking for this girl, as it was rare for Iris to run into anyone else who enjoyed divination. She listened curiously as the girl told her they wouldn't learn tarot cards until fourth year. "Do you know what they teach in third year?" She asked, as the girl seemed to know a lot. "I'm Iris, it's nice to meet you Selene!"

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