Special Delivery

James Woodlock

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 11 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
James had spent the last few weeks preparing for the upcoming Hogwarts term and that meant spending a lot of time at the school and at Brightstone village. Much to his surprise James had received a letter from Margarette asking to meet him in the village, it had been a month since they first spent the night together and then remained shut in his flat for a couple weeks. It was easily the most fun two weeks James had ever had. During that time he could see Margarette becoming more and more relaxed with him and even being the one to initiate their intimacy. With term getting ever closer James knew that his time with Margarette would be limited so for that reason he was glad that she was so eager to see him. James had decided while he was out in the village to duck into one of the cafes of along the high street and wait for her. James figited in his chair as he tried to contain his excitement at seeing her again.
It had been more than a month ago since Margarette had spent her first night with James at his flat and stayed there for two weeks. One could have easily known what they were up to in that period and it was no secret that Terra had enjoyed it. He was insatiable! And apparently, so was she in other times. Both of them would have continued with their escapade if not for the fact that her phone kept ringing and she finally gave up and answered it and heard her screaming and panicking manager on the other line. She could blame him, she had skipped a couple of projects while she was away with James but it looks like either she showed up on the photoshoot today or her manager will hunt her down, and she didn't very well wanted to be caught with James while doing stuff. And so she bid him goodbye and that she'll meet with him soon. The week after that was full of work for her with modelling. That wasn't surprising, but what surprised her was what's going on with her. Every morning she would wake up with a massive headache and would end up in the bathroom and her period was late. She would be having cramps at times but it never really came. Then one day, while at a photoshoot, she got dizzy and fainted. She woke up to the hospital with a smiling doctor telling her congratulations.

It confused the hell out of her and only then did the doctor tell her that she was 4 weeks pregnant. Terra was speechless for minutes though happiness built up inside her, knowing that she was going to be a mother. She had always wanted to be a mother. Then worry came. James was the father, she was sure of it, and it was not like she had been with any other man before him after all. She thanked the doctor and left the hospital to gather her bearings. She had to tell him about the baby. But how? It was too much to say in one letter. And so, she decided to head to Brightstone village. She did not know how to get there without endangering the baby and so she decided on portkeys. She just had to make sure that she wouldn't drop to the ground, but she was fairly good in using them. And so Terra portkeyed herself to Brightstone village and sent James the letter via owl. She was actually very nervous about this and she knew not how to properly tell him. Nevertheless, she rubbed her tummy where she supposed where her baby was and soon enough, headed for the cafe where they were to meet. He was there already when she arrived and she smiled at him. "Hey," she greeted when she approached him nervously as she wondered how he would take the news.
The tea in James' cup had gone cold by the time Margarette arrived in the cafe and he knew as soon as she came into view that there was something wrong. She looked nervous, he would be able to understand that if they were meeting a few months ago and they were in the stage of their relationship where they were still beating around the bush and toying with each other then he could understand why she would be nervous. However after the last time they saw each other, after what they did and how long they had done it for there should be no nerves between the two of them. The expression on her beautiful face made him feel nervous himself, was there something she needed to tell him? Was it bad news? Had she accepted a modeling job somewhere else in the world? All manor of possibilities went through his head as she approached him but that all stop when she stood before him and the only think he could think of ended up being the only thing he could say, "You look beautiful," he said as he gently placed his hands on her waist and kissed her cheek. He motioned his hands towards the empty seat and took a seat himself and he waited for whatever it was she needed to tell him.
Terra knew that James had sensed that there was something wrong. Well, technically there was nothing wrong. Having a baby wasn't really the issue and she wasn't against having a child as well. It wasn't like she was still a teenager after all. She was already a 24-year-old woman and though she knew that she would have to stop modelling because of this, she didn't actually mind. She has saving after all both in muggle currency and wizarding currency that she was sure that she could provide for her child. And she had a shop too, which she could watch over in the period of her pregnancy. What mattered to her was how James would feel about of all of this. He would be having a child with her. Would he accept that? Would he be happy? Perhaps she worried too much, but to say that she didn't care about his reaction would be a total lie on her part. Her lips curved up into a smile at his words before he ushered her to sit. She sat in front of him and took one deep breath. "I have... uh... Something to tell you," she said quite nervously as her hands fidgeted under the table. Should she beat around the bush? Should she wait for a bit? Should she tell him outright right now? She chose the latter. She bit her lip as she looked into his eyes for any indication of his reaction for the words that would follow. "I'm pregnant."
James was stunned. There was no other way to put it. He looked Margarette in the eye for any sign she was joking. She wasn't. The look in her eye was serious and a little worried. Worried that James might not take the news well. He wasn't sure how he was taking it, for as long as he could remember he had wanted to be a father but he never imagined him being one at such a young age, nor with someone he had only just become intimate with. James took took a breath while he considered his next words carefully, it may not have been the way they planned it, but it was happening. He was going to be a father, and he didn't plan on missing any of it. "I don't know what to say, he began to say when suddenly his lips cracked into a huge smile, "Not exactly how I planned it, but its wonderful," James was determined to make it work, he had never had feelings as for as anyone as the ones he had for Margarette and now she was having his baby, despite the shock of the news he had never felt happier.
Margarette didn't realize she was nearly holding her breath as she waited for James' words. She was barely breathing as she waited because silence had befallen them after those two words came out of her mouth. The most evident emotion on his face was that he was stunned and it took him moments, maybe minutes to respond. But to Terra, it took forever. To be honest, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to handle this alone. She was still a bit young, and no one would be there to help her during pregnancy and when she raises the child. It wasn't like she was a very friendly lass in their school days after all. And her mom had died when she was a fifth year in Hogwarts and she hadn't seen her father in years. All she could count on was James if he ever accepted this fact. Finally, he began to speak and Terra's breath hitched and she stopped breathing for a moment absent-mindedly. And when his face turned into a happy one like he was the happiest man alive, she released the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding and her eyes brimmed with tears of joy and relief. She smiled and chuckled as she couldn't believe the news. He was happy about it and she was worried for nothing. If he was the happiest man, she might have well been the happiest woman. It would be a lie if she had claimed that she felt nothing for James, in fact, it ran deeper than she could fully comprehend.
James felt strange. His life had just changed in the blink of an eye. He was going to be a father, and not in the sense that they had begun planning for it in the future. It was happening. Although in reality James and Terra had only been involved for a short time, it had felt like so much longer. All the time he spent away traveling the world she had been on his mind. Missing her, wanting to come back to her. When combining that longing with two weeks of pure bliss with her, a time when his shirt was the most she wore, James could easily say that he had fallen in love with her. He know knew they weren't going to have the type of relationship people at their age had in the early stages, they had almost condensed it into the two weeks. They had their fair share of passion but there was so much more, they talked and got to know each other as they would have done over months of dating, it just happened to happen in his flat while they weren't dressed. James fiddled with his fingers for a few moments before he looked up and met Terra's gaze. "I love you, and you already make me happy, but I want you to make me eve happier, marry me," He said holding her hand across the table.
Margarette could barely believe how far she and James have come as she wiped her happy tears and placed her hands on the table. Sure, they haven't been together as a couple for very long, but Terra knew him for more than half of her life! No one knew her more than him. He knew her vulnerable side and he knew her confident side. He knew of her weaknesses and strengths. She didn't know what she was feeling, but she knew that she would not be able to stand losing him. She was attracted to him even only when they first met and though she thought that those feelings would fade through time and separation, they didn't. In fact, it just made them grow and made their reunion all the more sweet. They weren't like the other couples who went on for years and married and finally had their own children. Nope, Terra and James had only been together for a little over than a month and two of those weeks were spent with both of them either half-dressed or undressed, but they had talked about a lot of stuff that they already knew a lot of things from the other. Terra knew not how many minutes or moments had passed before James suddenly met her gaze and she knew he was serious. Her jaw dropped open.

He loved her? And he was... Proposing? She could barely believe the speed at which the events were closing in on her. There were two parts of her that were having a disagreement inside. One was ecstatic and wanted her to agree immediately and the other was hesitant and worried, almost scared even, that he only wanted to marry her because of the baby. It hurt to think that it was possible. Then she thought about it. Love. Was that what she felt about him all along? Love? She didn't want to lose him and if it weren't for the baby, she felt that she would die if she lost him. If that was love, then yes, she would admit that she was in love with him. That she had fallen so deeply in love with him. But his proposal made her half-scared and half-ecstatic. Which one should she follow she did not know. She was in a mix of internal turmoil as James held her hand and she held his a bit tightly, not wanting to let go, then she looked up at him and finally decided to speak. "James, you don't have to marry me for the baby," she said with a sad smile. She wanted to marry him. But she needed reassurance that he was marrying her for her and not for the child she carried.
Sometimes it felt as though James had known Margarette his whole life. Then he would realise that he had. When they were at school together he had always thought she was pretty but he spent his time chasing after the wrong girl and he always wondered what his life would have been like if he saw what was right in front of him all those years. Then he would think to himself that maybe everything that happened was a blessing in disguise, only by spending his former years going after someone who was so bad for him would he come to realise that his perfect match had been there all along. To have her sitting across from him carrying his child, his life was almost complete. "I love you Margarette, I want to marry you for you, the baby just makes everything that much better," He gently rubbed his thumbs along her hands and hoped that she would take in his words and truly believe them.
If James was stunned about the pregnancy, Margarette was definitely stunned about his proposal. She was definitely not expecting this. All she expected were two things really. It was either James accepted the child or he would neglect it. But something to this degree, Terra haven't taught of at all. And yet somehow, a part of her knew that she should have expected this and that part of her was divided into two. A happy one and a terrified one. She had always looked at James ever since they met and she would be lying if she denied that there were times he looked her way as well. She wanted him to look at her, but she had always been in the sidelines. And now as she looked into his eyes, she knew that he was not looking anywhere. He was not looking at the pretty lady in the counter, the sexy woman outside, the girl he chased years ago, and not even at the model known as Terra in front of him. No. James was looking at her. Just Margarette.. The shy and crying girl he met at the Lake. She loved him and he loved her too. And with that, she could no longer hold herself back. "I love you too, James. I always have."
James was stunned by the pregnancy news but at the same time it was the perfect excuse to do something normal people waited months for. He loved Margarette, he wanted to be with her. Not the Slytherin girl he fawned over at school, not the girl by the counter and not the sexy blonde outside, he wanted her. James flashed a wide grin when she told him she loved him but there one thing she hadn't done, she hadn't said yes. He reached out again and took both her hands in his, "I love you Margarette, you make me the happiest man in the world, magic and muggle, marry me and make me even happier," He said raising her hands up and kissing them and interlocked their fingers together. He knew it would be some time before the baby was born, he would gladly wait until after the baby was born to marry here. He didn't want people to think he was just marrying her for the baby, but if she wanted to marry before the baby was born he would happy to do that too. In all honesty he didn't care what people thought, as long as Margarette knew he loved her that was all that mattered.
Margarette was unbelievably happy to the point that tears were forming in her eyes. She could barely believe that he wanted to be with her. That James wanted to be married to her. And not because she was famous, not because she was a model, not because of her looks, not because of a baby. But because he loved her. She had never been happier than this moment because she had never expected this to happen. She watched as he kissed her hand tenderly. And she couldn't help but look into those green orbs of him that showed happiness and expectation and love. She had never seen such a look cast on her before. Terra had always loved to look into his eyes, his eyes that always showed his true emotions. His cheekbones that had shown his obvious growth into a man and his lean figure. He was perfect in her eyes. She wanted this. She wanted to marry him and she'd be an idiot to pass this up even if she knew how much he loved her. She loved him and after all this years, he loved her back. She was the happiest woman right now. "Yes."

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