Open Sparkles in the Night

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Charlotte Astor Williams

Moody | Bright | Just your average kid
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 11 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
10/2050 (12)
Charlotte had never been to a dance before. She didn't know what all she was supposed to do, as she didn't want to go with a date. That seemed weird. But the Hufflepuff had thrown on her lavender and black dress and made her way down to the Great Hall. It was much fancier than the Halloween Dance, and everyone was dressed up very nice. She wondered if she'd ever look as pretty as some of the older girls did. She smoothed out the bottom of her dress as she took a seat at an empty table, admiring the fake snow and wondering if she would look weird skating alone.
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It was almost the holidays and ivy was looking forward to going home, seeing her brothers and sisters again and telling them all about her semester. most importantly about quidditch. but first she had the ball. while she didn't feel the need to dress up too much she had a dress on and had washed her hair combing it to undo the tangles fro quidditch but that was about it.
she entered the hall and looked around at the decorations. she couldn't wait to explore. to have a go at ace skating. she had done that a few times before and loved the freedom of it. but initially her attention was drawn by the other side of the room. the food. She grabbed a plate and loaded it up with her dinner of a cupcake, mince pie, pigs in blankets, sweets, roast potatoes, and some of the chocolate yule log, a mini pavlova and some cherries. all in all, a pretty balanced meal, that was if balanced was due to balancing it all on one small plate. she left the table and looked for somewhere to sit. most tables nearby seemed to have people on them. but there was one with a girl on who looked to be alone. "Hey, do you mind if I join you?" she asked. hopingthat the girl wouldn't mind.
Charlotte looked up at the girl and shook her head. Her hair was a really pretty shade of red, and she wondered what it would be like to have something stand out about you like that. "Nope," she replied, swinging her legs under the chair as they barely touched the ground. "I'm Charlotte. What's your name?" she asked, minding her manners.
Ivy put down her plate and sat down. Realising only now how full she had got it. nice to meet you charlotte. I’m Ivy. I’m a gryffindor she said picking up a pig in blanket and biting into it. It was one of her favourite Christmas foods. Last year she had even spotted linden eating one even though he was apparently vegetarian now. A shout from someone on the other side of the hall caught her attention and she looked over to where it had come from. Someone crashing on the ice. that looks like so much fun. she said gesturing over to the rink. Glad that her dress was not as big as last year which would have made skating more awkward.
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