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Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
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Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader had made the right choice, he was sure of it. He had run into Isabelle first and she had said yes, so he didn’t need to ponder it any more. The gryffindor had come to the library in search of a divination book, he’d arranged to study with Isabelle and had wanted something he could focus on, given that Vader needed to do extremely well in divination to show the professor he could do it, he could manage. So it made sense to study for that. He’d been sat in the student lounge with all of the work, but given that he was studying with someone he hadn’t needed to mind about all of his things, specifically the camera, he didn’t think anyone at hogwarts would take his stuff, but to avoid the temptation he tended to take it with him, with Isabelle he didn’t need to. It was practical therefore to have a girlfriend she was useful, but really not anymore than like Alice or Helene would’ve been. Vader concentrated on the book so much that as he turned to leave he didn’t notice the other person and walked straight into them, realising the moment after he regained his footing that he knew them, ”Pho?”
As Pho had told her dad after the family meeting, she was now going to start wearing makeup. After all, she was labeled a big sister - and she was maturing enough that even if he said no she'd wear it. It didn't seem after everything with his new girlfriend that he minded taking her out shopping adn to dinner though - and when it was just the two of them talking about the new family members, things were going much more smoothly. Dressed casually Asphodel was making her way to the library to exchange her most recent book for a new find. Though it seemed people dind't know how to watch where they were going - the ginger included - and a collison was had at the door.

"Oi!" She spoke in pain and surprise, before hearing her name. "Vader! Hey!" She said, stepping back and slightly fussing with her long locks to make sure she looked okay. If Pho were to be embarrassingly clear, she was mostly trying to look good for him. She'd become smitten with the boy the more they talked and shared futures, and couldn't help herself. "How was your summer, you look well!' The Scottish girl said with a grin.
Vader’s gaze instantly dropped the floor when she greeted him. He felt a little nervous around her, but he wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was the fact he was dating Isablle and he knew that she liked him. Maybe it would work better with her and that was his nervousness, maybe that meant he liked her...but he didn’t think so, he was reminded of Ava’s words regarding it and knew that wasn’t how he was feeling. Vader looked up at her when she spoke again and gave a little nervous smile, ”My break was good, I spent a lot of it sleeping. Spent time with Helene, the usual,” the boy replied with an honest expression, brushing stray strands of the blond curls from his face, he had to think she said he looked well because he didn’t look tired as he had increasingly so towards the end of the last semester. ”How was your break?” he returned the question feeling his nervousness die down as he fell into a familiar conversation with someone he did like as a friend, she was decent friend, someone he was comfortable around most of the time. He gave her a little smile and readjusted his hold on the book he had.
Asphodel gave a smile, but did not miss the way the boys big, brown eyes looked away from her. She couldn't tell if it was a mark of shyness, or if perhaps the Gryffindor just didn't like to look at her. Maybe her mascara was clumping together. After all she was still very new at the application process. "How is Helene?" She asked, wanting to make sure she sounded as interested as possible in every word Vader said. It wasn't an act, they often had good conversation. "Mine was okay. A little crazy. My dad got together with this new woman and they had a kid, so I guess I'm a big sister now. And the woman is like, raising her sister..." The Scottish woman trailed off. She and Leda might not have gotten off on the right foot, but they were family now. "She's alright, her name is Leda." Pho tucked some strands of hair behind her ear. "So Halloween feast is coming up, any plans?" She asked, in a way hinting that perhaps they could eat together or maybe even do a friend's costume.
Vader gave a smile and a nod, ”She’s good,” he wasn’t really sure how to answer that question from Pho, he knew the last he’d spoken to her she was fine, but he had just answered as well as he could and just decided to smile slightly. He listened to her talk about her own holiday meeting her gaze with a growing frown, ”That sounds like a lot,” the teen couldn’t help but say, since to him it was. He couldn’t imagine his own family doing that. Though his parents loved each other a lot, so they would never. He frowned even more so when she said Leda, he knew that name, that was the girl who’d picked on him once - perhaps accidentally but still. He shook his head lightly and just looked at the ground between them, pushing the thoughts and memories out of his head. At the question he looked up at her with a curious expression, ”I’ll be working, for accio,” Vader replied with a careful tone, ”I think my girlfriend will want to spend some time together at it, but I have to work,” he hadn’t really brought it up with Isabelle yet, but she knew he worked for Accio, that he ran it, she would know that he wouldn’t be able to spend that much time with her. His cheeks had also reddened deeply at the mention of his girlfriend, almost embarrassed by the fact he had one not so much that he was mentioning it to someone who had at least at one point liked him.
Asphodel shrugged at Vader when he said it sounded like a lot. It was, and if Pho was honest she didn't need many more straws to break her back, but she was tough - he father always said so. "Yeah but supposedly life never gives you more than you can handle, right?" She said with another shrug, hoping that was true. Pho was nodding along to what her friend was saying, but her face dropped from a smile to a look of pale shock when he mentioned a girlfriend. When did he get a girlfriend? Suddenly the sticky black mascara on her eyes felt heavy, and she dropped her gaze for a moment. Of course someone had wanted to date the talented photographer, Pho wasn't the only one who saw how sweet he was. The ginger managed her best smile. "I uhm, I just remembered I have to go... think up an excuse." She said, before brushing past Vader, staying strong until she was much out of the way of anyone who could see the betrayal in her eyes.
Vader nodded a little, he wasn’t sure the statement was correct, given that he was handling the accio work and everything just barely and it definitely felt like he wasn’t keeping his head above water. He felt fine now, but he hadn’t managed too much in the year before, and only time would tell if he could handle it now. The teen was a little taken aback with what she said, leaving pretty quickly after he’d mentioned Isabelle. He looked to where she had brushed past him and continued on. Maybe it would’ve worked better with Pho than Isabelle. But he had seen Isabelle first and he did like her, he just wasn’t managing to move that forward with his own feelings though it was pretty obvious that Isabelle did like him like that. The teen just shook his head, brushing those thoughts and the worry that perhaps his actions had cost him a friend, he hoped not, and grabbed what he needed and went back to where he had left Isabelle in the student lounge having gathered what he needed to and not saying anything to her about what had just happened with Pho.

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