Open Somethings Change

Ireland Mikaelson

An Object in Motion would remain in Motion
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
After dinner at the Great Hall and all of the students had gone up to their respective common rooms, Ireland changed into her more teenage appropriate pajamas while sobbing. She just had her birthday and turned thirteen and she got a letter from her mum and siblings and relatives, all greeted her a happy birthday. But her mum's was the least she liked about. Ireland's mum was tired of her having obsessively liking Peppa Pig and that breaks her heart.

So, she gathered all her Peppa Pig stuff and went down to the kitchen where there's a big fireplace that she can use to dispose her belongings. As Ireland arrived her sobbing became a loud cry. The kitchen door opened and some elves still working some dishes to clean.
"W-won't b-be long." Ireland told the elves who were looking. The Hufflepuff made her way to a lit fireplace and placed her stuff on the ground a she kneeled.
As most of his fellow Gryffindors made their way up to the common room Zeke decided to peel off and make his way to the kitchens to drop in the house elves. He always enjoyed seeing how they spent their free time and with dinner done and most of the cleaning done (he imagined), surely they had down time. As he approached the kitchens Zeke could hear a commotion inside but it wasn't house elves he found inside, instead it was a certain blonde Hufflepuff. "Hey Shamrock...whatcha doing in here?" He asked, an odd question to ask as he too had come to the kitchens alone but the Hufflepuff didn't seem to be in a good mood.

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