Somethings are not for everyone

Ainslee Maxwell

Mum to 🧒🏻🧒🏻👧🏻 | Head of IUOM
OOC First Name
Agent Smith
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Sturdy 14 inches Oakwood wand with Magaul feather core
Her smile was emerging slowly as Ainslee talked calmly on the phone with her obstetrician. The doctor had confirm that she's three weeks pregnant and would like for her to get checked up. Ainslee, excited being a first time mum, schedule one for tomorrow and hanged up after. A baby? What would Arnaud say? The twenty-one year old thought hard about her situation. But then again, it's her life and nobody else. Ainslee isn't needed back home and everything seems okay with the estate. She decided to call her mother but picking up the phone, she hesitated. Ainslee became worried all of a sudden but continued anyway. She picked up the phone and dialed the number for the Evergreen Castle. "Hey, Mama. How are you?" Ainslee greeted, her palms sweating. She don't know if she'll be shock or just faint.

"Lily? Is that you? I miss you, child." Her mother's voice weak. Ainslee sigh and stopped herself from being emotional, it seems that her hormones are raging again. "I miss you too, mama. I'm sorry I woke you up but I just want to let you know that ... " She trailed off, Ainslee could feel that her mother is waiting for her to spill the beans. She continued, "Another addition to the Maxwell will come out soon ... I'm pregnant, mama." There, she said it. A breath of relief came out of her mouth as Ainslee heard her mother gasp. It was a different gasp, a gasp that seems happy. "Are you sure, doll? I'm going to be a grandma again? But wait, you got married secretly?" Asked the Dowager in a hushed voice. Ainslee rolled her eyes and said, "Mum, I didn't get married but we're thinking about it. Will let you know though. Anyways, I have to go to work. Will talk to you soon." Ainslee and the Dowager hanged up once both had said their good byes. Touching her stomach, she smiled. Can they raise the child in both worlds? questions arise in her head as she thought of it.

Morning. USA.

Jessica was in a hurry once the postal service came by their house, she immediately snatch it from the delivery guy and smiled to him. The guy on the other hand, rolled his eyes and went on his way, a big flat expedited envelope was not hard to miss. Jessica tore the top opening of the envelope and read the paper that was inside, her smile grew more into a smirk. Thinking a devious plan again to convince Ainslee the truth.

Morning. New Zealand.

After work, Jessica took the floo network to the Ministry of Magic New Zealand to confront Ainslee again but when she got there, the person of interest wasn't there still. Thinking she's being ignored, Jessica decided to go to Ainslee's hotel room. "She's of nobility and can't buy a house, pathetic." Jessica murmured to herself as she apparated out of the Ministry and onto an alley near the hotel. Brushing off her coat of dust, Jessica walked casually back into society, acting like she had not just used magic to travel there. Detouring to the hotel, the lady went straight to the elevators and when one came, she went in and push the number where Ainslee was staying. Envelope in hand, she's kind of nervous but confident of what she's about to reveal. The elevator came to a stop and out she went. Three doors to the right, Jessica knocked twice.​
Ainslee sigh and thought of good names for her future baby. Though, she doesn't even know yet if it is a boy or a girl but the Ministry employee is just happy that Merlin gave them the little bundle. She looked at the wall clock atop the television in the living room, she still have time to cook breakfast for her and Arnaud once he gets to the hotel. Since they started seeing each other, the gentleman he is, has always pick her up for work. It was rather a hassle arrangement but Ainslee would like a house than an apartment for them both and the baby. Setting aside her thoughts, Ainslee took a step forward to the kitchen when someone knocked on the door. Frowning, she curiously went to open the door, thinking Arnaud had decided to come by early. As she opened the door, she said "Babe, you're too ear- ...." but stop when a familiar blond stood just outside her hotel room. Pursing her lips and crossing her arms in front of her chest, Ainslee acknowledge Jessica. "What a pleasant surprise. I've told you a million times that I'm not going to hear about your claim of Teagan. You can go home and leave me alone." The brunette was calm. Thinking if she's stressing herself out, her baby suffers too.
Jessica waited a few minutes for the door to be answered and when she heard Ainslee's voice and face after, she froze. The woman's tone was harsh even though her face doesn't say it but Jessica was too irck to even listen to Ainslee. She handed to her the envelope that she received yesterday, inside is a DNA test showing Teagan is her daughter and not her sister's. "Read it carefully and it might give light to what I'm saying for the past couple of months." She said arrogantly. All she's asking is taking Teagan from them and nothing else, forget about the money, she can raise Teagan by herself. "Okay, just listen to me for once, Ainslee." She calmly said. Jessica hates it when plans doesn't go her own way. "Just read the damn paper and make your decision." Tapping her right foot to the ground impatiently.
The woman gave her an envelope, explaining that what's inside will explain the things she's saying about Teagan. Ainslee looked at the envelope and shook her head, she doesn't want to read it nor believe whatever is on that envelope. They have taken a lot from her and she's not going to make them add another problem to her family. Ainslee threw it on the floor, summoned her wand and cast 'incendio' on the envelope. The flame ate the paper faster than expected. "I'm not going to listen to your lies, Jessica. I never did anyways since my brother married your sister. I don't know what you want if ever you get Teagan. If it is money I can give that to you now, just leave me alone." The young woman demanded. Her stomach churning, she held it. With all these thinking, she's stressing herself out. "Just go away, please." Ainslee stated. She turned her back to Jessica, her face distorted from the odd feeling her stomach is doing.
The blonde's mouth slowly opened as Ainslee dropped the envelope on the ground without reading the letter inside and the next thing she knew was that it was on fire. The flame extinguished the paper in seconds. Jessica waited for weeks for that result to be sent, it cost her money and Ainslee didn't even thought of that nor the labor she did. She heard Ainslee's deep Irish accent rang on her ears. Jessica doesn't want money, she's working hard to provide for Teagan's future even it means Teagan's title will be stripped from her. "I know this is what you wanted, to get Teagan out of the picture so you can be Countess. Why not just give Teagan to me and let's end this?" She spoke of the truth. She knew it wasn't really what Ainslee wanted but she's desperate to get her child back whether she has to duel her sister or die trying. Her anger, more fueled, when Ainslee turned her back to her. "I'm not going to be disrespected like this, Ainslee Maxwell." Jessica stated angrily as she grab hold of Ainslee's arm and turned her. Concern envelope her face as she noticed the lady's expression.
Ainslee winced at the coming pain on her stomach, she thought it was normal, that it was simply a cramp. So she put a poker face on when Jessica got a hold of her and turned her around. "I love Teagan more than you do and I don't care if Teagan will be the next Marchioness or the Queen of England. You can't have her and you don't have proof of it that she's your daughter. I can write you a check for five hundred thousand pounds, take it or leave it." Her anger was now clouding her judgement but she was true to give that kind of money, it was just money after all. And then, the pain worsen that Ainslee can't do a straight face anymore. She can't help but lean against Jessica for support. Another stabbing of pain arrived, Ainslee groaned. A trickle of liquid rushed down her leg, the woman looked down and blood paints both her shoes. "No ... No. Jessica, call for help." Ainslee managed to say between heavy breaths. If she could just apparate to St. Mungos but the pain was like grinding her insides. She flopped down on the ground and waited if the woman in front of her will help her.
Caden was ready to make peace with Ainslee, he knew she's happy now and he, in no way would ruin her life again. The young man bought a bouquet of flowers, perfect for a lovely lady. Apparating from South Korea to Wellington, he rejoined the normal people as he walked out of the alley way near Ainslee's hotel. Looking around if somebody noticed him. Once he was okay, Caden greeted the door man and proceed inside to the bank of elevators. Once one was available, he hopped in. The door closes and it seems the machine was in a hurry, the door opened immediately on Ainslee's floor. He suddenly caught a sight of two women; one on the floor and one standing up. Caden noticed Ainslee was the woman on the floor. The young man rushed to her side, forgetting the flowers that he threw on the floor harshly. "Ainslee! What happened?" Caden asked as he looked at her face and down to the seemingly obvious pool of blood.
Arnaud pressed on the botton of the floor his girlfriend was on and waited for the doors to close only for them to open again after a couple of seconds. The Ministry employee was in a rather happy mood that morning. He knew that Ainslee desprately wanted to move out of the hotel so, with all the money he had in the Cormac family vault back in England and the money he earned as an Obliviator, the twenty-four year old male finally had enough to buy them a proper house. With a smile on his freshly-shaved face Arnaud stepped out of the elevator and walked towards Ains's room. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw two women and a man at the door of her room. Caden Granger, his rival - what the f*ck was this sh*tstain doing here? Jessica, and Ainslee. When he noticed that Ainslee was on the ground with a lot of blood surrounding her he immediately ran toward the three, giving Caden a nasty look before getting on his knees, looking with concern to Ainslee then Jessica and back to Ainslee. ''Honey! Honey! What happened! Jessica!'' Hoping that Jessica could fill him in in to whatever the hell had happened to Ains. Arnaud looked back at Ainslee, his eyes moving from the blood to her.
Ainslee, yet again, got to her nerves. Jessica doesn't need money and yet, she's offering her a large sum. She's not greedy like her sister and wouldn't think twice to say no. "Money isn't everything, Ainslee. I just want my daughter back." Her voice went a little higher accidentally, her anger has taken its toll on her. Though, all of a sudden, Ainslee fell on her. Panic strike her face as she felt her heartbeat went double its normal run. Jessica couldn't help but froze on her spot, not noticing how Ainslee just slumped on the floor, she back up a few inches away from her. The woman in pain asked for help but all Jessica did was stare at her and the blood gushing on the carpeted floor. She could have apparated out of there but a man, she clearly doesn't know, arrived and rushed toward Ainslee and not even a minute; another man, familiar this time, have emerged from the elevator bank.

Everyone around her seems to have gone blurry but Jessica stayed alert. Finding her voice all of a sudden, she answered Arnaud. "I don't know ... She just ... I don't know." But she knew the symptoms of a miscarriage, Jessica almost lost Teagan on a miscarriage. Luckily, she was almost on full term. Jessica kneeled down beside Ainslee and said, "Just keep breathing." She was encouraging her to breath more than endure the pain. But what they think everything would be alright, by the looks on her perspective, Ainslee's baby didn't make it.

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