something to feed my addiction

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Sebastian Darkhart

OOC First Name
So I've made a come back and I'm looking for all the awesome plots. I'm only really using a few characters at the moment HOWEVER if there is a character not on this puny list that you want to rp with you can just PM me on Annalie or Seb here and ask me and I'll be happy to plot something out with you. Shall we get started? yes? good.</COLOR>

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So this boy here is the latest Darkhart cousin. He is the youngest cousin of Annalie and the youngest of 4 being only 10 years old. Bastian here is quiet and brooding. He tends to sit back and listen to what is going on to carefully construct his approach to the situation. He last saw Annalie about 5 years ago and they got on well (this was just before Annalie went off the rails) basically from the age of 5 he has grown up with this fixed idea of who Annalie was in head and isn't able to let go of that image. He's basically living through the memory and doesn't understand why everyone is so against her. He is still in contact with Annalie despite his families wishes and this will come into play a bit later when he starts school but for now Bastian is a bit naïve and a happy go lucky child. He is a sweet kid despite his adamant views on Annalie but he is really lonely. His only friends at this stage are his cousins and siblings. So basically for him I need friends: since he doesn't go to Hogwarts until next school year it's a bit harder for him to make friends so basically he needs some kids to play with, age isn't too much of and issue younger or a little older is fine. He just needs some people to run around with and to just bring out some of the boisterous and excitable kid that is hiding beneath the brooding, calculating exterior. ememies: basically anyone who would pick on him, they can be people who know of what Annalie did at Hogwarts and could judge him and pick on him for his name OR they could just not like him for whatever other reason that's up to you. love: at ten he's a bit too young for any of that stuff unless it's all the kid stuff where you find someone and get married to the in the playground and in exchange you share lollies or ice cream and stuff. Though he doesn't have a final set up yet so if you want to claim him let me know.

Most people know the infamous Annalie Darkhart -after all the antics at Hogwarts and the getting expelled and thrown out of home. However now at 21 years old she is at a loose end. I have a few plots happening with her a wee ways down the line but nothing in the immediate future to satisfy my craving of rping her. So for those who don't know Annalie she is a arrogant, self centered cow who treats almost everyone like dirt. She has a problem with authority and she's always looking for a fight. She has calmed down a tiny tiny bit since school so she can walk down the street without making a dig at everyone she passes but this isn't to say she doesn't think it. She is very outspoken and seems to have no concept of consequences when she does something. For her I need friends: Annalie had a grand total of 1 friend while at Hogwarts (mostly because she bullied everyone else) so she is a bit of a lonely soul. But maybe, just maybe there is someone out there who would actually like her or tolerate her so they didn't become a victim? Let me know if you have any ideas. enemies: of course (these are my favourite plots after all) basically since she isn't at school anymore she can't just walk down a corridor and bully whoever she sees so basically she needs new people to not get on with. I'm up for any ideas when it comes to this as I adore these plots to the more the merrier. love: since her final and boyfriend has fallen through love is on the table. Flings/serious relationships/finals are all up for grabs if you have someone who would actually fall for someone as cold hearted as her.

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I haven't really had a chance to rp Taylor that much which is a shame but anyway. Taylor here is 21 (when I get around to updating that...) and a transgender. Her family wasn't very accepting of this but after a long time (2 years) of convincing she is finally getting through to them that she is now a she not a he. She is a part time waitress, a durmy graduate. She moved from Italy to New Zealand by herself 3 years ago and since her absence - to go back to see her family - she lost most of the friends she had made. Tay is fun, bubbly, loves a good time but also loves to curl up with a good book and a hot chocolate. For her I need friends: people who will accept her (though she doesn't tend to tell people she's trans unless they are really close friends) and people who she can have fun with. Tay gets on with most people and age isn't too much of an issue. enemies: or annoyances, it isn't fun having everyone like you so basically anyone who would clash with Tay's happy, bubbly personality.

I'm open to pretty much everything so reply here or send me a pm and lets rp!
love mel
I'm just going to post here, because, well... I can and I want too. Anyway! What I am posting for is because I have never rped with Annalie (not counting the expulsion thread) and I really want to, in whatever capacity, but I think it could be fun... to try and figure out someone who would date Anna. I have a few ideas, so I'll pm you later and we can work it out :r

Also, Ellilor. 'nuff said.
whoo someone replied!
Annalie is fun to rp with so you should deffs rp with her ;) yay pms are lovely and make me happy. I'll be eagerly waiting!

Ellilor is happening right now I wrote a rp last night (late late last night oops) and I'm actually in the process to typing it now. aw yeah.
Maybe I could suggest Scarlet? xD I'm just trying to get her into RPing since she's coming to Hogwarts next year...

Scarlet Naomi Bruzeil-Joussane is the youngest and only female among siblings, Justin, Crische, Brody and herself. Scarlet had lost both her parents nearly two years ago and has only been living with her brothers as Justin tried to provide for their family. They all live in Paris near the restaurant where Justin works. So that Scarlet would not be bored at home with Brody and Crische off at Durmstrang and Justin at work. They decided to let the girl go to school. But Scarlet hated school as she was always bullied there and treated as an outcast. She's talented in singing, drawing and acting but she was always teased and criticized by her classmates in which their teacher failed to notice. Because of this, Scarlet became a quiet child learning to speak only when spoken to, in which made her protective brothers worried about her (except Crische)... But slowly though, Brody and Justin had gotten her to several trips so that she could meet new people and she isn't as quiet as she usually is whenever they were out of the country since she believed that people from outside France were friendlier than those back home...

If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them.. ^_^
Totally forgot I hadn't replied to this, Fiance! D: Must rectify!
Okay, so I would love to have Xavier run into Taylor again - we had planned them to be friends, but it didn't end up happening from the business we both endured. I'd really like to throw them together again and see what happens!

And... Tamalia/Annalie. We had some plans for them, I believe. So, if you're still up for those plans (if you've forgotten we shall PM about them) I'd love to drag Tama out of her box and get some rping done!
Of, and Jeremider, obviously. :r
Oh my god I forgot to check this sorry!

I'm guessing Scarlet&Sebastian? If so yes! So Scarlet would be on a trip to New Zealand yes? And Sebastian is just going to be wandering around away from his three sisters xD I think they would get on quite well!

Xavier&Taylor yus! Let's do this! Whoo
Tama&Annalie as if I going to say no to my favourite pair of characters!
Jeremider I will reactive Ryder and let's plot them!
I'm totally agreeing to that.. xD .. Would you like to start for the two of them? :r xD :p
I can start something with Xavier any time you like, or I can start one with Tama at any point as well. Our idea a while ago should rollover nicely now, I've got an idea to add. :devious: ^_^
Gah, sorry I'm so bad at replying to this.
Marga: Okay I'll start something tomorrow and link you.
Fiance: How about you start something with Xavier and I'll start one with Annalie? Good deal?
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