Something To Brighten Your Day

Paul Gemstone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Paul was having kind of an off day, he had spaced off in class and gotten called out for it by the teacher. He really didn't know what had been up with him lately, it seemed like he had just felt off and he didn't know why. He hadn't even been able tell his sister about the way he had been feeling lately which was really odd, he had always been able to tell her everything, but maybe this was just one of the side effects of his uneasiness. So Paul felt himself walking towards the place he had been going to think as of late, the kitchen. The house elves if there were any there didn't bother you, and sometimes even gave you food, and man could they cook. Plus the odds of meeting any other humans there were slim to none, which was probably one of the many reasons Paul had come to love the kitchens. He walked in the door and smelt what must have been the dinner for later cooking. He walked over to the far wall and sat down. Even though it was a kitchen it was very clean and he just liked to sit and watch and think.
Lola liked to nick food from the kitchens from time to time. She got hungry between classes and waiting for dinner. She was in pretty good terms with the House Elves too who loved how energetic she was. "Young Miss be wanting her snack?" One of them asked as she walked in she nodded at it and smiled wide. Lola always wanted to do something for them but knew that if she did they would be insulted if she did so the kindest thing she could think of doing was let them do as they liked. A large powdered pastry was presented to her before she could even get another thought through her head. She walked over to one of the counters and put her elbows on it while she ate. It was here that she realized that there was someone else here. "You that boy that got called out in class today for day dreaming. I don't know how you can get caught I mean there are so many of us in the class, you couldn't be the only one zoning out." She said all in one breath. She had seen the boy before as she had said in class but she had never really spoken to him before. He didn't talk much and she was busy messing around with her friends.
Paul had heard when someone entered the kitchens but kept to himself, he watched as she got a snack and kind of hoped that she would leave. But when she came over and started talking to him he wasn't surprised, but he surprisingly didn't mind that much because he really liked what she had to say. "Thanks, at least someone understands." He had been snickered at by a few of his fellow Slytherins and he had been forced to be cold with them. He was really trying to change but he feared there would always be a part of him that was hard and would show itself when needed. The only side he used to show, the one that had put him in Slytherin. Giving the girl a one over she looked nice, and hyper, she reminded him slightly of his sister before their parents had died. Looking away he saw the same house elf that had given the girl a snack was by his side offering a doughnut like thing similar to what he had given to her. He took it gratefully nodded to him, "Thanks." He responded with a slight bow and hurried off. Paul had made good friends with two or three of the house elves here the one that left being one of them.
Lola gave him the widest smile. He seemed bit closed off but that was nothing a bit of Whipperwill energy couldn't break down. There was also the subject of boys that was always being brought up in the dorms. Kissing them, being noticed by them, boyfriends and girlfriends things that Lola didn't have a clue about even though a few of her brothers where regular skirt chasers. "Well you can't help it can you? I mean the first few weeks are just review anyway and then you get into the interesting stuff and then the semester is just over and you forget the interesting stuff over the holiday why they review the next semester when it's not interesting anymore so you miss chunks of it. Or at least that's how it works or me. Then again I can't focus my brain around nothing for too long. Lola said as the random thoughts hit her head. She wasn't about linger on the boy question for too long because quite frankly at thirteen years old she was still questioning it. That and she already had a feeling that tall sporting types where more flavor anyway.

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