Something Radiates

Nathalie Blanchard

Well-Known Member
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
The uptown shopping district in the was full of lively and busy people. Children ran while parents tried to keep up as to not lose their children in the crowds. Some couples could be seen relaxing on benches or walking around hand in hand. Some people out in work suits, probably out for a small break from the office. The usual groups of teenage girls and punk boys were seen hanging about at the nearby arcades and clothing stores.

Nathalie, after about a 30 minute walk from home to the upper city and blaming her nonathletic body that had slowed her down, had decided to take a short rest at the closest place she could find. She happened to come a cross an nice little French themed cafe and decided it would be nice to get out of the rain that had just suddenly decided to pour. " Why I thought that the weather today is really good? what had just happened?" She said, quickly entering the said cafe to avoid getting wet anymore. Of course she was still trying to play it off cool and elegant as if she wasn't tired.The first drop of moisture was cold, and she almost shivered.

As she entered the small cafe, the scent of fine, French coffee beans filled her nose and she thought, 'How could anyone refuse to come here?'. The scent was just so fresh and rich. She made her way over to a table, that had two chairs across from each other, and sat down. She felt kind of out of place because of her choice of clothing, which at the moment, is pretty much wet. "this is really awkward." She muttered to herself, cupping her chin on her hands as she waited for the rain to stop.
Jake needed to get out of the house, his Mom was smothering him, asking if he;d made friends, making sure to tell him countless times, that he could go to any school, it didn't have to be Durmstrang. Jake knew why she was worried, he knew that Durmy was known for the dark arts, but he also knew that he would never get into that kind of thing. He walked along a busy street, a stranger in a crowd, surrounded by people he didn't and would never know. People who's lives he'd touched, simply by his presence, people that were part of history now, though he would never meet them again, or talk to them.

Suddenly, as he walked along, deep in thought when the skies open. "Aw Man!" he exclaimed, running for cover. In front of him was a cafe, it looked nice and cozy, so Jake entered. "What is up with this place?" Jake asked himself, rubbing the droplets from his blonde hair. He looked around the shop. It was pretty full. Suddenly, he spotted a seat, beside a blonde, whom all he could see of, was the back of her head. He walked up to the table and faced her, then he was lost. This girl was amazing, but in all seriousness, Jake had enough of amazing girls. All the girls he'd met recently had been nice, but complicated. At the moment-he just wanted a friend. Happily he extended his hand. "Hi, I'm Jake-can I sit here?" he asked, smiling. It wasn't a flirty smile, it was Jake's normal smile, open and kind.

He observed the girl in more detail now. Blonde, with the light shimmering on her slightly damp locks, she had probably come here to escape the rain, like Jake. Blue eyes, and a delicate, elegant face. She was really something, but Jake felt as though he would be hurting her to flirt with her. for some reason he felt that this girl was one who liked honesty and friendship, but he wasn't sure what made him think so.
Nathalie was brought our of her reverie when she heard someone speak. Honestly, she didn't expect anyone to come near her at all, usually, they would just watch, afraid of talking. Smiling, she looked up and accepted the boy's hand, being formal and elegant, like what she's known for. But in all reality, Nathalie knew that she wasn't really like that, she's tire of pretending, but she knew that she had to keep that facade, what if her father saw her being carefree? Then surely, she'll be scolded. Shaking her head, she tried to stop herself from thinking about her father. "A pleasure meeting you Jake, my name's Nathalie." She said, politely as she could. "And of course, do sit, it's not like I own this cafe anyway." She added, an honest and genuine smile appearing on her fair face.

Looking at the boy, she noticed that he was pretty good looking, blond and has blue eyes, but honestly, she didn't really care. She had had met a lot of good looking boys before, even her cousins on her mother's side are good looking, what with them being a part-veela and all. What strikes her the most was actually how he looked wet as well, apparently, just like her, he didn't expect the weather to suddenly change. "It's quite a shock isn't it? How it suddenly rained when the sun was just brightly shining earlier..." She said, eyes fixed at the boy that she had just met.
Jake smiled as she shook his hand, delicate and soft. she was a lady. "The pleasure's all mine." he smiled, as he sat down. The cafe was warm and he took off his large coat, placing it on the back of his chair, careful not to disturb anyone sitting nearby. "I suppose, but I've sat beside people without asking before, and gotten some...interesting results." Jake laughed, smiling at her, his boyish grin on his face. "Do you want a drink?" he asked, gesturing toward the counter. He intended to buy her a drink, as he was getting his own anyway. Jake liked the company of guys, because guys were easiest to relate to. Still, from all of his friends, he was the one who found it easiest to be around girls.

"I know, I'm not used to sudden weather changes-you?" he asked, grinning. Jake liked to smile-it made a day brighter. "So, do you go to school around here?" he asked, leaning his arm on the table, and his head on his fist. He looked around the cafe, seeing couples together, holding hands. Despite all his bravodo-Jake was a romantic, and it made him happy to see people happy.
Nathalie raised an eyebrow at the boy's statement, she didn't really get what he meant. "Interesting results, I wonder what's that.." She said, tilting her head a little which gave of an adorable look, not that she intended to do it, it just came to be natural seeing that she's a part-veela and all. When the boy asked whether she wanted a drink, Nathalie just nodded, most people do offer or asked something like that, to be civil, she guessed. "Sure do, I'll pay for mine though, you don't need to offer to pay for it." She said, quickly saying that she won't need to be treated before the boy would even offer to do so.

"I'm not, that's why, as you can see, I'm partly wet." She said, laughing slightly as she gestured to herself. She didn't really expect that the weather would suddenly change to being rainy, she, after all, had thought that she could go around the district, undisturbed, and well, just have fun. "Yes I do, I'm currently a fifth year student at Beauxbatons, and you?" She asked. The boy's smile is contagious, not a fake one like those that she usually see in other people's faces, his way genuine, and it makes others smile too, just like her.
"Well, it resulted in me being thrown out for "disturbing other customers." The guy didn't like me talking to him." Jake explained, he had sat in the last available seat in a sandwich bar once, the guy at the table had gotten mad when Jake had greeted him. He smiled at the look on her face. He liked Nathalie, and hoped they would be good friends. He was surprised when she insisted she pay for herself. "Okay." he replied, looking at her shrewdly, while calling over the waiter. This girl wasn't as delicate as she looked, most probably she could look after herself very well. Jake respected that and smiled at her for no other reason than that.

"Yeah, I'm the same, I got caught outside." he grinned, feeling his hair, which was still slightly damp. He liked the sound of her laugh, tinkling and beautiful. He hadn't minded too much when it started to rain and he minded even less now, since it had led him to meeting Nathalie-whom he hoped would be a good friend. "I'm home-schooled, but I might be starting in Durmy next year." By now Jake had a two or three friends who went to Durmstrang, but also one or two from Beauxbatons.
Nathalie cannot help but to laugh when Jake explained what he meant by interesting results, it's rather funny to imagine him being thrown out. "That's why you shouldn't talk to random strangers Jake, not all people are friendly enough to accommodate you.." She said as she tucked some strands of her hair behind her ears to avoid them from falling to her face, she does, sometimes, considers to have them cut, but she's unsure if her father would like that. "Good." She added, happy that he didn't insist on paying for her, she didn't really like it when she's being treat like someone who needs to be babied, she can actually have a rough side, despite how prim and proper it is that she looks like.

"I see your point Jake, but see, the rain isn't willing to stop now just yet, that means, your stuck here with me, whether you like it or not.." She then said as she looked at his slightly wet hair, it's blond too, just like hers. "Durmstrang? well, that place seems to be rather interesting isn't it? pretty much different from other schools, I do wished to study there before, but my father decided that I don't." It was once a wish of hers to go to Durmstrang, seeing that it was actually unique, it specializes in dark arts after all, but her father, being demanding and so, had decided to enroll her at Beauxbatons, the place where her mother had graduated from.
"I suppose, but you see-I'm so nice and kind that I always see the best in other people." Jake laughed, carefree. He watched her tuck some back her hair. She had golden-blonde hair, long and elegant. She fit that word perfectly-elegance, but he felt that there was something more. He smiled at her response and repeated "Good." he smiled at her, small, barely noticeable, but a smile. Jake liked that, and the fact that she could tease him, he hated when people took everything personally.

"I'd say I'll be fine-the company's good." he replied, serious-though he knew he would probably embarrass her, but in Jake's eyes-they would be friends now, and friends always embarrass each other. "I know, I'm not sure about it though, I hear they're very into the dark arts there, and I know my Mom wouldn't be happy about that." he replied, with a sigh. This was serious to Jake, he didn't want to upset his mother. He was surprised when she told him that her father had decided where she should go, surely that should be her choice? still ,he decided not to puch it, people could be very touchy about their parents.
"Yeah sure Jake, I believe you, you really are proud of yourself huh?" Nathalie said, smiling at the boy. It was pretty funny really, how she had managed to laugh so freely around him, not like when she's at school where she have to be so uptight with her actions. "So, you are just so kind and nice to have decided to sit here with me right?" She added, giggling softly as she observed the boy in front of her.

Nathalie blushed a little when the boy said that he'll be fine. She's not really used with talking to someone of an opposite gender, but she figures that she'll get used to it, Jake, after all, seemed to be someone who could be a great friend. "Do you think that I'll be fine though?" She inquired, trying to compose herself as she touched her cheeks. "That's precisely the reason why my father didn't like me to attend Durmstrang, too dangerous he dais, but I believe the otherwise. But well, I can't really oppose him can I?" She remarked with a sigh which is so not fitting for a girl just like her. She rarely sighs after all, not in front of other people, but she figured that she didn't really have to hide her true self in front of the boy, he barely knew her after all, and from what she thinks, he won't mind it anyway.
"Hey, why try to change perfection?" Jake laughed, smiling at her, he didn't meant it of course, he was far from perfect. She probably knew that even by now. She seemed to be loosening up a bit though, so that was good. "Yeah, well I like pretty girls." he joked, but she was pretty, and she seemed to be smart also-a rare occurrence. She was glad she was laughing, Jake liked making people laugh.

Jake liked Nathalie, he hoped she didn't mind his flirting, he flirted with everyone. He hoped they would become friends, he liked her. "Hey, I'm not that bad am I?" he asked, eyebrows raised as though he were offended, but it soon broke into a smile. "Present your case to him, I know parents can be a drag, but if we show them how we feel, they can come around." he smiled, it would be cool if Nathalie were in Durmstrang, they would both probably be starting the same year, but her father had a right to send his daughter where he wanted to. "I know a guy who goes there and he says it's good for someone who wants to be an auror, as they learn more about the dark things they would be fighting." he added, thinking back to his conversation with a younger student from Durmy.
"There's nothing to change Jake, cause you know, nothing's perfect here, even the cut of your hair is not that perfect.." Nathalie said, smiling back at him, she was just kidding of course, there really is nothing wrong with the boy's hair, she just wanted to say it, just an ice breaker perhaps. "Men like pretty girl Jake, it can't be helped, if you deny it, then you're not a man, which I'll be pretty shocked to discover." She said, raising her eyebrow at him. "It's like an art exhibit, people tend to go to see beautiful things and ignore the not-so-god looking ones, it's heartbreaking, but it's the truth, that's how harsh reality is.." She added, being rather blunt and all. In reality, she didn't really like how some people stereotype others because of their appearance, but she also knew that that things cannot be helped.

Nathalie didn't really pay any heed even though she already had a vague idea that Jake was flirting with her, not that she cares actually, she just wanted to be friends after all, and besides, she didn't think that Jake was the type of person who would carelessly charm girls and leave them alone crying. "You're not, if you are, then I would have told you sooner..." She said with a smile, it's true after all, if she think that she cannot trust Jake, then she would have leave him as politely as she could, even though the rain was still beating pretty hard. "If only it is that easy Jake, my father's not really one to listen to reasons, he really is hard-headed, and anyways, I don't really mind, I'm starting to become comfortable with the school." She said with a serene smile, she had met a lot of friends in Beauxbatons already, so, it's not like she's not happy there. "That's a practical thing to do, but the school does get into a lot of controversy because of their curriculum too..." She replied, of course, which parent would like their children to learn dark arts? not her parents, that's for sure.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for late post-real life got in the way. :(

"Yeah, I know-I made the mistake of saying "whatever" when the guy asked me what I wanted done." Jake laughed, it was true, but he didn't think it was too bad a cut, still-it didn't seem important to him. "I know, but in a strange turn of events, pretty girls are often some of the smartest ones-because they've figured out that they will get further if they look good, as a result you can have the best conversations with pretty girls." Jake countered, revealing one of his most-used theories. He could never stand dating a girl who wasn't at least intelligent enough to have a proper conversation with.

Jake laughed at the fact that she ignored him, nice move. Still, he flirted with everyone-he knew that even if it wouldn't lead anywhere-it made some girls feel good. Even though he doubted Nathalie was one of those girls who needed compliments to feel good. "I don't doubt that you would've." he laughed, smiling at her, his eyes open. He smiled at the fact that she confided in him about her Father. "I suppose, but I still think you should've had a choice, and it'd be good to have you in the same school as me." he smiled, then realised what he had said. "I mean, to have like some friends there already-you know?" he added, quickly, hoping she wouldn't take offense. He smiled, "Yes, my Mom isn't too happy about the cirriculum either." he replied, with a sigh, it was a constant battle with his Mom.
"Well, you do have a point there, but really Jake, appearance doesn't really matter that much. You can have good conversations with average looking girls as well, I mean, I do think that they would prefer the intellectual topics to talk about rather than..well.. flirting." Nathalie said, flushing a little when she had uttered the word flirting, but she does knew too that there were indeed some girls who weren't really interested in that, take herself as an example.

Nathalie had actually felt quite comfortable as well as relieved when she was able to actually share her thoughts about her father, actually, it was very rare for her to do that to a stranger, yet at this time, it seemed to be perfectly alright to do so. "I am enjoying now anyways and well I-" Nathalie said but she was actually cut off by Jake's statement. She wasn't offended at the very least, she was just caught off guard, she didn't really expect that at all. "It probably will, but seeing that you are very friendly, I'm quite sure that you'll have lots of friends there Jake." She then said with a light smile, knowing how really hard it is to actually go into a school where you have no one that you knew, especially in Jake's case, he would be a transferee after all. "Your mom and my dad, really, they're quite the same."

[oocIt's fine. . . hope everything's alright with you now. :) [/ooc]
Jake smiled at her statement, it made sense. "You have a point there, but girls don't seem to get how hard it is for us guys to talk to girls sometimes-that's why we flirt-it is a natural urge when we're panicking." he replied, grinning-he knew plenty of guys who had that problem, he didn't, but he had always been a bit of a flirt-ever since he could remember. He smiled at the blush on her cheeks-Nathalie would be a good friend.

"It's good that you're enjoying yourself." he concluded, nodding his head. He felt as though he were being a bit rude-asking so many questions, but he was interested-he found her interesting. "Yes, I have met a few people from there, none of them are particularly happy about the fact that I would like to be an auror." he smiled. "I'm beginning to think I shouldn't tell people." he added, grinning. He thought it was a good comparison. "Yes, parents can be over protective." he agreed, nodding his head.
Nathalie smiled as she nodded in understanding, it was actually the first time that she had heard that argument, and true enough, it made sense. "I see then, so you don''t really do it on purpose? But don't you think that it's better to be casual and friendly then? Some girls might get offended if you would continue with what you are doing." She said smiling, she was learning a lot from Jake, though these learnings were not really the one that she would have expected from a stranger.

"No, I actually think that to dream to be an auror is great, really great Jake, so don't hesitate to say that thing proudly, don't bother with what those people were saying, cause you know that you're not doing anyone any harm." Nathalie said, shaking her head. She had always admired how there were wizards who were brave enough to actually stand up for what is right, to actually lay down their lives in order to save thousands of lives in return. "Yes, too protective that their children might somehow get suffocated sometimes." She said, not really intending to let those words slip out of her.
"Nah, you see, alot of girls say they like to be flirted with, and others say they don't so you never know which type they were." he smiled, leaning on the table, and smiling up at Nathalie, this was an interesting conversation. "Yes, but the problem is, other girls come up to you and they flirt with you-they never think that you might not like them to flirt with you. It's a two way street." he added, he liked Nathalie's argument.

"Thank you." Jake smiled, sincere. He looked into her eyes. Jake knew some people found this disconcerting, but Jake thought it was rude, to look down when speaking, you should look into someone's eyes. He frowned at her next statement. "Are you suffocated Nathalie?" he asked, softly, he didn't like the sound of that, not at all.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for rubbish post :(
"well.. a girl's mind is complicated Jake." Nathalie said with a shrug, her eyes now fixed at the glass pane window, looking at the rain pelting outside, surely, it wouldn't stop just yet will it? "You know, sometimes, they would say, when you touch a girl's hand, she'll say your too touchy, if you don't, you're not a gentleman, if you asked where she had been, she'll say you're too demanding, but if you don't, she'll say you do not care..see.. it's too complicated, men won't understand how a woman think, just like how we women cannot understand how you guys think." She then added, turning her attention to the boy seated in front of her, her eyes locked into his. She likes hearing his arguments, there's truth in it, and Nathalie likes intelligent conversation, she never gets bored.

Nathalie smiled back when Jake had thanked her, but actually, there's nothing to be thankful for, after all, she had just stated the truth. "Am I suffocated? . . that's, probably, I'm not really that sure, but I'm used to it now.." She replied to him softly, she wouldn't want to ruin their conversation just so she could talk about her parents, no, she wouldn't want that at all, she's enjoying, and she didn't want to dampen their moods just like the rain outside.

OOCOut of Character:
no worries.. :D
"Don't I know it." Jake laughed, leaning back in his chair, her followed Nathalie's gaze outside. "Penny for your thought?" he grinned, that was one of his favourite expressions. It was old, but it sounded good. "Well, we can be pretty simple sometimes, if we like someone we'll talk and hang out with them, if we don't-we won't." he replied, simply-though he could understand why girls might find him confusing, Hell-he found himself confusing. Jake smiled as she looked straight back at him, he liked Nathalie.

Jake grinned, he was enjoying this conversation. He tried not to change his expression at her next comment, but felt sorry for her, being made do things she didn't want to do. "Yeah I guess..." he replied, then an idea struck him. He had to get her out of here-dwelling on things wouldn't help. He stood up and took her hand. "Come on-we're getting outta here." he grinned.
"Oh, no, no, I'm just thinking when will this rain stop." Nathalie said, smiling warmly at Jake, she didn't mean to look as if she was thinking about something important after all, it's just that, she was worried that once the rain stopped, then she'll have to go and their conversation might have to end then. "Oh, yeah, that's probably how your mind works, I mean, once you have decided on something that's it, but girls are more emotional I guess, their decisions would change once you tried to touch her feelings." She remarked, thinking about those times that she would have to change her mind simply because she cannot bring herself to hurt someone, not physically, but rather, emotionally.

Nathalie was a bit surprised when Jake took her hand, asking her to get out of the place that was currently protecting them from the rain. "You mean now? In this weather? We'll get out?" She said, there were a number of questions waiting to be asked, but these were the ones that had come out of her first, she's just confused yet amused at the fact of how Jake could make up a decision that fast, how he could have decided to get out despite of the heavy downfall outside.
"Am I that boring?" Jake teased, playfully, laughing. His bright smile flashed and he looked outside also. "Ah, well as an exception I am actually a bit complicated, I won't just go out with a pretty girl, most guys will, but I've managed to make sure most of my friends are like-minded." Jake smiled, he knew this would confuse her, but he didn't want Nathalie that he was stupid and shallow, strangely-he wasn't sure why he cared so much.

Jake laughed and looked down at her. "Yes, now, in the rain." he grinned, then grinning he said. "Didn't you ever run out in the rain, wreck your clothes and just lose control when you were a kid-well it's the best feeling ever." he grinned, it was best when you just went out and did normal things in the rain, go to the park, slide down a wet slide and sit on a soaking swing, he just hoped Nathalie would come.
Nathalie shook her hand from side to side in front of her face as Jake asked whether he was actually boring, she didn't mean it to come off that way actually. "No, no, that's not what I mean Jake..." She said, pouting a bit as she saw him laughing. Of course, she wouldn't say that he was boring, for actually, he is not, he's actually fun to talk with. "I didn't say that you will go out with any girl Jake, you don't look like those type." She said, smiling, reassuring him that she doesn't think of him badly, cause if she does, they she'll just tell him as politely as she could.

"You mean it?" Nathalie asked, still couldn't believe what it was that she was hearing, but even so, she actually like the idea. "I haven't done that, but I guess that it would be fun." She said, her voice a bit dreamy as she remembered those times when she would watch other children playing happily under the pouring rain while she sit by their house' window, reading books because she cannot possibly do what it was that they were doing. Honestly, she was happy to have studied at a school where she would have to stay for the whole school year, for at least,s he can move on her own.
Jake laughed when he saw that she took him seriously. "Nathalie-I'm joking." he grinned, he liked her, she was fun to be around, Jake hadn't had as interesting a conversation as this one for a while, especially with a girl. "Thanks." Jake smiled, a gentle curve of his lips and a small light in his eyes. Jake was joy embodied. He liked to have fun, and he always looked ready for a laugh.

"Of course I do-come on Nathalie, have a little fun?" he asked, he liked saying her name, it was a nice name, but he knew that if he used it too much it would sound strange and formal. Jake smiled as she considered the idea, he gave her a moment, and as she thought he observed her, her eyes seemed far away as though she weren't there at all. "So, do you wanna come?" he asked, a playful grin, threatening to burst from the corners of his mouth.
"But even so, I want you to know that I can't possibly get bored when talking with you.." Nathalie said, smiling warmly at the boy. He was really fun to talk to, he's just too spontaneous and he know how to have fun without offending anyone. It's quite amusing, everything that he would say, no matter how funny, he still makes sense. "The pleasure's all mine Jake." She said, her eyes twinkling in amusement as well as in joy as he thanked him. Honestly though, he didn't have to do that, Nathalie had had always had this thought that she shouldn't be thanked when she compliments someone, it's not that she was doing it just to have someone show some gratitude to her after all.

"I'm in." She said enthusiastically as she stood up, titting her head to the side a little as she tried to get a better view of the rain that they were going to face, it's pretty heavy, but it seemed like it would be more fun that way. It would probably be the first and the last time that she'll be able to do that, and so, she would want to enjoy the moment, shed like to experience the things that she wasn't able to experience as a child.
"Thanks Nathalie." Jake smiled, a boyish, wolfish grin playing on his lips. He had already decided that he would try to make Nathalie have more fun, by the looks of it-she didn't get to do crazy things that often. He shook her head at her next statement and said simply, "Your wrong." closing the subject he grinned and pulled her up by the hand.

"Off we go then!" he laughed, running out and placing some money in the hand of the waiter-to pay for their drinks "Thanks." he smiled, as he passed him in a whirlwind. He walked out in the rain and spread his hands wide, turning and facing Nathalie, walking backwards in the rain. "Come on-how awesome is this?" he laughed, kicking a puddle. Then upon impulse he took out his ipod and set the song "Singing in the rain." on play. "Perfect!" he grinned, and began singing along while jumping into puddles, then he grabbed Nathalie's arm again and smiled. "Come on!" he began to walk off in the direction of the park.

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