Something I probably shouldn't do

Laurence Zemonif

Active Member
OOC First Name
Laurence strode into the little pub with a a half smirk on his face. He hadn't had a drink in at least six days, and it was high time he got back to himself, no matter what his mother says about him doing it! He strode over to the bar and placed himself on a stool at it in his usuall obnoxious 'nose in air' manner. Looking at the bar tender, "Vodka and tonic... without the tonic" He grinned, finding himself a lot more funny that he was.

He gazed around the little muggle pub he'd found. It wasn't very different to magic folk's places, except he knew there were very low odds of there being any magical folk in here. He liked just to get away form it all sometimes, be 'normal'. Plus he felt superior and powerful! Which he liked a lot.

As he gazed around the room waiting for his drink he noticed a young woman sat at the pther end of the bar on her own. Perfect he thought and moved across to the stool next to her "Hey" smirking a lot now.
Saphire's head was still spinning from everything that was happening at the moment, and even though she couldn't drink - being pregnant - she still needed to get away somewhere, just have an evening away from it all.

She sat quietly, absorbed in her own thoughts and imagination. Thoughts of the baby, her fiancee, and where she was going to be living soon. She needed a something to let her forget about it, and she was beginning not to care what this thing was.

Saphire heard someone come into the pub, and move aver to her. She didn't really pay much untill he spoke, not expecting anyone to really pay attention to her. "Oh, um. Hi"
This girl seemed scared, like there was a hideous monster stood behind him. "You alright there? You don't seem too happy" Taking a sip of his drink that had arrived. He was good at pretending to be nice, when it suited him to be, and if being nice meant he got to talk to, and perhaps... 'get to know' a beautiful blond woman, the thought of which made him chuckle softly.
Saphire was so wrapped up in her own thoughts that she ignored the fact that this man probably wasn't that concerned about how happy she was or wasn't. "Well, not really. But life goes on I suppose." pausing to drink some of her orange juice "Its a bit of a mad, weird story to be honest. But it basically results in me being homeless! More or less... " She mimiced the mans chuckle, she hadn't realised how self centred and boring she was being! "Sorry, I'm not usually this down." Pulling a smile onto her face "I'm Saphire by the way, Saphire Nimph. Whats your name?"
Laurence half listened to what the girl was saying, but honestly more interested in seeing the bottom of his glass. He let her stop talking and tried to offer some comfort, "I kinda know what its like to be homeless... well, no I don't. But I was kicked out of my mother's house. Living with my aunt now. Things can always be worse, and they can always get better" His normal 'I am amazing and my life is amazing' front dropping for a moment, then reappearing "Shes got a lush house". He swallowed the last of his drink and looked over at hers "Can I get you a proper drink?!" tapping the side of her orange juice glass. He didn't believe in coming to a bar and not consuming some form of alchohol!
This guy seemed nice. She hadn't met a guy this genuine since she met Sam, who had proven not to be so perfect recently. "I suppose so"

Being pregnant, and the bump just starting to show, she know she really shouldn't drink anything, it wouldn't be right, "Well, I really shouldn't" What the hell she thought what harm can it really do anyway?[i/] "But ok, go on then. I'll have a whiskey and coke thanks." She grinned and repositioned herself closer to him. If Sam was going to do things behind her back, she would do whatever she wanted, and talk however say wanted to whoever she wanted. And the guy seemed like her wouldn't be the one to stop her!

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