Something Beautiful

Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Kate stopped at the outskirts of the forest.She hadn't been there since first year.She looked up at the trees and wondered what it would be like to climb up to the top of them.She looked around for any sign of teachers and when she was sure she saw no one she walked deeper in.As she walked deeper she listened to every sound and looked alll around her.It was very beautiful and Kate could help but trail her fingers along all the trees she passed.She looked up at the sky and could see it was getting darker.She wouldn't be here for long,she knew she should turn back and go back for dinner but she liked being outside at the time.When she entered a clearing she saw a tree with the perfect branch to sit on.She jogged over and sat down closing her eyes and listening
It was not unlike Amber Marina Wilson to hum to herself as she walked, it was a habit of hers she had adopted from her mother when she was a toddler, in fact, the second year had gotten so used to humming to herself as she walked, she didn't even notice it anymore. The brunette had decided to venture into the forbidden forest that day, she had more than enough spare time on her hands and she hadn't been anywhere near the forbidden forest in the two years she had been attending Hogwarts New Zealand, and no matter how surprising that might be to the Hufflepuff, she didn't notice, her mind was on something else, it was focusing on how beautiful nature was and how clear the air felt. There were no teachers around, so the twelve year old shrugged and continued to stroll casually into the forest, still humming an innocent tune to herself. Amber couldn't have guessed how deep into the forest she had walked, she didn't linger on that thought for too long, as she saw somebody else sitting on a tree branch. The childish curiosity that took control of Ambers mind couldn't be escaped, she approached the other girl and said "Hey, I'm Amber. Can I join you?" while she smiled at her fellow student, of course the girl was another student, there was no reson or sign for the girl not to be.
Kate's mind was blank.She was completely relaxed listening to the birds and the trees.She hadn't felt like this in a long time.It ffelt nice and Kate knew she must come here more often.She leaned her back against the tree and put her legs up on the branch.Next time she came she was going to bring her book it was a perfect place to read. She didn't hear the shuffle of feet coming towards her so it was quiet a surprise to Kate when she heard a voice.She leapt in the air and fell off the branch.She landed badly on her arm but other than that she was grand.She looked up at the person who accidently scared her. "Sorry"She said standing up and brushing off the leaves.When she looked up at the girls face who's name she had missed earlier she smiled "Hey i'm Kate...sorry whats your name again"She asked her cheeks going a bit read.She didn't like it when she had to ask people their names after they'd just told her.
The Hufflepuff had always been a nurturing person, for as long as Amber could remember, she always wanted to help people and make sure the people she cared about were safe, this was a virtue the brunette had embraced and when the stranger fell off of the branch, Amber gasped. Luckily, the girl seemed alright, and was standing and had introduced herself before Amber could do anything to help. Which was a bit disheartening for the second year, even if it looked like she didn't need to help, and her chance to help had partially gone away, she still wanted to do something for Kate, just in case she was needed. "I'm Amber, are you alright?" Said the twelve year old as she took a step closer to Kate, Amber had always been told she would make a great mother, she was mature beyond her years, and she was smart too, traits that were sure to aid her in her future, but somehow, Amber couldn't see herself ever being a mother, she wanted to be, but it just wasn't in her vision. Maybe it could have been because she was twelve, which wouldn't have been a surprise to Amber at all. People who were practically children ahouldn't be thinking about having children at all, they should be having fun and enjoying the moment, which were both things the second year had been doing.
There was a dull ache in her left hand and Kate couldn't help but wince a small bit.She guessed she had a small sprain nothing to be worried about.She had faced worse, already the pain was almost gone.She smiled when Amber introduced herself again and asked if she was alright. "I'm grand"She said giving herself another brush down.She had a proper look at the girl in front of her.she looked a bit younger than Kate but she couldn't be sure.She also wasn't sure what house she was in but she seemed nice and that was enough for Kate. "Sorry about that."Kate mumbled embarressed. This was a great start to the conversation. "Would you like to sit down"Kate said indicating towards the branch.It would be strong enough and big enough for them to sit down on.
Sitting on the same branch Kate had been moments earlier left a tinge of uneasiness in the pit of Amber's stomach, Kate had fallen off the branch, but whether it was because of the branch itself was something the twelve year old couldn't quite put her finger on. Obviously Amber's words had startled Kate, on the contrary maybe the branch wasn't as stable as it looked. Amber had never been a coward, and she never would be, it was just the possibility of hurting herself which she didn't take kindly to. Having to explain an injury which had occurred in an unconventional way was a situation the Hufflepuff did not want to be in, worrying her loved ones was the last thing the young girl wanted to do, so she wasn't going to take any chances. "Um, how about we just sit somewhere else?" Asked the brunette as she gestured for the two to sit at a nearby log, picking the safer option would ensure Kate and Amber they wouldn't be falling off any branches, which left Amber contented, so she walked over to the log and sat on it. While the second year sat down on the log, she stared out into the distance, she was zoning out yet again, something she would have to overcome if she wanted to focus properly on school and other things like conversations with her peers.
Kate looked around her.She had been sitting down for a long time,she had probably fallen asleep.The sky was turning darker and there was a definate chill in the air but Kate guessed it would be alright for another hour at least and Kate was perfectly content to stay here for another hour though she was not sure about after dark.Kate could be rather jumpy in the dark and in a forest where lots of animals and insects would be moving around making noise,she didn't think this would be the best place for her."Okay sure"Kate said smiling and moving towards the log.Amber was probably worried about the branch and Kate could blame her though technically it had been because Kate had jumped then she had fallen off but there was no point discussing that Amber would sill be uncomfortable.Kate sat down on the log and tried to comfortable which she was failing at because she had nothing to lean back on but Kate would live on. "So what house are ou in?"Kate asked all smiles when they had both gotten comfortable.
It was rather wonderful really, how the brunette had made the choice to venture into the forbidden forest when it would soon be getting dark, it showed how Amber had grown as a person in her second year, she was slowly becoming more mature and responsible, traits her parents would be proud of, that was if they noticed her maturity at all. It had been daunting for the twelve year old, spending most of her time at home without her parents, sure, the witch had supervision but it had no possibility to match the time she missed her mother and father when they were away. The Hufflepuff had something else to do to fill her time now, attend Wizarding School and learn how to use magic, it made for a good distraction, but it didn't keep her mind of certain things for too long. "I'm in Hufflepuff, what about you?" Replied the young girl, she was rather proud to be put in Hufflepuff, it was a great house, everybody she had met in the common room had been kind and thoughtful, sometimes shy. Nevertheless, it had been a catalyst for Amber becoming so supportive of her house, if this wasn't the case, she would have still supported them, just not as much. The question Kate had asked was a simple one, but it would allow both witches to get to know each other better, something that was sure to kill some of Amber's spare time.
Kate smiled.This girl called Amber seemed very nice.Kate was glad that she would hopefully be making a new friend.She had lost touch with some of her other friends that she hadn't been as close with over second year.She hoped things would start getting back on track and that she would make new friends this year.Kate looked up at the sky and saw one star in the sky.It was shinning bright and Kate remembered that it was actually a planet.She couldn't remember which.She made a note in her head to check astronomy book when she got back to the common room.Kate smiled "Me too"she said.She was proud of her house.Some people had made fun of her because of her house but she had ignored them.Just because the Hufflepuffs were't the smartest or bravest didn't mean they should be mocked.All Hufflepuufs were kind and considerate people with a good sense of humor.There was barely any disputes between the Hufflepuffs and because of this the common room was a great place to hang out.Now that Kate knew Amber's house she knew she wasn't n her year so ad a feeling she was in her brother and sister's year but she wasn't sure. "What year are you in?"She asked smiling

OOCOut of Character:
I am soo sorry it took so long
The day was crawling closer into night, the sky was darkening enough to reveal a star or two. It had captured the attention of Amber, as well as that of her fellow Hufflepuff Kate. Amber was only twelve, and no matter how intellectual and mature she was for her age, she could still act like a child when she wanted to. The second year scuffed the dirt and dry leaves below her feet, it was dark enough so the twelve year old could notice it was dark, though, Amber could still see what was around her with great detail. That was what the Hufflepuff liked so much about nature, it was unpredictable, nothing stayed the same, no matter how similar something seemed to be, there would always be some sort of change, no matter how minor that change might have been. "I'm a second year, but I try to keep a low profile." Replied the brunette, as she moved a lock of her wavy brown hair behind her ear. Amber had tried and succeed to avoid the attention of her fellow students, it was not because she disliked the other students, nor was it because she didn't want to socialise, which she liked to do very much, it was solely because Amber did not want to get in the way of anybody else. It was a conscious decision by the second year, there was always so much drama going on within the school, and Amber did not want to get in the way of any of it. Avoiding interaction with other students was an obvious reason as to why Kate may not have recognised Amber in the first place.
Kate nodded her head "That could be the reason"Kate said smiling.She had practically fallen off the side of the earth last year.She knew how it felt to be unseen though she also knew how unwelcome attention felt like.Accusing stares because of her weight.Her eyes red and puffy from crying.The shine gone from her eyes.It was a dark time in her life a time she would not like to relive it.She had learned from that expierence and she knew she would never let what started that little eating disorder ever affect her again. "So how do you like the school?"She asked her finger twisting her hair.
School was a pretty safe topic for Amber's fellow Hufflepuff to dwell on, but it was a topic none the less and simple questions were the easiest way for two people to keep a conversation going and get to know each other. The twelve year old loved to socialise, she liked meeting new people and getting to know them, especially those who had a dissimilar background from herself. Being wealthy had its benefits, and getting to know a lot of different people wasn't one of them. Amber knew how easy it would have been for her to grow up in the trap first class society had to offer, she could have easily grown up to be a selfish, spoilt brat and only talk to other selfish, spoilt brats, but luckily, the second year had made enough effort to meet people who weren't anything like the stereotypical rich kid, that was outside Wizarding School at least. "It's great, I love learning how to use magic, and my favourite class is herbology, what's yours?" Replied the brunette, sounding subsequently more enthusiastic than previously in the conversation. Which didn't surprise her at all, she loved magic, and learning how to use it properly was something Amber prided herself in, among other things.
Talking about school was always a good conversation starter.It was something both the people could talk about and also it would mean the said people would get to know each other more.When it came to magic Kate was not sure how she felt.She did like magic but whether she loved it that was a different thing.She didn't even know if she would like to get a job involving magic after school.At the beginning of third year and the end of second year she had thought she wanted to a be an auror but the more she thought about it the less she wanted to be one.Over the holidays she had done some thinking as well as practice and she was starting to think that she would like to have a job involving music.She was contemplating being a violin or singing teacher.It was early yet but Kate had a feeling that is what she would like to do in life.She could maybe join a musical society and do musicals.She wasn't sure whether she would audition for musicals in the West End or Broadway but she thought maybe have a go at it once and see how it goes?She came back down to earth when she heard Amber speak. "I like magic too,I have to say that History of Magic is my favorite subject"Kate said smiling. It was new her fondness for History of Magic.She liked learning about history and seeing how much things have changed. Kate looked down at her hands.She had long delicate fingers perfect for violin playing but for basketball not so much.She had had many finger injuries and the amount of buddy banadages she must of made had to be huge.It had affected her violin playing when she had been younger.As she looked down at her fingers a question came to her "Do you know what you wanna do when you leave school"Kate asked quite suddenly.She was curious to see was she the only other person who didn't want magic playing a huge part in her life.Sure she would like to use it and hopefully if she had any kids she would like them to be witches or wizard but that was it.
The question in which Kate had asked left a cloud of inquiry plaguing Amber's thoughts. Thinking about her future career was something the brunette had not done much, if she had even thought about her career at all. Amber Marina Wilson was only twelve; she had no idea of what she wanted to do when she left Hogwarts New Zealand, whether it be something involving magic, or something within the muggle world. The second year frowned a little. It was not because of Kate in any way. It was because the young witch was starting to worry herself. Amber knew that she wouldn't need to work a day in her life, what with the money her family had gained from her father's sucess in the business world, and her parents wouldn't mind if she didn't work either. But, the brunette wanted something more out of life than spending money all day every day, she wanted to help people, make a difference. On the other hand, it was still up to her to figure it all out. "I have no idea what I want to do." Amber had said, before even realising she was speaking. The second year had drifted off into another state of mind, something she did rather frequently.

It was not because of lack of sleep or anything similar, Amber just had a short attention span, much like any other person her age and her attention had now been taken away from Kate, and their pleasant conversation, to her possible career path. It was unlike the Hufflepuff to be thinking so hard about her future, when she was so far from it; she was still practically a child. Amber snapped back into reality, from her distracting thoughts, without knowing how long it had been since a word was exchanged between the two. "Um, sorry. I was thinking about stuff." The Hufflepuff said, as she managed a warm smile at her housemate, it was nice for her to finally have a proper conversation with somebody around her own age. She had grown tedious of conversing with adults and people older than her in general; she had to talk to them all the time around the house, so talking with Kate was a preferred change for the chestnut haired Amber. Hopefully she would see more of the third year in the future, it wouldn't have been a problem for Amber one bit and frankly, she needed to talk to people her own age more often.
Kate smiled when she realized that she wasn't the only one who didn't know.She was to young to be thinking about her future but it just sometimes came to her.She had four years left to decided and she knew she would think long and hard and use these few years valuable.It was now almost dark and Kate wondered whether they should go in or not.It was still pretty humid outside and she liked just sitting here on the log.She found her thoughts wondering towards her friends.She had a couple of close friends Tara,Stefan,Jake and Willow. Though Willow seemed distant at the moment.Kate wanted to help her get back to the way she had been.She was looking forward to her trip to Ireland with Jake.She was really look forward to it.Her parents had sorted everything out and all she had to do now was just look forward to it. Tara who at the beginning of this year had become her second closest friend. Stefan her closest friend the person she now worried about 24/7 during holidays.The person she cared so much about.She didn't know what she would do if any of these friends were hurt.They were everything to her and they had helped her in bad times. She noticed that there was long silences between the two of them.she guessed Amber was doing the same as her just thinking. "Exactly what I'm doing"Kate said smiling.Her back was starting to hurt so she got down and sat in front of the log so her back was leaning on something "A bit more comfy down here"She said grinning her mind already starting to wander.
The sun was setting; it would have been a beautiful sight for the second year to see, the orange sunset, a perfect end to another bright day. It was a pity Amber couldn't see the sunset, it was too dark in the forest, and all the twelve year old could do was tell the change in the amount of light within the Forbidden Forest, there wasn't much of a change in light. Alas, there wasn't much light to begin with, leaving Amber to draw the conclusion it was getting dark. All the reasoning within Amber’s childish, yet intelligent mind had distracted her from her conversation with Kate again. The Hufflepuff needed to teach herself to have a longer attention span, it would benefit her so much more, she would be able to focus more on classes and focus on things more in general. It would benefit her more in schooling than anything else, as she would be able to pay attention to her work ad magic. "I would join you, but I don't want to get my clothes dirty." Said the twelve year old, she didn't act like she was very rich, when she obviously was, the Hufflepuff didn't like getting her clothes dirty, nor did she like wasting her parent's hard earned money by ruining the expensive clothes they had paid for. Amber moved a lock of chestnut brown hair behind her air as she straightened her clothing, it was getting darker, but that did not mean she had to appear to be less than she was, anyway, nobody wants to hang around somebody who didn't take care of themselves.
To anybody Kate looked like a normal,Irish teenager.But there was two things that were completely different about her a)she was a witch and b)she was rich very rich in fact though she didn't like broadcasting it which was why only one or two people knew.It was a new development she had used to be normal and live in a nice house in Ireland but then her grand-aunt had died and had left her huge estate in England to Thomas Moon Kate's dad.It had been a big shock to everyone in the Moon household.Her parents had had to leave their jobs and their friends behind.For Kate it hadn't been to bad as they had already said all their goodbyes when leaving for Hogwarts.She had only really got used to her huge house over the summer because she had spent all her time in there.The money was just a little perk for Kate it was nic being able to get anything you wanted but Kate had limited it down to books and then close she needed.she didn't really want to or buy anything else.Her new found richness had caused her some problems last year and the comments that a certain someone had made still floated around her head but she had let them go knowing everyone could have their opinion but that didn't nessecarly make it right.Once again getting back to the conversation Kate smiled as the girl declined.That was fine by her not everyone wanted to get their clothes dirty but then again Kate thought it would be kind of awkward looking up all the time she she stood up brushed down the back of her pants and sat back down on the log. "that wouldn't of been comfy"She said getting herself settled on the log once more.. "Do you have any brother or sisters?"Kate asked trying to get the conversation flowing.
The sky continued to get darker, and so did the forbidden forest, staying in the forbidden forest until it was pitch black was not on Amber's list of intentions. It would be unsafe for the both of them, Amber and Kate to be exact, if they loitered in the forbidden forest any longer, there was a reason it was forbidden, and Amber sure didn't want to find out the hard way. The Hufflepuff ran a hand through her long, wavy chestnut coloured hair, her motherly instincts were kicking in again, the girl was only twelve, yet if she saw somebody hurt, she would go out of her way to help them until she knew they were safe. It was a quality in her that others would see as mature. More often than not, she would just see it as a burden; it was awfully worrying for the Hufflepuff sometimes, the thought of not knowing if somebody would be okay. Kate and Amber weren't any kind of real danger, but the thought and possibility of either of them being hurt couldn't help but make itself apparent in the twelve year old's mind. "I'm an only child, do you have any siblings?" Amber replied, as she scoped the landscape around them, Amber knew exactly which direction she had arrived from, and she was going to make the smart decision and walk back that way to get out. Only somebody with an idiotic mind set would chose to go a different way. Amber stood up and dusted her clothes off, and said while looking down at her fellow Hufflepuff "It's getting dark; do you think we should leave now?" The second year wasn't going to just get up and leave out of nowhere, and leave Kate to find her own way back to the castle in the dark, that would be heartless and Amber was far from being heartless.

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