Something about this sport

Teagan Riley

Mum to Winter | Countess | UK & NZ Barrister
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
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Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Doxy Wing Core
The holidays was indeed what Teagan expected. Her mother has given her, or rather, her Aunt loads of projects to be dealt with after the school year but the saddest part was her father's face when he found about the first semester Flying grade that she got. An Exceed Expectation is not what he expected at all for her that's why she decided to get up from the couch at the Ravenclaw common room and took her butt at the Quidditch Pitch, school broom in hand. The last time she used a school broom was when it made her nose bleed that made her mother hysterical. Teagan sigh at the sight of the broom that she threw at the ground, if it weren't for her father, she wouldn't be trying out for her Quidditch team next year.​
Georgina did not like siting on the bench, it wasn't in her dna to be second string. If her father knew that she was playing back up to someone else he would be disappointed, even if he had banished her to the other side of the world, his disapproval would still follow. If she ever got a chance to explain Quidditch and her position she would no doubt get a long lecture about how de Lacey's aren't second string and that at the age of eleven he was the starting fly half on his boarding schools rugby team in favour of two older students. What her father would fail to realise was that in his world his title meant something and awarded him privilege, no such luckvat Hogwarts. Still the only people who mattered were impressed. Her siblings. Georgina had taken her broom out early to practice her speed. Avie was a sxith year which meant she could started in the next couple of years if she stuck with her position. She had to he ready. She wasn't in the air long when she noticed a girl come into the pitch with what looked like a school broom. First year perhaps. Georgina decided to fly back to the ground to see what she was up to.
James always stayed a little longer after the term finished, preferring having the castle almost to himself than tending to his sick mother in the cramped family home, although he would never admit it. The malady was so easy to cure with magic, and yet as a Muggle, she had no choice but to remain encapsulated in a wheelchair, forced to depend on her family to care for her every need. He loved his mother, but after years of the same monotonous jobs, he had to admit that the breaks when he was at school were one of the best times of his life. And most of all playing Quidditch. Quidditch was by far and away the best thing that he knew, and so today he had decided to journey down to the pitch for a little work out and an easy flight, hoping to bask in the sun that was plentiful that morning. However, he was surprised to find that when he reached the pitch that not one, but two people were already present. One he vaguely recognised from one of the quidditch teams, not a major player though, so probably an alternate, and the other not at all. She was certainly struggling with the broom, that was clear enough, so he headed over. "Hi, James, James Adams. Is that one of those pesky school brooms? I always used to hate those. If you want, I could summon my other broom for you; I mean, it's not as nice as my current one, but any decent broom is better than that tat the school have invested in. Want to have a go?" Without waiting for an answer, he pulled out his wand and used an Accio charm to summon it non-verbally.
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Teagan did a funny face as she stared down at the broom. She's always thinking how could she use these skills on governing the County Armagh if ever she sees to live as a Marchioness? She shook her head slightly but went and stood beside the broom anyways and was about to do the first step in flying, when someone caught her attention. A girl on a broom coming towards her. Teagan pop her lips at the jealousy she's feeling towards the people who can ride brooms, if she can just focus and not worry about her nails ... or her nose even, she'll get it right. Not even landing on the ground, another person came, an older guy and introduce himself as James. "Hi, James. Teagan Maxwell, nice to meet you." She said politely. The blonde Ravenclaw didn't mind many people but it was too embarrassing now to try flying on the broom. James even offered her his other broomstick which he summoned immediately before she can even reject the offer. She smiled awkwardly to James because the guy will find out how horrible she is at flying.​
James was starting to regret his hasty decision to help out the other girl, seeing her obvious reluctance on her face, but the spell had been cast, so it wasn't long before the broom whizzed over the top of the stands and nestled itself lovingly into his hand. He felt he was being stupid, but he had an unshakeable idea that the broom relished being used again; perhaps it was bitter after he bought his new one. Still, he proffered it the girl, whom he now knew was called Teagan. "Well, if you want to use it, it's a lot better than those school brooms. Nice to meet you too, by the way, lovely day isn't it?" Turning to the other girl who was already on the pitch, he smiled a greeting. "Hey, James Adams. I was just about to get some seeking practice in before the end of term. Mind if I join you?"
James' broom immediately was in his hand, Teagan smiled nervously at it because it was advance than the school broom. She nodded when he comment what a lovely day it is, "Well ... The thing is, James. I'm a beginner at this, for Merlin's sake, I barely passed the flying lessons." Teagan explained. Her nose being punched by the broom again was not in her bucket list, and public appearances are a must for a Countess. The Ravenclaw though needs someone's help to at least fly a couple of feet without falling off and maybe she can hire them to teach her more.​

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