Open Someone's On My Mind

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Derek Tahana

kiwi - half maori - woolongong warriors chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 11 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Acromantula Web Core
5/2034 (19)
Derek had been thinking ever since his conversation with Marlowe about how best to move forward. He could admit to having some feelings for Athena, some small feelings, but knowing her connection to Emilia and the problems that the two were having, he was tentative about getting in the middle in any way of that. He wondered since then, if perhaps it would be worthwhile to sit with Emilia, to have a conversation with her and discuss how things had ended. But, he did get the impression she definitely wouldn’t want to speak to him, he knew that going to her because he liked Athena a little wasn’t going to help the situation but at a certain point he needed to. He couldn’t put it all on Athena’s shoulders to resolve. But these thoughts weren’t so important when he was going to the yuleball. He’d thought about asking Athena with him, but decided against it in the end. He wouldn’t need to. He could have fun otherwise. The boy had brought himself to the ball and was looking forward to just having a good night. He walked over to the drinks table and got a little drink as he watched the people in the hall have fun.
Athena had found an special dress for tonight. She didn't had a date or something again.. But she was not that sad about it like last time. She had been so confused about seeing Derek last time. Being with him just felt amazing, but she had her cousin in the back of her mind. She didn't want to make things worse than they already were. So she figured to take some distance or at least take things slow. And she doubted if she had to talk to her cousin. After reading the Hogwarts Monthly she knew that Emilia perhaps would give her a chance. But Athena was still a bit angry about what she had said. And she needed to apologize as well to her. Thought tonight she was just looking for fun and she felt it was fine dancing with Mazi again being together. They had eachother after all.

The blonde decided to look from the sideline again since she didn't had planned to dance with someone else than Mazi. And walked over to the drink table. She poured herself some juice and than took a sip of it. Watching the people dance and some couples. Still Athena felt jealous of them sometimes. She wanted that too. But she had just accepted the fact she wouldn't have that. She was too insecure it seemed. Than the blonde noticed Derek in his suit. She looked to the side for a moment and doubted to say something. Athena had been making a fool out of herself after kissing him on the cheek in the student lounge. But she had to gather it together. '' Hey.. Derek.'' She than started and smiled as she slowly walked towards him. '' How are you doing?'' She than asked him. Since she hadn't spoken to him after the Student lounge.
The slytherin would’ve been happy to spend the night, having no one to dance with and just having to watch as others did so, but he was a little pleased when Athena appeared beside him. He remembered how she’d kissed him on the cheek after they’d danced together in the student lounge, remembered how great that had been, how that had felt. It was odd, he like Athena, and he knew he did, but acting upon it yet, still seemed a little weird. There was still that thought in his head that he was doing something wrong, that this wasn’t the right thing to do, but what did it matter if it wasn’t right. It was just his mind telling him it wasn’t right, when in fact it was just fine. The slytherin smiled at her. ”i’m good, how are you?” he smiled at her, taking her in for a moment. ”Do you want to dance?” he asked, holding out his hand to her and giving her a little smile. He knew that the last time they had danced it had ended a little weirdly, but it wouldn’t on this occasion, things would be fine here. It was what people did when they were at the yuleball, they danced with others.
Athena hoped Derek would not be thinking bad of her. Perhaps he still had feelings for Emilia her cousin and now she was there. She doubted if she had to speak to him but she did. She wanted her own happiness as well and Derek had given her a present in the student lounge, he danced with her. Like a Yule Ball dance. And the blonde was happy, she felt lucky. But it was all an illusion perhaps. But Athena felt more butterflies in her stomach or how that must be feeling. She smiled back since Derek seemed to not be doing strange at all. '' I'm fine. '' Athena than said smiling. And than he asked her to dance. Was it like a real dance, a real Yule Ball dance? Or just fun dance. Athena looked around for a moment and than nodded smiling and took his hand to dance. Walking to the dancefloor she hold him in a position it seemed suited and like people did. It wasn't like they were a couple, but secretly Athena had dreamed of it. Since no one else made her feel like Derek did. '' I'm sorry I walked away last time.. in the student lounge. I just.. don't want to hurt Emilia. '' Athena than said to Derek honestly. She had learned to be honest and she needed to be. '' I just wanted to thank you. For making me feel better. And being a good friend.'' Athena than said shortly. And blushed for a moment.
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