Someone to call 'friend'...

Miranda grinned sheepishly "Its that obvious??" Miranda asked with a little smile.
"yes" Ana-Cole said laughing a bit. "But like I said its fine. I actually like to see people excited. Some of the first years that I have meet seem so depressed already and school hasn't even started." She said with her normal smile.
Jezreel laughed mostly at herself because she was just realizing exacty how excited she was. "I don't think I've ever been this excited about anything else before! I can't wait!"
"Oh there is the three broomsticks" Ana-Cole said pointing at the building of the Three Broomsticks as they passed it on there wondering walk "Best butterbeer ever" She said with a smile wondering if either of these girls knew what a butterbeer was nonetheless what it tasted like.
"Oh I love butterbeer!!" Miranda said, excited again, "It tastes so good."
"I've actually never had one." Jezreel said afraid that she would be laughed at. "I've heard my mom talk about them before but we never had them in the house for some reason."
"I actually did not try one until last year except when I was offered one I had no clue what it was" Ana-Cole said with a small laugh "Curse of being a muggleborn" she said with a smile. Ana-Cole did not mind being a muggleborn but she did often feel like she missed out on somethings. "But we have to go get some sometime" Ana-Cole said
"Definatly." Miranda said, remembering the taste of butterbeer.....
"Sounds like fun" Ana-Cole said thinking that just maybe she had made a friendship with two new students.
"That would be nice! I know what you mean about being Muggleborn...kind of. My dad is a Muggle so I've been around Muggle things all my life though I had a little more experience with magic in a household then you did...not that that's a bad thing." Jezreel added to insure that she didn't sound stuck-up or anything.
Ana-Cole smiled. "No I don't find being raised in a muggle home bad some people do though" Ana-Cole said thinking of all the people that have looked down upon her because of it. "But it doesn't matter " She said putting another smile on her face. Ana-Cole was so used to smiling sometimes she wondered if she only smiled because it was easier than showing any other emotion.
Jezreel's fears of being thought inconsiderate melted away with Ana-Cole's smile. "Yea I've heard my mother talk about the things people at work say about her for being married to a Muggle but she doesn't care and neither do I." she said smiling back and giving a firm nod of affirmation.

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