Closed Someone New

Weston Stirling

where do we go from here, my friend?
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 10" Rigid Alder Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Weston was happy that two of his closest friends were in relationships. He really was. He was happy that they were happy — especially Jordie. Weston had seen up close how badly Jordie's past romantic troubles had affected him, and he was glad that the Hufflepuff was finally with someone who was nice and liked him back.

The only downside to Jordie and Zay both being in relationships was that they had less time to hang out with him. It didn't help that both his friends also had new leadership positions this year, making them even busier. Even Indi had gotten new responsibilities as the new SDA co-president. While Weston was happy enough with his own life, he couldn't help wondering if he was missing out on something. It sometimes felt like all his friends were part of some secret club that he didn't know how to join.

Unable to find any of his friends, Weston had decided to spend the afternoon in the Student Lounge. Surely he was bound to come across someone he knew if he waited long enough. In the meantime, he'd decided to get a head start on his homework — or at least that's what he'd meant to do. It hadn't taken long for Weston to get distracted, and he was presently turning pieces of parchment into paper planes (parchment planes)? He tried to launch one into a nearby bin, but it veered away and accidentally hit another boy. "Sorry!" he said, giving the boy a sheepish smile.
I apologize I lost track of this thread and then got super busy!

Louis was trying to study, but it was so boring it was difficult to focus. He felt his attention wandering away from his potions notes with every few words he managed to read. It was frustrating. Sometimes, he tried to picture Giulia's disapproving face, which helped a bit. But soon enough, he was just daydreaming. He had sort of imagined he would be getting better grades now he was a prefect, but it felt like an unrealistic goal now. He was jolted out of his thoughts when a paper airplane hit him in the head. Louis blinked in surprise, then looked up when someone apologized. Louis grinned, tossing it back. "Not bad." He said, sitting up. "Is that muggle studies homework or are you bored as well?"
((don't worry about it!))

Weston was relieved when the boy didn't seem bothered by the interruption. It looked as if he had been reading something, and the last thing Weston needed was to lose points because he'd annoyed a prefect. He fumbled for the paper airplane, only just barely catching it. "Bored," he answered automatically. "Wait, do they actually learn how to make paper airplanes in Muggle Studies?" He sighed. "I knew I should've taken that class." It had seemed kind of pointless since his dad was a muggle and he had grown up in the muggle part of Auckland. But he could have really used an easy O. His grades were kind of a disaster now.
Louis smiled at the boy as he responded to his question. Sometimes people wanted to be left alone, though Louis was sure he could charm most people into a conversation with him. He straightened his shoulders a bit, taking in the boy. He was pretty cute. “No clue.” He said, when he asked about the planes. “I just made that up, I don’t take muggle studies.” He said, smiling and shaking his head. “Are you in sixth year?” He asked, taking a guess. He wasn’t in Louis’ year, but he also wasn’t much older or younger than him.
"Oh," Weston said, frowning slightly. Now that the boy mentioned it, Weston supposed it should have been obvious that he'd made it up. "That would've been a cool homework assignment." He glanced down at the paper airplane and smoothed out a crease. "Yeah. I'm Weston." He sent the plane back towards the boy, wondering if he could turn this into a game of catch. "Are you a fifth year?" He couldn't be any younger considering he had a prefect badge, and he definitely wasn't a sixth year.

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