
Dominique Malone

⭐bubbly⭐ditzy⭐actress⭐ ⭐walking scandal⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 17 Inch Whippy Laurel Wand with Veela Hair Core
5/2034 (29)
Dominique was still finding her way around this big castle, but one room that had caught her definite interest was the trophy room. It was something to aspire to - by the time she left this school Domi's name would be all over this room if she had her way. It was hard to know where to start though, when the school didn't have any performing arts programs whatsoever. Looking around the trophies might give her inspiration though, and when Domi finally got directions from an older student she made her way to the room quickly, looking around in awe at all the glistening symbols of accomplishment lining the wall. It was hard to know where to start looking. So many people in this school had done so many amazing things, and Domi found herself just wandering and daydreaming of her own name someday making this list.
One thing Lucinda prided herself on was the fact that she never forgot a face - unless, of course, it benefited her to pretend that she had. So when she walked down the corridor just at the right moment to see the younger girl prance into the trophy room, Lucinda gazed after her for a moment - and then followed her in. She paid no attention to the stupid trophies, instead stepping along behind the girl as stealthily as possible who hadn't seemed to even notice her presence. Smirking, Lucinda stepped up behind the girl and pushed her lightly, but firmly, in the back. "So you're as bad at hiding from assassins as you are at being one I see. It's a shame you're not actually my target, or you'd be out already." There had been no need for this little side excursion, but Lucinda felt satisfied anyway - she liked the fact that the girl had been so stupidly easy to sneak up on, and that she had technically now beaten her at this game twice.
Dominique spotted the older girl's reflection in the glass she was looking through a split second too late to avoid the push. "Hey!" She snapped, stumbling slightly away from her. "Don't push people!" Straightening her shirt, Domi eyed the older girl, realising she was the target who had barely eluded Domi in week one of the game. "I was busy, don't be so rude." She said haughtily. "You didn't use your wand anyway, if your wand had been lit up I would have seen it in the glass in plenty of time." She folded her arms, eyeing the tacky looking girl. "What are you doing here anyway?"

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