Some friends for Vester!

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Sylvester Valerio

Active Member
OOC First Name
Straight 10 1/2" Flexible Acacia Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Hey all, I'm pretty new to this site and Sylvester is currently my one and only character on here. I would love for him to have some friends, as it's his 1st year here! I've already RPed with Victoire Fontaine when Sylvester was getting his wand, but I'm open for anyone else and anything!

Sylvester is a very kind individual. He has plenty of excitement and enthusiasm when it comes to anything magic. He comes from a muggle family, so it is all very new to him. He's not afraid to make mistakes and loves to go on any adventure placed in front of him. I don't really see him having any kind of love interest right now, but definitely could see him befriending a fellow 1st year girl and growing closer throughout the years. As for any other friends, Sylvester is welcoming for anybody! Whether it's another 1st year who's clueless about Hogwarts just as much as he is or if it's an older student who provides wisdom to him every once in awhile. It would be nice for him to have someone to look up to and somewhat idolize as he grows in his years at Hogwarts

Can't wait to RP with you all at some point :D
Same house here.
Geoff is always open for an adventure! You can join my open roleplay in the hospital wing if you want!
I'll let you and Silius finish that, and I'll see if I can find an area for us to Geoff and Sylvester to RP in! I'll PM you when I post it :)
I think this character that I'm posting with would be a good friend for Sylvester, Amy's always looking for an adventure too and she's sweet. She loves meeting new people and can be outgoing when she wants to be. She's also a little mischievous :) I can start an OSW topic for him to join in if you want?
Well if you ever need a prefect for your RPs/development, then I'm here on standby with James. He's basically an all round nice guy, but he can show some iron when he's Prefect-ing (it's a very now :r ). Advice, discipline, friendliness, welcoming, etc. Anything's welcome :)
Clara - Yes, I think that would be wonderful! Sounds good, just PM me the link when you have it posted. Can't wait for Vester to meet Amy!

James - I will keep that in mind, thank you James! I'll probably let you know when Sylvester is getting into some kind of shenanigans so he can learn his lesson haha. Those 1st years sure can be mischievous!
You should check out this post and let me know if anything here suits him :)
Pheeb - I could see Sylvester being one of the people that Kimmyeon gossips and spreads rumors about. Since he is Gryffindor and she is Slytherin, I could see that. And to top it off, he is muggle born and is still very clueless to many things about the wizarding world :D
Sylvester Valerio said:
Pheeb - I could see Sylvester being one of the people that Kimmyeon gossips and spreads rumors about. Since he is Gryffindor and she is Slytherin, I could see that. And to top it off, he is muggle born and is still very clueless to many things about the wizarding world :D
Perfect! :D
Hey Juan, here is the topic I've started. Since OSW is now over, I've made it an open topic. For anyone else who sees this, feel free to join in! :)
Sylvester Valerio said:
Hey all, I'm pretty new to this site and Sylvester is currently my one and only character on here. I would love for him to have some friends, as it's his 1st year here! I've already RPed with Victoire Fontaine when Sylvester was getting his wand, but I'm open for anyone else and anything!

Sylvester is a very kind individual. He has plenty of excitement and enthusiasm when it comes to anything magic. He comes from a muggle family, so it is all very new to him. He's not afraid to make mistakes and loves to go on any adventure placed in front of him. I don't really see him having any kind of love interest right now, but definitely could see him befriending a fellow 1st year girl and growing closer throughout the years. As for any other friends, Sylvester is welcoming for anybody! Whether it's another 1st year who's clueless about Hogwarts just as much as he is or if it's an older student who provides wisdom to him every once in awhile. It would be nice for him to have someone to look up to and somewhat idolize as he grows in his years at Hogwarts

Can't wait to RP with you all at some point :D


You are very similar to Hemi, who is also my first character and is a muggle born and is in Gryffindor! I reckon they would become good friends and can stumble their way through the magical world together.

I actually posted an open thread in the boys Gryffindor dorms here, if you are interested in being dorm mates. We can also plot a closed thread elsewhere in the castle, maybe getting hopelessly lost together on their way to a class.
Amy - Looks like we've already had a couple of people reply! The more the merrier :D

Ruth - You're right, they do sound to be quite good for each other! I'm sure they'll get along just fine. I'll reply to your thread and we can start their shenanigans haha.
Hello there!

If you wanted to RP Victoire and Sylvester at Hogwarts, I'd be more than happy to!
And other that, I can offer him, Tholomyes, he's a first year Ravenclaw and mostly new to the magic world, who is just currently asking a lot of questions and complaining a lot about things. He would definitely enjoy having someone who understood as much as he does. They could make good friends.

Let me know what you think!
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