Some company?

Vaska Vetrova

OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
It was Vaska's first time visiting New Zealand, she hadn't been interested in going down under not even to meet Agrippina or Octavian. But since sorting is around the corner, Vaska decided that it was best to survey the area. Brightstone village was ugly and small, the brat hated the place. How could her two siblings managed to have this so called village as the only place that they could look forward to during the famous brightstone break? The only spot that caught the eleven years old's age was the small abandoned alleys. She sure would love to spend time with whoever she would be fond of in one of those abandoned places. Having all these facts flooding in her head, the blond haired girl decided to walk toward the alley and see if she could spot anyone in there. When her leather mint green bag brushed the wall, the girl screamed and stomped her foot as she glared at the scratched layer and tossed her bag to the ground.
Matt was unusually bored. Normally, he'd find something, anything to fill up his time but his guitar was all the way back in england and he wondered why exactly his parents hadn't even let him bring it. It wasn't like he had stuff to do anyway. Matt's parents were somewhere else with other people as per usual so he was left to his own devices...whatever that had meant. He had arrived to new zealand a week and a half ago, so had explored the major parts of the city already and he had no idea what to do now, he'd definitely stay here until he'd receive his acceptance letter and go to Hogwarts, that much was obvious by the amount of things he had packed with him. Matt sighed, walking around aimlessly until he found himself in front of an alley. What surprised him was the sudden scream of frustration coming from a girl who looked around his age. Matt decided to cheer her up. It was what made him walk up to her, hands in pockets and say, "someone looks like she needs a friend." He smiled at her, his charm on full and his tone friendly as he looked at her. He had a thing for blondes that he couldn't get rid of.
Vaska jumped a little bit and one of her heels from her shoes got detached. She fell and nearly twisted her ankle "You scared me" the girl checked on her pulse and took a shoe off. She pouted, still sitting and glared at her shoes. The blonde screamed as she threw her shoe against the wall. She sat for a little bit more time and looked up to the boy "Come help me pick my new shoes?" she gave her hand out, expecting the boy to help her stand. She needed a new pair of shoes after this ridiculous so called incident and she wasnt going to go shopping on her own. She didn't even care who the boy was, all she cared was that he should be around her age and that he was a boy.
Matt shrugged, looking at the girl apologetically. "Sorry." He looked down at her feet and mentally facepalmed at the fact that he hadn't noticed earlier. He kind of felt bad that she seemed unhappy and his mission was to cheer the girl up. It was something he did, especially when it came to pretty young girls such as her. Matt nodded at her question, having nothing better to do with his time right now and besides, it was an advantage if he befriended her. "I'm Matt, by the way. What's your name?" He smiled at her, as he took her hand and helped her up to get new shoes. All he had to do was, hopefully, comment on shoes she tried on and she'd decide. Matt was never the type for shopping, though he was used to going with his sister - his younger one, Kaia never did like shopping for fun.​
Vaska stood up and snaked her arms around him before giving the boy a kiss on the cheek. He lead her toward the shops and moved her body closer to Matt. "Vaska Vetrova" her thick Russian accent came out. She was proud of her surname though many people from this part of the world had no idea who the Vetrov or Vetrova were unless they studied in Hogwarts New Zealand. "So Matt, what brings you to this lonely Brightstone Village?" she looked up to him as her other arm touched Matt's arm and caressed it. Vaska was aggressive, she loved the accompany of other people and she wasn't afraid to flirt with them.
Matt visibly turned pink when the girl kissed him on the cheek. He didn't think it would be that easy for her to like him. After all, she was beautiful. "Wow that is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he winked at her, and smiled showing his dimples. "Russian family?" Matt took a wild guess. He knew that accent and it was enjoyable to hear for some reason. He shrugged at her question, "I was bored, wandering around since my parents ditched me again. When I noticed you though, I couldn't resist coming over considering you're like my age, or something, right," Matt looked around him. "So where to now?" He turned back to Vaska unsure of where to go or what shops she needed to get to.​

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