Sofia Fernandes

Sofia Fernandes

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Beech Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Pixie Hair

Full Name:
-Sofia Carolina Lorena Fernandes

Date of Birth:
-January the 17th, 2015

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
-Brown eyes
-Finely platted brown hair
-Tan skin
-Wears jeans and tank tops a lot

-Hidden Intelligence

-Marisa Fernandes: Mother, Unknown, Portuguese, Living.
-Gonçalo Andrade: Father, Pureblood, Half English, Half Portuguese, Deceased.
-Olavo Andrade: Grandfather, Pureblood, Portuguese, Deceased.
-Odelia Andrade: Grandmother, Pureblood, English, Living, Seer.

-Odelia has a pet kneazle (Luna)
-Marisa once owned a dog
-Sofia really wants a pet

Area of Residence:
-Sofia was born in Portugal and lived there for six years with her mother and father
-Sofia lived in Spain with her mother for five years
-Sofia currently resides in Australia with her mother

-Sofia's grandmother lives in a villa in Spain and has her own wizarding bar

Blood Status:
-Sofia's mother was an orphan, raised by Gonçalo's mother and father

-Sofia is 25% English, 75% Portuguese

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
-Sofia likes to climb, play football, go swimming, play rough games
-She has a tree local to her home, that she sits in to read books
-Sofia likes electronica & rock music

Additional Skills:
-Sofia can speak English, Spanish and a little bit of French
-She's a fast learner
-Sofia can sing very well, though she will only sing when she's alone
-She has never flown a broom, but she'll be a natural like her father was
-She's very fast
-She has near-perfect balance

-She's socially robust
-She doesn't give up easily
-She's quite positive, regardless of her past
-She can read body language
-Her passion for life

-She hides her emotions
-She shelters from the past if it's brought up

Describe your character in three words:
-Happy in life

Favourite place to be:
-The tree she reads in, because she gets some time alone (which she sometimes uses to grieve)

-Sofia is a bit of a loner, at the moment

Hogwarts House:
-Sofia would probably like Gryffindor or Ravenclaw
Her love of live has made her strong at heart, yet, she's also a keen learner

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
-Sofia hopes to excel in any subjects she takes, and to make lots of friends
-Sofia would love the chance to join a Quidditch team, even just as an alternative (She's built for being a seeker, yet she has the strength of a beater)
-Sofia will find it strange to start at Hogwarts, but she will, no doubt, find herself a nice group of friends and settle down to work

Best school subjects:
-Sofia will, undoubtably, do best at flying lessons, Divination, Ancient Runes & Astronomy

Worst school subjects:
-I don't think Sofia will do great at Muggle Studies, though she may prove me wrong

Extracurricular Activities:
-She spends a lot of time around her seer grandmother, who is teaching her some aspects of divination and has taught her how to read tarot cards


Current Occupation:

Plans for your future:
-To have fun, meet friends, maybe fall in love and have a family, get a job, relax

Your Patronus:
-Sofia's patronus would probably be a wolf because of her loyalty to her 'pack'

Your Patronus memory:
-Sofia would probably use the memory of her father playing with her in the park

Your Boggart:

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:
-Her father with his hands on her shoulders, smiling at her

A page from your diary:
-She's not much of a writer, but if she did keep one, it would be short and sweet.

Dear Diary,
I'm feeling lonely. Please send me a friend, or something.
Also, I think I may need to install a cushion in this tree.. It's not as comfy as the old one.
Write again soon,
You can answer these IC or OOC ^_^

1) Why don't you think Sofia will do well at muggle studies?
2) What was special about her father playing with her in the park?
3) If she could have one, what pet would she want and why?
4) How did her father die?
5) Is she ever embarassed?
6) Why did her family move to Austraiia?

Ok, that's all for now :)
Rue Undersee said:
1) Why don't you think Sofia will do well at muggle studies?
2) What was special about her father playing with her in the park?
3) If she could have one, what pet would she want and why?
4) How did her father die?
5) Is she ever embarassed?
6) Why did her family move to Australia?
1. Sofia has lived among the muggles for nearly all her life, a lot of her childhood friends are muggles. She would probably think it boring, though she may enjoy seeing a wizarding perspective on the muggle world. To cut a long story short, she'd put in less effort with less interest.

2. It was just on of those sunny, hazy days that she remembers spending with him and being happy. He worked a lot and travelled, so she saw very little of him.

3. Hm.. I think she would love a thestral. They're highly misunderstood and they look a bit strange, but Sofia loves individualism and unique ideas. I don't think she'd easily settle for a non-magical pet, unless it was very special and misbehaved.

4. There was a fire at their house in Portugal. Sofia was asleep and her father ran to rescue her from the flames nearing her room. Her mother had already made it outside and was shouting to her husband to send Sofia down on the roof as the flames blocked the staircase. A load of drapes hanging around the walls of Sofia's room, caught light as she'd been passed out the window (the roof was flat) unfortunately, her father was trying to climb out the window when the fire leapt forward, blocking his path. Sofia remembers seeing his face through the flames as he tried to find another way out, before he disappeared. This was when Sofia's fear of fire was born.

5. Sometimes. She doesn't like people seeing her cry, though, usually rather than getting embarrassed, she gets angry.

6. After the fire, Sofia and her mum moved to Spain. This was fine until Sofia was preparing to start at secondary school and her mother (still grieving) decided that they both needed a fresh start. It was thanks to a random advert in the paper, that Sofia's mum chose Australia.

Thanks for asking, hope that answers them ;)

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