Social life for the death eater

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Ryan Porter

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
better than yours
So this is Ryan. He is a death eater in training and he is just what you would expect a death eater is meant to be. He is a liar, he is violent and loves pain. Both of Ryan's parents were death eaters so he was bought up to believe their way of thinking so he doesn't know any better. He is a trained fighter, he had been training since he was a toddler. He is an expert liar and can do it with out thinking about it. He only tell people he thinks are worthy of the truth. Once he decides that someone is worthy of his friendship how ever he is loyal to them and helps them out no matter what.
He needs friends, people he can count on and talk to when there is something wrong. Or just someone o have a drink with and have a laugh with.
He also needs a few enemies to fight with. As you can imagine he is the hardest person to make an enemy of,just saying the wrong thing at the wrong time can make him flip out.
Also few love interests are needed. He can be a real flirt when it comes to pretty girl. Im not looking for anything serious fr him as he already has an off an on final. Just a few quick flings.

I cant really remember, but I THINK we were going to do a thing with Ally and Ryan weren't we?? So if your still up for it, I have heaps of time now. Lol, being home sick for a few days and all :p
Leah and Ryan have already met... and then some. ;D I think they should be friends, seeing as they are both Death Eaters. I can't see Leah falling for him anytime soon, being that she is tied up in many romances already.

Also, I have Ellen Harper who is a Ministry Official. I am unsure if I want a one night stand or anything with her. It might be cool to say that they've known each other for a while. A long history of being casual acquantences. Possible romance too. Let me know!
Hi Lozzi I know Ryan and Link knows each other, but he doesn't know his bad influence all this year. I started an rp with Anthony Warlock, Ryan welcome to post, in fact anyone with De welcome to post :)
Here you go, it should be fun to just like talk and stuff :p
We can do Leah and Ryan if you want as a fling? Leah's a typical DE, and despite being two years older than him, she'll happily have a fling as she needs a wind down with her cousin being in Azkaban, and her trying to figure out what to do. :p

She's not really interested in a final either yet. :p
Noemi is coming back in half term. :)
Just so you have a warning :)
Do you want him to see her before or after she has the baby??
Allysha and Ryan
I can't remember either to be honest but im up for them rping. What do you want them to be though?

Leah and Ryan.
Teehee yeah and defiantly then some xD I think that the two should be friends, seeing s Ryan already knows her and know all he needs to for him to like her im sure they could get on fine.

Link and Ryan.
Yeah they have met once or twice before, not sure if Ryan likes him much though xD Il post in the topic now anyway and see how it goes :p

Leah and Ryan
I think they sound good. Seeing as they both probably have matching personalities it should be fun to rp them a few times. He would probably use the fact that her cousin had gone to Azkaban in his favour, seeing as she is coming to term with it.

Noemi and Ryan
Do you really need to ask me that xD of course he should see her pregnant then all, well Ryan about it xD Now that will be a fun little rp to do :D
Lol they can be what ever you want. But yeah, Allysha has recently becme an amnesiac, so like they could have known each other before and now she doesnt remember him... i dont know.
Laura: Would you mind starting? I need to reply to a few topics, and then I'll reply to it. :)
Ryan Porter said:
Noemi and Ryan
Do you really need to ask me that xD of course he should see her pregnant then all, well Ryan about it xD Now that will be a fun little rp to do :D
Lol. I'll have her back today, when I can think straighter :p
Hey, there was a reason and I didn't, I just had a lot of sugar and caffiene as well. Honest.
When you're on Skype I will discuss plans with you, yes??
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