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Samuel Phillips

Part-Veela | Artist | Scrivenshafts Owner
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Mixed Blood
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Straight 11 1/2" Flexible Cypress Wand with Veela Hair Core
I feel like it's been a year since I posted one of these! But I really really want to get into roleplaying like a mad person because I have the time, and so I can develop these sweeties as much as possible (I'm ashamed at my lack of development, don't look at me!) I have a lot of ideas for my them already, but everything is open to suggestions!</SIZE></FONT>


Firstly, we have my lil' sunshine Archie (though whether you agree he's sunshine is completely debatable). This is because while he can be a very nice, outgoing and funny kid, he can also be your worst nightmare. To put Archie in a nutshell, he loves to be a leader. He loves to make decisions and have everyone agree with him whole heartedly. When he is matched with opposition, and has to conform to another person's ideas he can turn rather nasty. This is because he is still very young, and has yet to learn he needs to accept other people's opinions. He can also be very arrogant. Especially in regards to quidditch (he likes to believe he's the best keeper Gryffindor has ever had, though we all know that isn't true). But all his negative qualities aside, he is an extremely loyal friend. The kind of friend that always has your back and wants you to be happy. That is, unless you try and tell him what to do!

For Archie, I'm mostly looking for friends and enemies. It's definitely not difficult to become one of Archie's close friends if you don't mind letting him be the leader. In more specific regards to friendship, I have an idea of what I want for Archie's bff! Check it out in the spoiler. Becoming one of Archie's enemies is just as easy as becoming one of his friends. Because he's so stubborn, his personality clashes with a few of his fellow Gryffindors (Namely Ailsa). I would like Archie to have more enemies at this point, mostly because he needs to learn how to accept other people's opinions and it's obvious he needs to learn how to do this the hard way. Crushes in future years aren't out of the question, and definitely up for discussion. But I do have a very specific idea of what I want for Archie's romantic future (which is too long and boring to put in this thread).


LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE!! My basic idea is that this guy is Archie's long distance bff. They met sometime during the winter break and hit it off immediately. After then they were completely inseparable. And of course, his new friend is also a wizard! Who would have guessed? The only requirement is that his little friend goes to school away from Australia and New Zealand, and they send a lot of owls back and forth! Cuteness ensues. I would like the play by to be the lovely bear-like Michael Clifford (Can you tell I'm a fangirl?) but I can be persuaded otherwise (heck, the character could already exist if you want). Apart from that tiny description on how they met, the friend's personality, history and blood status etc is completely open. They just need to get along so cuteness can happen. I mean who can deny such adorableness? Not me!
<FONT font="Georgia"> <SIZE size="75">FERDINAND OAKLEY

(ferds is too cool for gifs, obviously)
Next up, we have Ferdinand! My sarcastic, insensitive Ravenclaw prefect that has no qualms telling you exactly what he thinks. While he used to show sympathy and apologize when he accidentally offended somebody, he has now developed an insatiable "I don't care" attitude which is a symptom of his recent break up (to which the thread is currently in progress). Beneath it all he is somewhat the same old Ferdi. Undeniably intelligent, possessing a passion for writing and driven by an incessant need to know. Though he has definitely undergone a few changes during the holidays. Changes that namely involve his negative traits being amplified. So in addition to his careless attitude, he is also extremely self-centered, believes he's entitled to his opinion and genuinely thinks he is better than you. He definitely does not care how he acts and treats others, despite being in his seventh year and held in high regard as a prefect. To put it in more simple terms, if you try and get to know him now he will chew you up and spit you out.

Because I'm dying to thread this new (and questionably improved) Ferdinand, he is open for friends, enemies and flings. Due to the fact he's so rude, I see him making a lot more enemies than friends during the year. Any friends of his would have to be able to look past his bad side (Props to Lux for putting up with the bullcrap), or they could be just has terrible as he is. I'm not opposed to him being part of a pair or trio of douchebags either. In the romance department, he's only available for flings or crushes (unrequited of course, he isn't looking for anything 'real' right now). He is also open for past flings that happened during the winter break, who he might bump into again at the beginning of the school year. He has become quite the promiscuous panda, but at the same time is standards are set far too high so he is very hard to get. I see him rejecting a lot more offers than accepting them. But that doesn't mean nobody can try!


Last (but not least) we have Levi! Look at him laughing and grabbing his left boob. Ain't that just the cutest thing? If you couldn't tell just by looking at him, Levi is basically a huge teddy bear. He probably gives the best bear hugs you've ever had. Because he's my newest, I don't know very much about him. But I do know that he's sweet, generous and funny. Probably one of the nicest people you will ever meet and a total gentleman in nearly every way. He was in Hufflepuff, so that is pretty much what you can imagine his personality is like right now (I'm very eager to develop him from the Hufflepuff stereotype). However, he does have a very distinctive (and mildly terrifying) competitive side. You'll only see it when he's coaching, practicing or playing quidditch, but this side is a definite change from his usually kind demeanor (Quidditch is when this badger gets his claws out, so to speak). Apart from this description, he is mostly unwritten but development is more or less the point of this whole thread (His CD should be up soon so I'll know a little bit more by then).

Levi is only really open to friends, enemies and past lovers. Because Levi is such a sweetie I imagine he would have a ton of friends from all walks of life. He can easily get along with a wide variety of people, and even when he's angry or doesn't like you, you can expect he will be a crazy amount of nice. The only kind of enemies he would have are probably involved in quidditch, or old enemies from school, there's even a possibility he could make enemies simply from being nice. Maybe a few people consider him fake, or think he's a pushover? It's completely open. In regards to lovers, his future is planned out. But past lovers are completely open! I just want to develop my sweetie Levi as much as I can, and give him as much of a realistic backstory as possible, so have at him!

I may add in a few characters later on, but that's it for now! I forgot to mention before that I'm not only looking for 'serious' plots. I am also open to the idea of one off, spontaneous threads that would put my characters in out of the box situations. I mean, who doesn't love an unusual situation for the sake of character development? Also, if you want to plot or roleplay with any of my other characters don't hesitate to message me!

Anna, I don't think I've ever had the honor of plotting with you, so i would love to do so now! i have a friend i can offer you for Archie, and her name is (drum rolls)</FONT>
<FONT font="monaco">

Viviana is a sweet, caring, and sometimes over-the-top kind of girl. She has a fierce loyalty to her friends, regardless on the way she is treated by them (and sometimes regardless if they want to be friends :r ). She would be perfect as a friend for Archie, as she is the kind of girl who just wants to make sure that everyone is happy, meaning she is more than willing to go along with any crazy plot he's concocted. Viviana does have co-dependency issues though, and will soon be best friends with Saveli, so if Archie can put up with that struggle-bus, then there won't be any issues I don't think xD .

Obviously if you have any more questions we can PM and plot some things out! I hope she works! :hug:
<SIZE size="50">Thanks for replying! I'm excited to plot with you :hug:
He's calling her Viv. I won't take no for an answer! If that's not an obvious enough statement, I love the idea of them being friends. I've always wanted Archie to have a friend that doesn't protest when he drags them along on his silly adventures. Plus, the fact that they're both very loyal means their friendship could be more like best friends rather than just school friends. I can imagine their friendship would be a nice change of pace for Archie (he's sick of arguing with his current friends, they have too many different opinions). The only idea that immediately comes to my mind on how they would meet, is that maybe Archie is exploring the school grounds (his regular pastime besides quidditch practice), he bumps into Viviana, and she decides to tag along? Apart from that my mind is blank, so feel free to contribute other ideas!
Yay! :frantics:

She's gonna love it (though if she hated it she wouldn't say a thing, because it might upset him)! I can definitely see Viviana on the grounds, though she is pretty prone to striking up a conversation with anyone, about anything. Even if it's something as simple as the color of their sweater! So if you don't want him to have to run into her, she can always just approach him while he's walking around the grounds and strike up a conversation. I'm ridiculously open when it comes to how my characters meet a potential friend. Regardless I'm loving this idea. Would you like me to start?
I would love for you to start because I'm terrible at first posts, tbh. I like the idea of Archie exploring the lakefront or forbidden forrest, but I'm not fussed wherever you choose to post the thread. I'm certain Archie would be exploring nearly everywhere. That boy is set on knowing the castle from head to toe! You can send me the link through skype/pm when it's done.
Thanks again for posting :hug:
Hey Annaleise!

Soooo I do have a character for you, but am not sure they would take to each other. If you are interested perhaps we could figure something out for Aliyah Wright (development and bio in the sig) and Archie. She never really sets out to make friends or enemies when she interacts with someone new, so it could go either way with them. Her default is to be nice, but that can fade quick if someone does or says something she doesn't like. Insta-friends is pretty much out of the question for her since it can take her minute to warm up to someone. Her respect most definitely has to be earned. She will have to work on the whole how to be a good friend thing, but once she figures it out she is as loyal as they come. With his hard-headedness and her need to always be right and have the last word, it would be quite easy for them to annoy each other. But if put in the right situation, maybe they could help each grow since they both have the same issues with tolerating dissenting opinions. Just a rough idea I had. I feel like there could be a plot in there somethwere, I don't know xD . Let me know what you think!
Ferdinand sounds like an absolute blast to RP with right now. I want in. :p . Preston is probably best since they'd sort of know each other from classes and prefect stuff. I also have a few younger students if you'd prefer that.
Chris and Robert = Captain America and Ironman = Levi and Patrick. How could we not?
<SIZE size="50">Thanks for posting ya'll :wub:

I like Aliyah very much, so I'm more than open to the idea of threading them and seeing where it could go! Knowing Archie, he might begin annoy her out of habit (he has two older sisters, so picking on girls comes naturally to him), but at the same time I can see him respecting her. I can also see them complaining to each other when things don't go their way. Whichever way it goes, not knowing is very exciting so I say we need to thread them immediately!

We should definitely have an rp with them! The only idea that immediately comes to my mind is Ferdinand crap talking about Sergei and the other prefects (to say bad things about his peers has become a pastime). But my mind is completely blank how on earth Preston and Ferdinand would get into a situation where other prefects would be in conversation. What do you think? I'm also more than happy to rp with your younger students if you have ideas! While Ferdinand is now one of the rudest people alive, he chooses his battles and is not stupid enough to get in caught in the act of being mean (if he thinks he's going to get in trouble he'll patiently wait until your back is turned). So I'm unsure whether or not he will actually be mean to one of your younger students, but it's definitely a possibility.

We cannot deny the ultimate fate that Levrick is real. Who should start?
What about if Preston overhears Ferdinand talking about him? Like maybe he doesn't realize he's the one being spoken about at first and then boom, he realizes.
Yay! She wouldn't be frolicking around outside and she only goes near the quidditch pitch for games, so how about he spots her in the student lounge or something? I can start it if you like. :)
That would be so funny! Ferdinand would admit to talking crap, so he can play it off all cool-like and see how Preston reacts to a verbal punch in the face (Ferds really has no shame, none at all). I also have no doubt he would invite Preston to join in on the fun. Whichever way Preston reacts should be interesting. Would you like to do the honors?

Archie finds any excuse he can to walk around the castle, so he could find her anywhere. I would love for you to start!​
Levrick is indeed a fated rp. I can start it if you want and send you the link. We can iron out the deets Skype should you wish. :hug:
Samuel Phillips said:
That would be so funny! Ferdinand would admit to talking crap, so he can play it off all cool-like and see how Preston reacts to a verbal punch in the face (Ferds really has no shame, none at all). I also have no doubt he would invite Preston to join in on the fun. Whichever way Preston reacts should be interesting. Would you like to do the honors?
Sure. :)
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