So You're a Hufflepuff?

Sophia Jackson

Active Member
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Dogwood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Sophia Jackson was extremely happy that she had been sorted into Ravenclaw House. Everything about it suited her, from her love of literature and learning new writing styles to her love of pretty much every branch of magic here at Hogwarts Castle. There was a lot for her to learn here and for her to add to her general knowledge, but she was more interesting in the thousands upon thousands of books that the library held and so she found herself drawn too it every single day more or less. She smiled to herself as she walked though the corridor, but even though she was happy with the library itself didn't mean that she was happy with the people as well. She missed her home, where she was allowed to be by herself, Hogwarts was nice but it just wasn't the same.
Geo had finally managed to slip away from the drone of a boring school boy who was determind to tell her how mandrakes were first discovered, and walked quickly down the corridor of the fourth floor towards the staircases. She had on her oversized hoodie, complete with the hood pulled up over her head. She needed to get to the IC quickly. She couldn't stand some people in her house, and was much better suited to spending time with those she cared about. Turning a corner, she spotted another student she recognised. She'd only spoken to the Ravenclaw once but she seemed to get on well with Elizabeth. Giving a briefly but friendly hello, she hoped Sophia wouldn't start talking to her right now. She seemed kind enough but Geo had places to be.
Turning around when somebody approached her, she was happy to see that she'd run into her friend Geo! "Hello!" He told her, giving her a hug, and in reaction her hair changed colour to reflect her happiness. She hadn't meant for the change to happen, though, and so she quickly focused to bring it back to normal, hoping that Geo wouldn't try and distance herself from her because of it. She knew that even though metamorphmagi were an accepted part of the magical world there was every chance that some people still looked at them as freaks. He gave her a smile, hoping to pretend it hadn't happened. "Where are you headed? Can I come?" She asked with a grin.
Before Geo even had a chance to speak, she was thrusted into a hug from the girl. Apparently walking away from this wasn't going to be so easy. Taking a step back, Geo could have sworn she saw the girls hair change colour. How could that even be? Was Sophia like herself? Geo had heard they were so rare, she never dreamed she would come across another, let alone one in her own year. Concluding she must have imagined it, for it would be too coincidental for it to be true, she composed herself. "Um, sure. I was headed to the er," Truth be told she was headed to a secret passageway that only the IC knew about, and she had to come up with something quickly. "I'm going out for a run. Do you want to join me?" Dressed in denim, it was clearly a lie, but she had to try.

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