So, this be the dungeons..

Rowley Cairns

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4", Essence of Raven Feather.
Rowley had just finished her dinner and been on her way back to the hufflepuff common room when she had decided to take a small detour. She had passed a group of her fellow first years earlier in the day who'd been talking about how they'd gotten lost in the dungeons, and being the girl that she is decided she aught to check it out. The only thing that really stood out to her so far was that it was darker and colder down there than in the rest of the castle, but it definitely wasn't creepy or scary, as she had heard it named. Bit disappointing really.. she thought as she continued on down the dimly lit corridor, humming slightly, her red converse making no noise on the stone floors. She knew that the slytherin common room was situated down there, and found it a bit odd that she was yet to pass someone else, or hear any other sound of life.
Throwing his bouncy ball to the left and to the right as he walked down the dungeon corridor Dorian couldent help but feel like a ninja the way he caught it as it shot through the air like a morning star.

He may be mature for his age but that didn't meant he did not enjoy acting like a kid from time to time. You had to cut loose y'know.

He was wearing his black jeans and a long sleeve white shirt. The only thing that was even the slightest fancy about his appearance was his emerald necklace he wore down his chest. It was Celtic, inspired by ancient people of Scotland long before his time.

He foolishly tried to catch his ball on his foot but instead it just flew away and rolled down the corridor. He ran after it to try and catch it, stopping it with his boots just as it stopped in front of a girl. Ehm, awkward he thought.

He couldent help but be a bit nervous, it was a stranger, a girl and a pretty girl. In his world that's three strikes on the nervous list but he bit his lip and stood up after picking up the ball. "Ehm, Hi. There"
Rowley was just about to turn around and head back to her common room, when all of a sudden a bouncy ball appeared out of nowhere, rolling down the corridor towards her, a boy following fast behind it, stopping it at her feet. Ahh, so there is life in the dungeons.. she thought happily as she took in the boys appearance and smiled her cheery, toothy grin as he greeted her. "Hello" she replied, "I like your necklace" she added, spotting the interesting emerald design around his neck and tucking a long strand of flyaway dark blonde hair behind her ear. "My names Rowley, Rowley Cairns".
Her smile was lovely, it seemed honest and cheerful. All lovely qualities to notice in a person. The fear of being nervous disapeared from Dorians face when she complimented his necklace and instead a smile etched across his face. It made him look slightly embarased, not many guys his age wore jewlery but he was proud of his. It had a story to it and not to mention history also. It was a historic piece.

"Thanks, Rowley Cairns." He looked down at his necklace and picked it up slightly of his chest. "Its Celtic, from Scotland." he had got so caught up in the vanity of his own necklace that he completely forgot he was meant to introduce himself to Rowley. "Oh sorry, Im so rude. Im Dorian Warwick. Rowley did you say? Thats a nice name. Where are you from?"
Rowleys smile widened as one made its way on to the boys face, she liked when people relaxed around her and would never see herself as being one to make a person nervous, she was such a daft wee softy. "Ahh, that's very cool" she said, as he explained his necklace to her. "Are you Scottish then?" she asked. "Oh don't be silly, well it's lovely to meet you, Dorian Warwick" she replied, using his full name as he had hers. "Yeah, it's pretty strange isn't it, I'm used to it though, I've had it all my life" she joked. "I'm from Darwin, Australia", her accent was pretty thick though she'd never noticed it until now, being surrounded by people from all over the world, of many different nationalities. "What about you?"
He was Scottish, which ironically was where the original Hogwarts was but that wasn't for his family. The further away from Britain and all of those complicated issues his family had the better as far as he was concerned. "Yeah Scotland born and bred." Cautious of his accent he had refrained from saying 'Aye' since he had left Scotland. He did not want to slip back in to that caloquial slang, he preferred the queens spoken English. It sounded much more impressive. Or well, posh sometimes also.

"The honour is mine Rowley." he said back with a fuller more confident smile. "Ahh a Aussie! That's pretty cool, I'm not used to such exotic accents. Yours is really nice though" he sort of tilted his head with a grin when she asked where he was from. "nothing as impressive as Darwin I'd imagine. Falkirk in Scotland." he turned to look back at her, "it's a bit of a dump" he said with a laugh. "this your first year at Hogwarts then." he asked politely as his left hand clung on to his right elbow running straight down his side. A little comfort mechanism. Look relaxed and speak calm and she won't notice your shy.
Rowley smiled and shrugged her shoulders, "Darwins pretty and warm the majority of the time, but I'd love to live in Tasmania, my grandparents live out there and it's fantastic" she told him. "Ahh" she grinned, "I've never been to Scotland, my mum's originally from there though and I love the accent". "Sure is" she replied to Dorian, "how about you?" He looked to be about the same age as her but she wasn't too sure.
Dorian listened inattentively at her brief but interesting story. Such far away places exotic places like Tasmania and Darwin seemed all very fantasy to him, very unknown and for that reason interesting. The phrase was true, curiosity did kill the cat but he betted that the cat got to see some pretty amazing things before it died. They had nine lives anyway. They had nothing to worry about.

He nodded in reply to her question, "Yeah first year here too, seems pretty awesome so far. Aside having my common room in a dungeon. Not many windows you see, makes it quite hard to see the grounds and how cool the whole building is." he was nearly finished but then he cut back in quickly with-" Oh and its a pain having to go from the top floor for a class all the way down here if you forget a book!"

fumbling with his bouncy ball in his fingers he threw it against the opposite wall as he continued to talk to Rowley. "So, your not a Slytherin are you? Don't think I have seen your face around before"
Rowley listened, interested, as Dorian told her about his common room. No windows.. In the dungeons.. ahh, so he was a Slytherin! She smiled, "Yeah, that would be a real bummer! I can't sympathize I'm afraid, my common room's on the fourth floor, pretty handy!" she told him.
Watching as he began to play with his bouncy ball again, "Nope, I'm not a Slytherin, I'm in Hufflepuff" she replied, hoping he wasn't one to categorise and label people based on their sorting. Though she was proud to be a 'puff, as she would have been no matter what house she'd been placed in, it irritated her the way people seemed to associate it with being weak and stupid.
Rowley was not weak and she certainly wasn't stupid! And she was sure the same could be said for most likely all of her fellow badgers. "So, how are you finding life at Hogwarts?" she asked, grinning as she gestured dramatically and sarcastically around the dungeons.
Dorian watched as she encompassed her surroundings and signaled towards the grand castle they were standing in. It was a marvelous castle only rivaled by the epic scenery that dotted around its grounds. It would be easy to sit and draw something new everyday and never be short of something new to try to convert in to a etched version on canvas. Dorian loved drawing things like this castle, shame he only enjoyed drawing things when they turned out well. He was young and really lacked the patience required at times to draw truly wonderful works of art. The potential and vision was there, just not perhaps the required levels of dedication. Not yet at least. Turning to address Rowley he smiled, "Damn thats by far better than my current abode, Want a swap? Im sure not all the slytherin boys will be bothered by a Hufflepuff girl." He turned and caught the ball as it shot off the wall and towards Rowley a bit too fast. "Sorry" He said as he caught the ball.

Returning to finishing his previous sentence he added a second more humerus comment. "Well.... perhaps it would be best if you stay there to cut your hair short and every so often make a flowery remark towards how much Gryffindor's apparently suck at Quiditch." He laughed a bit, he still didn't understand the reason for all of the big rivalry between the two houses. Maybe with a bit of time and passionate sport it would become more natural to him. Hopefully never distasteful with hate. He added "Not that I dislike any house in particular. I support this school more than my own house." He said with a slight sigh.

He grinned again at her question. "Well you already know about how much I love my dormitory but apart from that Im not to sure yet." He stopped for a second and just sort of stared at the ground. "I suppose only time will tell. Its amazing and all but....I just find it hard to make friends at times." He looked back up and smiled at her. "Thats the hardest part about moving to a new place isn't it?" Rhetorical question but she wouldn't mind if she answered. "Sorry Im rambling, Yourself Madam Cairns?" He said comically.

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