So Many Differences

Peyton Wright

musician | do what you love
OOC First Name
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Straight 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2030 (25)
Peyton Wright was thrilled to be at Hogwarts and she couldn't wait untill classes would start and she would be able to actually learn about magic, how it works and how to use it. The only thing was that she had never been the brightest kid around and she was a bit scared that she might not be able to keep up with everything. However, she didn't feel like she had to worry about that yet, it would be better for her to try and get used to living at Hogwarts a bit first. Still having to deal with the fact that she was a witch and that magic is real Peyton had found the castle to be a bit suffocating at times and was now sat down on one of the benches in the courtyard, ready to get inside quickly as soon as the weather decide to change, but for now being happy to get some fresh air. Being surrounded by magic 24/7 from now on, even if sometimes it was only visible in minor details of the school, made her realize that she was probably going to miss certain Muggle objects and inventions, of which wizards had no clue as to what it was or how to use it, a lot. Looking over at her bag the first year couldn't help but smile at the normal, non-moving badges she had stuck on it, not being exactly sure how she got them but knowing that she wouldn't be taking them off anytime soon. She might perhaps add some magical, moving ones to it however, if she was able to get her hand on some of those. Even though a lot of things at Hogwarts were even more different from the Muggle way of live than she could imagine and she was going to miss certain things for sure, Peyton felt like she would be going to have a lot of fun at the school and at this moment she was glad that she was one to easily make herself feel at home.​
Even though a lot of the students wore their robes around the castle, Tallulah had not yet confirmed to this ordinary part of wizarding life. The robes weren't uncomfortable or itchy, like someone might have suspected, but they were different from her old school uniform and she didn't even have her mom around to sew things onto it to make it look cooler. Her primary school had been quite laid back about that, even encouraging it so long as her modifications were tasteful and artistic. This had caused at least ten other girls to make changes to their uniforms, too, until the headmaster had finally put his foot down and ended their fun. Tallulah wondered if she would be allowed to modify her school robes. How else could they expect her to walk around in them? They were just so plain and boring and unfashionable.

Waiting for classes to start was also kind of agonising. The Gryffindor had heard about what they would get to do, and couldn't wait to start practising spells for herself. She was a bit worried about not actually being magical at all - what if they'd just made some awful mistake and sent the letter to a different Tallulah Loveday? - but mostly the fluttering in her stomach was excitement. With a long sleeved, sequined top, and some scruffy jeans for exploring outside on, she went out into the courtyard and looked around for anyone she knew. Her dorm buddies were the best people ever, but they were also infuriatingly elusive, especially in a building of this size. There was a girl on a bench who she didn't recognize, but she did know a muggle bag when she saw one. Most wizards seemed to have trunks. Tallulah hadn't thought much about there being other muggleborn students in the school, and she walked over curiously. "Hi!" she said, her New Zealand accent thick even in that one word. "I love your bag. Where did you get it? I've been looking for one like that, like, forever!" Tallulah giggled.
Having very little knowledge of magic and being surrounded by a lot of people who have had experiences with magic from a much earlier stage Peyton felt like she had a bit of a disadvantage. It made her wonder how many students like her, students with two Muggle parents there would be at Hogwarts. She figured there would be a couple, but she had no idea how many there actually were. She was secretly hoping there would be a few first year students who were Muggle Borns like her, just for the sake of her sanity because it would be good to have some people to talk with. Both about how different and new everything around Hogwarts was, but also about certain things in the Muggle world of which wizards had very little understanding. As if her secret little wish had been heard Peyton was approached by what in her eyes seemed to be another first year students, who seemed to have eye for her bag. "Hi!" The newly sorted Ravenclaw smiled at her, before thinking about her question and answering her. "To be honest I've got absolutely no idea. My mom gave it to me a couple of years back, but I never knew where she got it from. The only thing for certain is that it wasn't a wizard store." Peyton chuckled as she looked at her bag and put it on the ground, just in case the girl wanted to sit. "I can ask my mom for you though, but that'll probably have to wait untill I get home during a break, they haven't really figured out how to work with owls yet."​
Tallulah was relieved when the girl smiled at her instead of scowled. Some people didn't like being approached, and it was difficult to tell what their response would be without daring to try. Fortunately, Tallulah wasn't the sort to take people's rudeness personally, so she wasn't afraid of taking that risk. "Oh, no," she said, disappointed that she wouldn't find out where the bag came from for a whole term. But even it she hadn't learned that, she had made one other observation, and this one was more exciting anyway. "But in your parents' defence, owls are like the stupidest way to send mail ever. I've been bitten twice already, look!" Tilly held out her hand for proof, and then pulled it back. "Are they Muggles? My parents are. Oh, I hope that's not rude. I'm just so excited that I might not be the only one. Everyone here knows soo much about magic and I'm just over here like 'Hello? What's a Muggle?'" Tallulah realised then that she wasn't giving the other girl a chance to speak and quickly quietened down. She had completely forgotten about the bag, which was normal for her. Thinking about one thing for an extended period of time was quite a challenge for the Gryffindor. How could she, especially now there were so many cool new things to think about? If she dwelled on them, she'd have graduated before she reached the end.
Peyton chuckled when the girl told her that owls were the stupidest way to send mail ever and how she had already got bitten twice now. "You think so?" She asked the other girl whilst slightly tilting her head. "I think they're awesome! But that'll depend on how your owl acts I guess." Her own owl had been friendly to her ever since she got it, she just hadn't tried to send a letter to her parents yet because she wasn't sure if they would recognize the owl. "Yes, they are!" The first year Ravenclaw smiled and happily nodded when she was asked if her parents were Muggles. She could easily relate to what the other girl was saying and she was positive that there would be a lot of moments this schoolyear at which she would probably just be confused by all the strange and new words. The world Muggle however had been an easy one to understand. All she had to do was hear some people talk about them and she had quickly grasped the fact that the word was referring to non-magical people. "I know right?" Peyton laughed in response to the other girl. "I mean I hope it won't mean we'll do far worse in class because I couldn't use that, but I'm glad that I'm not the only person with Muggle parents so far! Although I'm sure Hogwarts is home to quite a few more."​
Tallulah didn't think owls could ever be a good way of sending post, but she didn't say so, because everyone was entitled to their own opinion and this girl probably had a much nicer owl than her anyway. Smiling, she sat down on the bench, anticipating that they would be chatting for quite some time. She was surprised when she realised they were sharing the same concerns, although Tallulah was probably slightly less worried. Apparently people weren't allowed to do magic before they were eleven anyway, so how much more could they have known than muggleborns? There was the risk that muggleborn blood was less powerful than the other sorts, but somehow the Gryffindor didn't think this was likely, either. "Do you really think so?" she asked when the girl said she thought there were probably lots of other kids in the castle born to muggles. "That would be nice. I miss my friends back home, and nobody else here even seems to know what a laptop is, so I can't even complain!" Tallulah giggled and tossed her hair behind her ear. "I'm sure we'll be great in class. Nobody even had a wand last week, so we can't be that far behind." She had found this out by chatting to her fellow dorm mates. Being born from a non magical family did have the disadvantage of having to ask ten times as many questions to fully understand the wizarding world.
Peyton nodded once the other girl asked her if she really thought so. Even though the Muggle way of sending mail seemed more advanced and thought trough she liked the idea of just having an own deliver her letters to her parents. Well as soon as they would get the hang of it. "I know right!" The first year chuckled at the remark the other girl made about not even being able to complain. Not that she wanted to. She enjoyed Hogwarts and she was sure that she'd be used to all of it in no time. Or at least to most of it, she'd probably never get used to everything. "True, we'll probably just have to ask a lot more questions about simple things." Peyton smiled. It was true that none of the first years had ever had a wand before, but she still felt like most of them were more used to all of this magic and everything that comes with it. She wouldn't let it get to her anymore though, she was just going to try her best and see whatever happens. Peyton realized that she hadn't introduced herself yet, and knowing people's names did come in handy if she wanted to make friends. "I'm Peyton, by the way." She smiled. "What's your name?"​

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