So many corridors...

Avery Bennet

OOC First Name
Avery was lost. Completely and utterly lost her bearings and did not recognise any of her surroundings. She just seemed to be going around in circles as she tried to find the staircase leading down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Getting more frustrated by the minute, Avery finally sat herself down against the wall. The travel to New Zealand and excitement of Hogwarts had tired the normally outgoing girl out. She had not given up on finding her way down, but decided to calm down a little. They should give you maps or something she thought to herself, watching a ghost float by. How were first years such as herself meant to find their way around in the first week? Avery's stomach grumbled a little, and she slowly got to her feet again, determined to get some breakfast.
Making his way down to breakfast, Christopher had expected to see half the school out and about. He'd expected to have to push his way through hoards of people, like he'd done at Balmacewen. So when he saw a fellow Gryffindor, lost in one of the quieter corridors, Chris wasn't at all surprised. "Hey," he said gently, not wanting to give her a fright or anything. Chris had a bad habit of doing that. "You're in Gryffindor, right? So am I." You fail at conversaton, Chris. he reminded himself, cringing at his sentence.

Letting out a small and frustrated noise as she again found herself in front of the same tapestry, Averry blew out a breath. Somebody would have to walk by soon enough, and she was far past the point of caring about her pride. The eleven year old girl tugged absentmindedly at the hem of her skirt as she began to examine the tapestry, which was an incredibly boring depiction of a person and a dog. Guessing it was part of the crazy New Zealand culture that she was new to, Avery shook her head slightly. The glimpses she had caught of the countryside in around her new home had been filled with sheep. She hadn't known there could be so many of the creatures in one country, especially as little as New Zealand. As her thoughts wandered, Avery's eyes glazed over slightly, her tiredness and jet lag catching up with her. When a voice sounded quite close, Avery started, looking around to see a boy she vaguely recognised from Gryffindor house. She smiled her innocent and sweet smile "Yes, I am. My name's Avery" she said, her British voice matching her smile. Being reasonably simple minded, the fact that she was lost and could not find the Great Hall was blown completely out of her mind at the meeting with this boy, and she didn't think to ask him where to go.
It was weird, Chris decided, to be talking to someone that wasn't Willow. He glanced over at the tapestry she'd been looking over; a person and a dog. Chris scowled a little at the person's muggle clothes- although he'd grown up going to a muggle school and all, and really didn't mind muggles, he still found it silly that a magic school would have pictures of muggle stuff all around, when there had to be way more exciting things to look at. The boy took a breath, before responding and hoping that he didn't sound all stupid. Hanging out with girls had caused a whole heap of teasing at Balmac, he didn't want more. "I'm Chris, um. Yeah." Chris, we went through this before. Talking's over-rated. Chris nearly rolled his eyes; he wasn't very smart or socially-blessed, but any attempts at hiding it were out the window now.
Avery followed his gaze to the annoying tapestry she kept finding herself in front of. Noticing his scowl she rolled her eyes "Ugly, huh?" she said, shaking her head. Some of the things that passed for art nowdays. Actually she thought This is probably from a million years ago. That explained it. Why they kept things like this hanging on the walls, Avery had no idea. She turned her focus back to the boy, who didn't really seem to like talking much. Avery didn't mind, she could easily make up for his awkwardness "How do you like Hogwarts?" she asked, smiling at him once more.

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