So If I Close My Eyes..

Skye Addison

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Skye walked out onto the lawn. The day was nice enough for an October day. She had a simple outfit on today. She was wearing a pair of ripped blue jeans that were ripped right at both knees and a few holes were around the thigh area. Her black off the shoulder shirt gave her a sophisicated yet still rocker look. Her hair was pin straight and down handing right passed her shoulder blades.

This Slytherin triplet walked slowly along the grass her black converses making no indent in the soft lawn. What was she doing outside without her guitar in hand? Well Skye wasn't actually sure. Instead she carried her notebook which had musical notes drawn on the cover with the simple title of Skye's Songs. The inside pages were full of lyrics and simple music that Skye had written in the past. Along with the few doodles that were placed onto the white paper when this Slytherin was hitting a writer's block.

Taking a seat, Skye leaned up against a tree taking out her muggle pen and opening her notebook. "She's Upset. Bad Day. She heads towards the dresser drawer" She sang quietly almost a whisper. Shaking her head slightly she sang again trying to get her own song out. "She's Upset. Bad Day. Heads to her room and closes her eyes" She sang jotted the simple line down in her notebook.
Kaede had been walking around the school all day, and she came upon the lawn. She had met a lot of people at the lawn, so she looked around for someone she knew. Not seeing anyone, she frowned. All of a sudden she heard someone singing. Looking around, she saw a girl who looked to be about her age sitting with a guitar and a notebook. It seemed that many musically artistic people like herself hung out by the lawn, and Kaede wanted to meet other people who were interested in music just like her.
Walking up to the girl quietly, trying not to distract her from her work. Finally within speaking distance she said, "I hope you don't mind, but I overheard your singing, and It's absolutely amazing. I hope I'm not interupting you either." The small built Hufflepuff smiled at the girl, waiting for a response.

I hope I don't make her angry she thought to herself.
Skye read over the line twice before crossing it out finding it absolutely horrible. Wow I need to get my head on and write something not completely horrible she thought tapping her pencil slightly on the notebook as she thought.

Her thoughts however were disrupted when a girl's voice broke through this Slytherin's thought pattern. Her mood darkened as she turned to see the girl. Usually Skye would probably snap at the girl who looked about her age, but at least the girl had given her a compliment. Compliments are always a good thing She thought flashing the girl a tiny smile.

"Well thanks" She said waiting to say that the girl was indeed interupting her, but didn't want to risk the fact that she may just be given another compliment. "No you're fine" Skye said finally as she brought her gaze back to the notebook in her hand. "Just trying to come up with some decent lyrics" She continued tapping the ground beside her. "You can take a seat if you want" Skye offered not knowing why she was being so nice at this moment.
Kaede noticed the girl's tiny smile and smiled back. Even though the girl said she wasn't bothering her, somehow Kaede felt that was not the truth. She didn't want to be rude and walk away, so she took the seat beside the girl. Deciding that complete silence was her best bet, she quietly sat down. The girl said something about coming up with lyrics, but Kaede only nodded her head in acknowledgement. She was pretty good at lyrics, but she didn't like offering it up to people unless they asked her. That was mainly because she didn't like people to offer ideas on her lyrics without her asking. To her it was like telling someone that their new haircut looked bad even though you liked it. It just seemed rude to her. Plus, she always kept in mind the fact that what goes around comes around. Karma, she thought as she sat next to the girl.

Looking the girl over, she noticed something familiar about her. She thought she had met someone that looked like her, but she didn't want to ask her about it. Maybe she has a sister or something... she thought to herself. Kaede had been thinking that lately, there were so many people here that looked alike.
Skye continued to look at the page in her notebook no words coming to mind. How awful was it that she couldn't come up with anything. Usually Skye was better at this sort of thing but as of now she was running her mind on empty. Closing her notebook for a moment she tried to think about her experiences she had overcome and enjoyed at Hogwarts so far. Experiences were always something great to write a song about.

Her mind drifted back to the great hall sorting ceremony as she tried to hum a melody making realizing that it a melody would come to her more easily than the lyrics would. "Walking in, What a sight. Have waited forever for this night. Close your eyes. Make a wish. Hope you dreams come true" She sang softly as she opened the notebook and jotted down the lyrics.

Skye looked over at the girl who was being rather quite. "My name's Skye by the way" she said introducing herself finding it only far. "first year Slytherin" She continued deciding taht most people cared about things like that. At the moment, Skye more just wanted to figure out with this girl was going to be in the same year. They looked about the same age.
Kaede listened to the girl sing her lyrics softly. They were pretty good actually, and they rhymed really well. She continued to stay quiet, not wanting to disturb her.

All of a sudden the girl said her name was Skye, and that she was a First year Slytherin. She had thought that they looked about the same age, so she was happy that she hadn't been mistaken. Smiling she said, "I'm Kaede, First year Hufflepuff."
Rolling her eyes at her own inability to write anything decent today. Maybe she did need her guitar as she wrote, or maybe her best lyrics would have to be written late at night when her mind was not running with thoughts off all over the place. Now seemed to be a time that nothing was coming to mind, nothing mind blowing brillant at least.

Instead she hoped for a short conversation. Maybe that would help things out. "Nice to meet you Kaede" Skye said finding the name odd. Figures for a hufflepuff Skye thought not making any comments about the girl's house. Though Skye was rather determined to make friends in her own house and just about every houses besides hufflepuff, Skye thought she might give this complimenting girl a chance. At least she seems to know music Skye thought.

"I thought we looked a lot like the same age" Skye said absentmindedly. "How are you liking first year so far?" Skye asked in her need to keep a conversation going in hopes that it would help her mind fall back into the lyric mode.
Kaede smiled as Skye acknowledged her. "It's nice to meet you too Skye." Skye seemed to have stopped writing music, and had started conversating with her. She started to comment on their ages, and asked if the liked her first year. "Yeah, I did too." Smiling she said, "My first year has been good, I've met a lot of nice people, and some mean people, but I think it's all been worth it. Classes have been challenging, since I didn't know much about the wizarding world until now, but I'm glad that I'm learning." Her thoughts had started to go through events that had happened, especially ones that had affected some of her friends. Especially that stupid magazine. Wanting to continue with the conversation she went on to another topic. "You know that gossip magazine that was printed a little bit ago? I hated it. It's not because it said anything about me, but all it did was make people judge others. Plus, the magazine didn't know all the facts either, so it made everything seem sort of like a lie, you know?"

Realizing that she had said so much, she blushed slightly and hoped she hadn't offended Skye.

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