So I was scarce but...

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Kairi Kelly

Active Member
OOC First Name
I'm back obviously. And i have some plans that I need to plan out, so that if I do leave, I have a place to start back up at. Right now, I am only really running a few characters, though I'll give you a list with character developments in there, if you might have an interest in another let me know.

So as you see, I'm making my first post with a baby character. Her name is Kairi, and she is two years old. Both her mother and Father are dead, she lives with her two cousins Angela and Skyle; and the two girl's guardian, Damien. She doesn't need much, though i wouldn't mind maybe a play date or two. I'm not looking for a final yet, though I will put it out there, I will want him to be older then her by a good amount, maybe four years? So if you are planing on making a character, or have a baby, then yeah here it goes. I'd also like an Asian boy to be her best friend for ever. These two would have been best friends from almost birth, so this would be someone that had play dates with her (where's Sally, she makes Asian characters) I'm not putting a race on it, but it would be preferred she'd have someone raised in that environment so she could learn about her own heritage. So that's all that I need right now for her.
Angela is this shy, sweet and very nice girl. She has changed a lot in the last few years, dying her hair red and becoming a bad girl. Then she went from that, to a scared little girl, and is more like a puppy dog now. She takes care of her little cousin Kairi, and is a bit of a social outcast. She can almost always been seen alone, or with family, and is a rebel when it comes to what her Foster Father tells her. She dislikes people who judge on blood status, and if anyone was to hurt anyone in her family, she may be driven to kill. I have found her a final, but I'm hoping that maybe I can get some drama in, maybe with a boy who had liked her in school but didn't tell her. She's being pulled out for homeschooling, so it would be someone in her year or older. I also need some friends, someone who can relate to her pain in anyway. Maybe some children with younger brothers or sisters, so that the kids can have play dates while Angela talks to them?

Tracy Daniels
Lolli Lovre
Saria Kuang
Tawny Lao
Nobody Marsters

Thanks for reading, and I hope that one of my characters can fit what you need!
I am planning to make another Asian character, preferably Japanese, if it's alright i can offer him to be a friend of your character Kairi.
Well that will work, but they need to range from 2-3 four is a stretch, but maybe depending on mindset. It would only be for play dates.
I think Sarah Moon would be perfect for Lolli. They are in the same year and house!
Can I know a bit more about Maia?
She loves drama, and I am planning to get her taking part in more acting-she's good at it. She grew up in England, holidaying in France and Ireland. As a result of this, she speaks fluent Irish, English and is quite good at French. She loves animals, but is paranoid and can be aggressive. She has a very strong social consience and is very into justice.
She can be easily angered, and has a firey temper. She calms down, and realises her wrongs, but if she is right, she will stick to her guns. She also is a bit insecure, has no siblings and is very,very paranoid (In ways) which I have already mentioned.

I'm afraid I haven't a bio/CD up on Maia yet, as I am waiting until she has a job, so that I can do it properly.

I think Sara could be good with Lolli here's her bio and her CD

Tell me what you think?
Sarah and Lolli should work out splendidly. Shall I start this one, or would you like to?

I also have some options for Maia. i have an 18 year old, Saria Kuang. She's a very sweet, and a ditzy girl too. She has a mental disorder that is equipped with short term memory loss (Dissociative Amnesia). She would probably be a friend if Maia is nice, or an enemy if you'd prefer.

And mentioning that she ha s no siblings pops an idea into my head for Halina, another character of mine. She hates her family, and is currently living in France. Is it possible that they could meet, and Maybe Maia takes a sort of sisterly air about her. That way Halina has someone she can trust, because she's slightly cynical on the inside.
If you'd like to =)
I care not on the race, or blood for that matter, preferably someone who is related to a person Angela could get along with? That way the grownups have something to do, since three and four year olds barely think anything.
You do not have to make one now, you can wait until five and six rolls around and then do it, because it would be morelikely for the child to think.
Alright, I am going to find someone whom he can be related to... has someone offered to be Angela's friends? That way, I can PM them and tell them your idea of my character and their character being related... :)
Well I meant as one of your characters...
I can't think of anyone with Asian Bonds that has offered to be Angela's friend.
Oh alright, Sorry for misunderstanding... :) How old is Angela by the way? If I don't have a character that might fit her, I'll create one... :) So that I will actually have to control the both of them... :)
Yeah, that would be good -for both characters Sara and Maia. So, how shall we go about this? especially Maia & Halina
Raze - Angela is a fourth year, about to be pulled out to be home schooled. So... 14.

Maia&Halina - Well, they could meet when she's sneaking around New Zealand for some reason or another (she travels and isn't supposed to). And maybe Maia decides to stick by her because she looks a bit lost or something? I don't know if she'd do that.
Sara&Lolli - Meeting in the common room could work, because I don't think I've had an RP in there. =)
I guess I do not have a character who's 14, maybe I can create one, but someone had given me a character before, name's Daichi, he's third year, but I don't think he has a younger brother or such, maybe I'll ask his owner, Or if not, I'm going to create a new character... :)
Yes, I'm sorry it's takin so long, I'll get it up right away!
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