So i really have a sister?

Caysi was in the room finishing up her book. She had the doors to the balcony open so that the warm wind could come into the house. Caysi got up and closed the doors as soon as she heard Jason look for her. She rubbed her stomach and walked down the stairs, one at a time, she was beggining to get huge now. These twins were seriously getting heavy, she still couldn't believe that she was pregnant at 18. She shook her head and went into the kitchen. "Actually fiance." She laughed. " Ooh, icecream." She said looking through the bags, never before had she been so excited for food. " What did you have to show and tell me?" She said looking through the bags.
Jason laughed as he watched her get the ice cream. " Yeah i bought all that the shop had and i would like to show you her." He pointed towards Claire. He decided not to say about the sister part yet and have a joke. " I just found this random stranger in the street and thought, hey why not introduce you to her." He grinned widley at her
Caysi got out the bowl and the ice cream scooper. She started to pile the ice cream into the bowl. Caysi literally dropped the scooper. " Why, on earth would you bring a stranger into the house?" She asked him. " What if they wanted to mutate you or me, or somehow steal the food in the house." She exclaimed. " You'd be in a lot of sh!t if they stole the food, I could guarantee you that." She nodded her head. " Why is the stranger in our house then?" She asked ready to jump him.
Jason laughed out loud when she started to go into hysterics about the food and stuff. He rolled his eyes smiling widely. " So the other stuff doesnt matter just the food." He shook his head and laughed again. " Ok mrs co-co for coo pops, I just found out that Claires last name is Cordwell. Her parents left 4 years ago aaaaaaand her parents were called maureen and rob." He smiled widely. " Meet my little sister"
Caysi immideatley went over to greet her. " Don't listen about the stuff that I said before, if only Jason had told me." She said giving a dirty look to Jason. "You could've told me, then I wouldn't have had to go on a rampage about food and made my self look like an idiot." She sighed. " But you two do look alike." She smiled. " Oh, right, icecream." She said as she walked over to get some. " See, Jason just scared me, stupid Jason." She said shaking her head. " Is she going to be staying with us Jason?" She asked smiling at him.
Jason laughed and rolled his eyes. He sighed and leant on the counter. " Why would i have done that, i would have missed your rant. And its up to her if she wants to stay not me." He laughed then looked over to Claire. " Dont worry dont listen to her. She is pregnant, her life revolves around food. Just give her some ice cream and she will forget." He laughed
Claire laughed. " Well, if it isn't a bother, then I'd like to stay." She smiled. " I'm not to sure who to believe now." She laughed. Claire was excited to see them both.
Jason laughed. " Believe me im your brother that gives me first priority." He smiled then looked at Caysi with a smile then looked at the ice cream and raised an eye brow. He gave Claire a sly nudge to watch. He reached over to the open tub of ice cream and took a spoon full and stuck it in his mouth
Caysi laughed and shook her head behind Jason. " HOW DARE YOU." She said taking the ice cream away from him. " That is my ice cream and you SHALL NOT touch it." She yelled. " Does it have your name on it? NO, then do not touch!" She said placing the ice cream boxes in the freezer. " There we go." She sighed, smiling at Claire.
Jason laughed again and looked to Claire and smiled. " My point proven, dont touch the ice cream." He laughed and looked over to Caysi. " Im sorry hunny please forgive me. I didnt realise that eating ice cream was illegal."
Caysi pouted. " Hmph." She turned her back and made her way up the stairs, of course she wasn't mad at Claire. Caysi then layed on the bed and rested with her icecream.
Jason chuckled as Caysi walked up stairs. He hook his head and looked at Claire. " So welcome to our house. Its not always like this, just most times. You will get used it dont worry." He laughed. " You want me to show to your room?"
Claire laughed, she could tell that Caysi and Jason did love eachother. " Sure, that sounds good." She smiled at him.
Jay nodded then led her up the stairs to the guest room. He opened the door and turned to her. " Ok this is where you will be staying. It has a bathroom through that door so yeah." He smiled then left her to settle in. He walked over to his room and leant on the door frame. " How is the ice cream?"
Claire followed him and nodded, the room did look nice. She put her stuff away, she was a bit tired so she decided that she would take a nap.
Caysi looked at the door frame, it was Jason. " It's just fine." She said. " Hmph." She turned around. How could he steal her icecream? And make fun of icecream, and the fact that she's pregnant?
Jason chuckled and stood up and walked over to the edge of the bed and stopped. " You should try eating it really fast, the most funny thing happens." He laughed slightly
Caysi looked at him, "Don't even say that, I know what happens, a brain freeze." She laughed. "You can't pull that on me." She nodded. "How many did you buy?" She asked him.
Jason laughed and shrugged. " 4 bags full. Its all they had in stock and i didnt want to go to a different shop because they may have melted and i know that you would have cried about it or something." He smiled to himself. " And if i brought it up again you would have probably cried at the memory."
Caysi nodded, she knew that four bags might last her about 3 days maybe even less. What Jason said wasn't a lie, she probably wouldve cried if they did melt with her crazy hormones now. "Thats probably really true." She nodded. Caysi still couldn't believe that he took her icecream.
Jason tried not to laugh but he failed miserably. " Oh well only another 6 months left to go and then we will be stuck with two babies that poop when they cry and cry when they poop." He laughed
Caysi laughed. " The wedding's soon too, but are we still going to go one week ahead so we can do all that fun stuff there?" She smiled. " I booked the tickets to Paris already." She nodded. " This should be amazing." She said happily.
Jason sat on the foot of the bed keeping a safe distance from the ice cream. " Yeah we can do but we have to spend the last night apart remember, bad look to see the bride before the wedding. You know i dont get that saying because if it were true then we would have had bad luck since day one. " He laughed. " Yeah its going to be a blast."
Caysi shook her head. " But, I don't want to spend the last night apart, that's our last night before we get married." She looked at Jason. " I just wanted that night to be extra special, I'm not to sure with what, but I did." She shrugged, she guessed that dream was done. She rubbed her temple. " The doctor's say that I'm going to have to have an operation on my foot after the babies are born, about 4 weeks they said." She nodded. " And, they wouldn't tell me," She said. " I'm scared to death." She said looking at Jason.
Jason smiled kindly and sat over next to her and put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head. " Dont worry about it hun, im sure its a simple operation that they do all the time. You will be fine. It will all be worth it when you are hold two beautiful girls in your arms." He rubbed her back and rested his head on her shoulder. " You know im always here for you."

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