So i really have a sister?

Caysi sighed, " But they said it was something serious." She nodded. " I'll ask them again, when I go back there for a check up in a few weeks." She assured herself. " I know that your always here for me, and I'm always here for you." She nodded. Caysi laid back on the bed, her head back on the pillows. She rubbed her face and sighed.
Jason sighed. " Well im sure they will fix it and you will be as good as new after. Anyway its probably the extra stress on your bones because of the extra weight. Just make sure you stay here while i do the work around here ok."
Caysi nodded, he could be right. " Would you mind doing that for a bit hun? While I get myself repared." She asked him. " But the hospital wants me to stay a couple days, so come and visit me." She nodded. Caysi went under the covers, " Want to go for a nap?" She asked him laughing, Caysi was soo tired lately.
Jason smiled. " I will never leave your side. Except when i need to pee or get food to keep me alive." He laughed then nodded as he walked around to the other side of the bed. Taking off his pants and shirt he got into the bed and lay on his front and put his arms under the pillow and rested his head on the side so he was facing Caysi. " Boo."
Caysi laughed at Jay. She was wearing jeans, but jeans weren't very confortable to sleep in. Caysi got out of bed and went to her wardrobe. She changed into shorts and into a tank top. " Much better." She said as she climbed into bed. " I'm so tired." She yawned.
Jason yawned and nodded. " Yeah same. Wow running around all day fo food is tiring. Not to mention cordwell jr in the other room. Do you think that i should have let her move in when i dont even know her." Jason may have been a trusting person but he wasnt sure this time. He had spent his whole life as an only child then parent-less and now he had a little sister in his house
Caysi laughed. " But food is just that amazing." She smiled. " It's your decision, " She yawned. " It's your sister." Caysi nodded at Jason. " Do you think that you did the right thing?" She asked Jason, as she curled up next to him.
Jason thought for a second. " Ireall dont know. I mean what if she had a nice life at home and now she here with people she hardly even knows. I dont anymore. I will have t speak to her tomorrow." He sighed and burried his head in the pillow then began to mumble to himself
Caysi nodded. "I think that your judgement was pretty good, Jason," She said. "She's only fifteen, I don't think that she could do much at that age." She added.
Jason smiled at what she said. It made him feel better about the whole thing but it didnt make it vanish completely. He still knew that there was a girl in the other room who he knew little about and has a whole different life somewhere else. How could he possibly be a good big brother when he hasnt been with her her whole life. He knew nothing about her and there for he couldnt the person who could sit and cuddle her when she cried or the person that would share funny memories with her to make her laugh. He was a stranger to her. He sighed. " How am i meant to be her big brother when i dont know the first thing about her. I dont know her favourite color for merlins sake. How can i comfort her after a bad day when i wont know what to say to her. I will just be like a random friend that she lives with."
Caysi looked at Jason. " You have to get to know her, it's just like loving someone, it takes time to do.. but once you have, it's well worth it." She nodded. " Just, spend time with her and just get to know the kid, she seems really nice and down to earth, you could get know her sooner than later." She smiled at him.
Jason thought about it. His eye brows knitted together as he did so. " I suppose i so i mean i know you well enough and we havent really known each other thaaaat long." He smiled with a sigh. " I dont see the harm in giving it ago." He lay on his back and sighed heavily. " What would i do with out you. Except eat ice cream and flirt with any other girl who i pass when im drunk, and when im not." He laughed.
Caysi playfully pushed Jason. " Leave the icecream out of it." She laughed. " You should give it a go, there's really no harm in doing so." She nodded. " Where did she live before this?" She asked him. " The people might be calling here, or showing up armed in rifles."
Jason laughed. " I dont know where she lived before. I know it wasnt with our parents as they left her when they left me and as we dont have any other family i can only assume that she lived with a friend or something. I will talk to her in a bit. I think i will let her settle down here first." He leant on his side and began to play with her hair as he ran it through his fingers. " Im the luckiest man alive to be with you." He kissed the top of his head and smiled when he pulled away.
Caysi nodded, she couldn't imagine a life away from her dad, and it was even harder to imagine a life without anyone she knew now. " You just change the subject." She laughed turning her body to Jason, resting her lips on his. " And I'm lucky to be with you." She said placing her hand on his cheek.
He rubbed his finger across her check as he looked deeply into her eyes. It seemed to wash away all his troubles when he was with her and it felt like nothing could ever come between them. " Promise you wont ever leave me Caysi. No matter what life throws at us we have to stay together." He just needed her to say the words because since they had been together things were always going wrong and he needed to know that it would never matter because at the end of te day they still had each other if nobody else
Caysi smiled softly. " Why would I ever leave the love of my life?" She asked him. " I will never ever, ever leave you. I just love you too much to even think of that thought." She added. " I wouldn't be able to sleep, breathe or eat if I left you." She said honestly. " Jason, I love you, and I've never had these feelings for another person before, I can't even think of the thought of leaving you." She said choking up.
Jason smiled with a sigh of reliefe. " Its just with everything that has gone wrong so far and i just wanted to be sure that it would never break us up. Do you promise that no matter what life throws at us you will always be by my side?" Jay knew that this was a sensitive subject and he didnt want to spend more time than he needed on it.
Caysi nodded. " Yes, of course." She nodded again. But to be honest.. I don' think that there's really anything worse that can happen to us." She added. " I think that it's just going to be smooth sailing from here." She laughed. " You shouldn't even have to ask about that, you know I will." She said, she hadn't always been, but now she was going to be.
Jason smiled slightly. " Well i hope so. I mean when things go wrong it kind of scares me that they might get between us." He sighed and leant his head sideways on the pillow so that he was still facing her. " You know its moments like these ones that make it all worth it."
Caysi smiled. " You may think that they do, but they never will." She said. " I might get really mad, but I won't leave, unless you did something that would really p!ss me off." She said. " Everything makes it worth it." She smiled. " I highly doubt that there's really anything that can drive us apart." She said.

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