So i really have a sister?

Jason Cordwell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Rowan Wand 15" Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Jason walked around the harbour bord out of his mind. Caysi was out today and he had nothing to do alone in that huge house so he decided to come here and try and pass the time. He sighed as he walked over to a bench and sat down so he could look over the water. He ran his hand through his hair then yawn. Today was going to be boring if this carried on
Claire was soo tired today. She just finished her shopping spree that she had to do. Claire atleast had a million bags on her arms, when she saw the bench she was super relieved. She walked up to the bench, " Do you mind if I sit here?" She asked the man.
Jason looked up at a young girl. He smiled and nodded. " Yeah sure go right ahead." He saw all the bags that she had in her hand. He laughed. " Wow thats a lot of bags for one girl isnt it." He chuckled and shuffled up to give her and her million bags some room
Claire laughed. " Yeah, it is." She smiled as she sat down. " My name's Claire Cordwell, how about you?" She asked smiling at the guy sitting beside her.
Jason frowned slightly when she said her name. He looked at her and chuckled. " Well hats a little odd isnt it. Im Jason Cordwell. Small world hey." He laughed
Claire laughed, " I guess so, are we related in anyway?" She asked him smiling. " I'm supposed to have an older brother, my parents were going to show me him, but then they moved away." She sighed.
Jason thought that it was a bit of a co insedence that her parents moved away aswell, but then again that could be normal in ways. He had never been told that he had a sister so. " I dont think so, i was never told i had a sister. I think my parents would have told me if i did." He thought for a second. " What were you parents names then?"
Claire nodded, she was never told that she had a brother, so it might've worked out to be like this. " Their names were Rob and Maureen." She nodded at Jason.
Jason froze. He looked at her surprised. " Rob and maureen cordwell. Im guessing they left you about 4 years ago right." Jason swallowed hard. He might actually have a little sister after all. How odd he wouldnt know how to act around her, what to say or what to do when she got a boy friend.
Claire thought about the math. " Yeah, around 4 years ago." She nodded. Why could that be important though. " What's wrong?" She asked him.
Jason smiled in disbelief and shook his head. " My parents were called rob and Maureen. They left four years ago when i was in my last year." He looked down and frowned. Why did they never tell him that he had a little sister
Claire laughed. " They left four years ago when I was 11." She said. " Why did they keep us apart?" She asked him.
Jason shrugged, not sure how to act. " I have no idea. I dont even know how i didnt know about you sooner. What school did yo go to?"
Claire smiled. " I go to Hogwarts Scotland." She nodded. " I'm just here on a shopping trip." She said to him. " How about you, what's going on with you?" She asked him.
Jason shrugged. " Well i dont go to school and i help out in a shop and im getting married soon. Also im about to be a dad to twins." He smiled at the thought of his soon to be children
Claire smiled. " That's super cool." She nodded. " Do I get to meet your wife, and kids?" She asked him.
Jason smiled and nodded. " Well you can meet my wife but i dont think the kids part will happen for a few more months. Although Cays is starting to get a bump, she will be huge soon as she is carrying double." Jason laughed. " Its when her hormones start flying thats when the fun will start. It will be fun to watch her angry one seconds then sad the next then happy two seconds later."
Claire smiled. " Oh, I can't wait to see them." She smiled. She guessed that the girl he mentioned was going to be his wife. " Cays is your fiance?" She asked him.
Jason nodded. " Yeah she is. Her name is actually Caysi but i call her Cays i think its easier. Oh when you see her bring ice cream, she is craving the stuff, i feel like a ice cream dispenser on legs when im around her. Shes turns into a fire breathing dragon if you even try to eat any" He laughed
Claire nodded. " Oh dear, when I come, I'll make sure to bring lots." She laughed, Claire made a mental note that she would have to outstock the grocery store of icecream soon. " I will not eat any trust me." She said, now she was a bit scared of pregnant people.
Jason laughed. " It will all be gone in 5 minutes you know. she will look like a blur to you trust." He smiled. Jason was really starting to like this little girl who was his little sister
Claire laughed. " Well she does sound nice other than the dragon icecream part." She smiled. " When do I get to meet her?" She asked him.
Jason shrugged. " Now if you want to. Lets just stock up on ice cream first ok." He smiled then stood up. The main reason he had actually come here was to buy ice cream.
Claire laughed. " Be sure to outstock the store." She nodded. Claire stood up and carried her bags on her arms.
Jason laughed. " Trust me i will be out stocking half the shops here. Here let me carry some of your bags." He reached over and took some from her then walked into a shop and god a basket and threw all the ice cream they had on there shelves into the basket nd went to the counter. He handed over the money and took the four bags of pure ice cream and walked out. " Well that will do her until tomorrow." He laughed then touched Claire on the arm and apperated her to his house He walked over and opened the door for her then shut in behind then both. He led her into the kitchen. " Ok well she will be around somewhere." Hey laughed. " Where is my pregnant wife i got something to show and tell you."

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