So how does this work?

Lola Mason

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Lignum Vitae Wand 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Lola had returned to Hogwarts New Zealand after having spent her entire break with her cousin, Serena, and her aunt and uncle. Though she was glad to be back it was bittersweet because she knew that Ruki wouldn't be returning this year and the pair had more or less lost touch over the break which made her a little upset seeing as he was the first boy she'd ever had a crush on.

The fifth year had decided that this would be a good time to turn over a new leaf. She'd found out about a pen-pal program that was going on between HNZ and Hogwarts Scotland. Picking out a random name she wrote a letter to another fifth year Ravenclaw who attended the other school.

To: Noah Scott From: Lola Mason said:
Dear Noah,

So I've never really had a pen-pal before so I'm not exactly sure what it is that we talk about in our letters. I guess I should start out by saying that my name is Lola Mason and I'm a 5th year Ravenclaw at Hogwarts New Zealand. Of course you probably already have that little tidbit of information. Since I'm famous for being overly wordy at time I'll keep this one short sweet and to the point. What are your interests? Do you like Hogwarts Scotland? I'm not really sure what else to ask, though I'm sure I'll probably have a million questions for you eventually. Anything you'd like to know just ask away. Hope to hear from you soon.


Lola folded the letter and wrote Noah's name on the front of it before giving to her owl and saying, "Please send to Noah Scott please." She watched the bird fly out of sight before heading to back to her dorm to finish unpacking.
Noah as a punishment for missing his first class of the year had been forced to sign up for a pen-pal program with the students of Hogwarts New Zealand. It wouldn't have been so bad but he didn't get a say on who he was going to be writing with. For all they know I could be writing to some creeper pretending to be a student he thought grudgingly. Noah knew there was hardly any chance of that, this wasn't like the muggle internet his mum was always warning him about. The schools probably had a way to tell who was writing to whom. Noah was in his common room studying and looking at the stars on the cealing when an owl started tapping on the window. Noah read the letter quickly, it was from his new pen-pal, she sounded nice at least. Noah began his reply not really working on it wanting to get back to his studying.

Letter said:
Dear Lola,

I've never had a pen-pal before either. Weird... they didn't tell me much about you, I guess I should say I'm doing this as a punishment. I snuck out to the library after the start of year feast and fell asleep, causing me to miss my first class. I enjoy reading and playing guitar as well as singing. I enjoy school persay but not really Hogwarts Scotland in general. Don't get me wrong the school is awesome, I just don't attach myself to buidings. Same questions back at you really. Whats your interests? Whats New Zealand like? Anything you want to talk about really.


PS I'm also a 5th Year Ravenclaw

Noah attached the letter to the leg of Lola's owl before sending it off. Poor thing, it was probably exhausted after the journy. Newt time I'll give it some food. Noah told himself.
Lola was sitting in her dorm working on homework when she heard her owl, Viking, tapping on her window. She saw that he had a letter for her so she opened it up and read it. The fifth year smiled when she read that he played guitar and sang. It was not a well known fact, but Lola herself played guitar and sang. None of her school friends knew about the singing part because she was far too shy to ever sing in front of anyone. Grabbing her quill and a page of parchment she penned a response to Noah.
To: Noah From: Lola said:
Hi Noah,

Thanks for writing back. Sorry to hear that this was a punishment. My cousin thought this would be a good idea for me to try and get to know new people. She thought it might be easier for me to write to someone than it would be for me to meet anyone face to face. I'm very shy around others, but this doesn't seem to be so bad. Let's see...I too like to read. Actually 'like' is an understatement, it's more like love to read. I play the guitar and sing as well, but that's a very little known fact so you're one of the few people privied to that piece of information. New Zealand isn't all that bad. It took me a while to get used to it after I moved here from England when I was 10, but it's definitely grown on me. The school itself isn't so bad either, though I prefer to spend more time outdoors rather than inside the castle. So where are you from? Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Hope to hear from you soon.


Folding the letter she first gave Viking an owl treat and then sent him off with the letter. With a small smile she returned to her studies.
Noah yawned as he scribbled some notes onto his parchment, he had given up on studying a little while ago and was trying to write a song. So far it was going good, if he did say so himself. Once he had finished another verse Noah set down his quil and stretched his arms out. Noah cringed a little as he heard his bones crack from the stiffness. Oh how he had always hated the sound. Noah was thinking about going back to his song when the owl flew in from the open window. The sight brought a smile to Noah's face, it was Lola's owl again. He was having fun getting to know the girl. The letter brought another smile to his face.
Lola from Noah said:

Why so shy? You seem nice, I'm sure theres people who would love to be your friend. Reading is amazing isn't it? You can just lose yourslef in a whole new world where anything can happen. Whats your favorite book? Mine's Speak. Its a muggle book but excelent. You see my mums a muggle english teacher and she always gives me the books her students are studying, she seems to think I may need a muggle education one day. I'm from Barrhead Scotland so from now on you should read my letters in a sexy scotish accent(Just Kidding! Unless you want to :p.) I have a little sister named Katie and a little brother named Ian. Katie starts school next year but Ian is only eight. What about you? You seem to be close with your cousin but any brothers or sisters? Do you play any sports? What type of music do you like?


Noah finished his letter and read it over a few times making sure it was a good reply. Noah pulled a few owl treats out of his pocket and fed them to the owl while he was attaching the letter to his leg. Once he was sure it was fastened right he pat the owl on the head, "You know who to bring it to, have a safe journy" Noah told it kindly. He had always had a soft spot for animals.
The next morning Lola was putting her freshly washed clothes in the closet when she heard something scratching at the window. She turned to see Viking there and smiled. He had a letter from Noah attached to his leg. Stroking the bird gently she took the letter and opened it. The Ravenclaw laughed at the part about the sexy Scottish accent.
To: Noah From: Lola said:


I've always been very shy, even when I was little. I'm getting more social as I get older, but it's definitely been a process. Reading has to be the best thing on the face of the planet. Probably why we made Ravenclaw, eh? Both of my parents are muggles. My dad is a school teacher as well and my mum is a nurse. I don't have any siblings so that's probably why I'm so close to both of my cousins. One is a current 7th year Gryffindor and the other is an ex-Gryffindor that just graduated from here. I don't play any sports. Brooms scare the ****ens out of me so I pretty much only watch the quidditch matches. My oldest cousin actually plays for the Wimbourne Wasps now...she's absolutely brilliant on the pitch. As for music, I pretty much like a little bit of everything. Very eclectic tastes I guess you could say. Any song that tells some sort of story is alright in my book. How about you? What kind of music do you prefer?


Giving Viking a few owl treats she sent him off once more with a letter to Noah before returning to putting her clothes away.
Noah bated his hands at his dorm mates tried to wake him up. It was probably some ungodly hour in the morning as usual. "Leave me alone!" Noah half yawned half said while he threw a pillow at the closest person to him. You would think after four years of living with me they would no I'm not a morning person. he thought grumpily. "Dude, theres an owl here for you, whose Lola?" his dorm mate asked him.
At those words Noah hopped out of bed. "Why didn't you say anything?!" he asked letting the owl in and taking the letter. Noah's mouth fell open when he got to the part about her cousin playing for the wasps. That was so cool! Noah wanted to reply right away but when he looked at the time he realized he had to get ready for class. Noah folded the letter and placed it on his bedside table so he could reply later.
Lola from Noah said:

Thats cool about your parents, you got to respect muggle doctors, they have a really tough job. My dad is a wizard. He works for the ministry in the Department of Magical Games and Sports. I can't believe your cousin plays for the Wasps! Thats amazing! If it weren't for the Montrose Magpies I would cheer for the Wasps. I don't play much quidditch myself either, nut I love flying and watching games. I like most music, mainly muggle music though. I absolutely hate pop music though. How was your day at school? Studying hard for OWLs? I know its only the start of the year but you can never be to prepared for these things!

ps Whats your owls name?
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Noah read over his reply again over lunch before sending it off with Lola's owl. Noah decided to ask her the owls name, it was never fun just calling it the owl of Lola's owl so he added it in. Noah sent off the owl and looked around the great hall. He noticed Rosiee sitting down at the Gryffindor table and went to go talk to her before he had to head to class.

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