Closed Sneaking Out

Allison Beckett

Queen Shark
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Sycamore Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/9/2038 (22)
Allison was bored. Everyone else was asleep, but she just had too much energy. Giving up on sleep, she slipped out of bed and snuck out of the dorm. The castle was so.quiet at night, maybe she could go find that restricted section she'd heard about in the library. She grinned, pleased with her plan. Wait, she couldnt go alone. She snuck up to the boys dorm, shaking Stanis awake and dragging him along with her. It wasn't long before they were tiptoeing through the library. It was deserted, there were no portraits to hear them and no one around to catch them. "Where do you think it is?" She whispered quietly, keeping a hand on his arm.
Stanislaw was dreaming about something wonderful when he was rudely awakened by his friend. It took him several minutes to get out of bed, she was very persistent on him coming with her, but eventually, he was ready to leave the comforts of his four-poster bed. He had brought his fleshlight along so that they could see where they were going in the pitch-black corridors of the castle, though quickly found out that his fleshlight was another item brought from home that did not work here. Annoyed, he had dropped it on the floor as they continued to make their way towards the library. Allie had filled him in on what they were going to be doing whilst in the common room still and the boy was admittedly a little curious to find out what was inside the restricted section. It didn't take them that long to find it, which honestly surprised him what with how dark it was at night. It was completely empty, which was good otherwise they'd be toast by now. Shrugging, Stanislaw grumpily said, ''How am I supposed to know that?'' While he normally would not have minded doing something like this with his friend, it was simply way too early for the boy to function properly. ''Maybe if we ask nicely a ghost will help us,'' he added sarcastically.
Allison hardly paid attention to Stanis's less than chipper attitude. "Oh, don't be such a spoilsport," She nudged his arm, turning to climb a nearby bookshelf. She stood precariously on the top shelf a moment before sighing and climbing back down. "Nothing," She declared as she hopped down next to him. "It just looks like a regular library. Hmmm..." She took Stanis's hand without thinking, pulling him along with her. "Let's see... If I wanted to hide a bunch of books, I'd put it in the back, wouldn't you? Come on, let's go this way." She turned down another aisle, dragging Stanis with her.
He groaned when Allie nudged his arm, thinking that it was way too early for them to be here. He was all for exploring the castle with his friend, they had done so before and he really liked doing it together with her, she was great company, but in the middle of the night? Wondering if he was going to have a say in where he would think the restricted section of the library would be located, the Gryffindor was dragged away again. It took them a couple of minutes to reach the end of the library. It was huge and the darkness didn't make it any easier for them. Hoping that he hadn't made much noise, the boy had walked into a bookshelf at some point, Stanislaw looked around to find something that would stand out from everything else here. There was something at the very end of it, though it was shut off by a gate in the middle of it. He tapped his friend on the shoulder and pointed to the gate, asking, ''I think that is what you are looking for?''
Allison was growing more and more irritated. Where could it be? She put her hands on her hips, sighing in frustration, when Stanis tapped her shoulder. She turned to see what he was looking at. She gasped out. "Stanis, you're a genius!" She almost squealed happily, grabbing her friend instead and smacking a loud kiss to his cheek. She hurried over, examining the gate. How did they get through? She raised a hand to touch it.
Alice had enjoyed patrolling with Sapphire tonight. The older girl was so cool, and Alice was happy to be paired with someone she vaguely knew. Sapphire was Diana's friend, which didn't necessarily indicate anything good. But she seemed a lot nicer in a few ways, as strange that was to think about her own sister. The girl was on her way back to the common room when she passed the library and heard a noise. Alice froze, turning her head to see into the library. She frowned, then headed into the library. Alice moved quietly, resisting the urge to use her wand as a light. If there was someone here, she didn't want to aler them. Why couldn't she have come across this when she still had a more experienced prefect by her side? As she moved past a few bookcases, Alice finally spotted movement. She squinted, seeing two young students who seemed to be near the restricted section. It didn't really matter what they were doing here, they definitely weren't allowed here at this time. Finally, Alice lit up the tip of her wand. "Lumos." She then frowned at the two students, first years, she guessed. "I think you both know you're not supposed to be here at this hour." She said, using her best stern voice.
Stanislaw smiled when she called him a genius, not many people did so these days. He furrowed his brow as she kissed his cheek, wiping the spot vigorously with the sleeve of his pyjamas. Yuck. Why did she do that for, it was only a gate? It wasn't even that hard to spot. The Gryffindor followed her, still wiping the spot as he approached the iron gate also. Stanislaw was about to raise his hand to touch it as well when he heard a noise behind them. He jerked his head around at the sudden appearance of another girl, his eyes opening wide. They'd definitely be in trouble now. Looking sideways at his friend in the hope that she knew what to do, the boy didn't say anything.
Allison jumped, cursing silently as they were caught so close to what they wanted. She flashed Stanis a grin before turning, wide-eyed, to see the girl there. "I'm sorry," She apologized quietly. "It's hard keeping track of all the rules," She tucked her hands behind her back and scuffed her toe against the ground. "We've been up studying, Stanis is still struggling with his English, and we were hoping maybe there was a dictionary we could find that could help us bridge the language barrier to make classes easier," She explained quietly, tucking her hair behind her ear. "We thought it would be okay if we were quiet," She acted repentant, giving the older girl a nervous smile. It was a good act, she had always managed to talk her way out of trouble before.
Alice spotted the boy's expression, undeniably one of someone who got caught. The girl was calmer, making up a story on the spot. Alice had to admit it wasn't bad, but she had grown up with Rose and Phoebe and knew all the tricks they pulled. She resisted the urge to smile, keeping her expression neutral as she took them both in. "I don't think that the rule about curfew is all that difficult." She said, then looked at the dark library, her gaze moving to the flashlight the boy was holding that clearly didn't work. "And you've been... studying. By this door." She said, raising her eyebrows. "The lights being off and no librarians being around didn't tip you off that you're not supposed to be here now?" She added, tilting her head slightly. "Interesting." It wasn't up to her to really decide if they were guilty, but she had a feeling that they definitely had been up to no good. "What are your names? I'll be escorting you back to your common room, and will talk to your head of house in the morning." She said sternly. She remembered a time Rose and her friends had been caught by a professor, but had ran into he common room before giving their names. She wasn't going to let something like that happen to her. At least she was blocking their exit, and had gotten a good look at their faces. Whether Professor Kingsley would believe their story or not was up to her, but at least Alice had put a stop to whatever they were doing. She suspected them being near the restricted section was not a coincidence.
Stanislaw nodded along to what his friend what saying. It was true that he was struggling with the language and that they indeed had been studying to make their classes a little easier for them, but that was about it. Knowing that they would definitely be in trouble if Professor Kingsley would be involved, the boy had to come up with something soon to try and get them out of it. But how? She had already caught them by telling them all the lights were off and that the library was pretty much empty aside from them. And she definitely knew that no one was allowed to break the curfew. And then it hit him. What if he would start to speak Polish? Allie already knew a couple of words, so what if he would be able to form a sentence of the words that she already knew? He could bet that the older girl probably didn't know a word Polish, if she did he'd be impressed about it, so it was the perfect plan for their current situation. And if they played this right it would work wonderfully with the lie Allie told the other girl. ''You are my translator.'' the Gryffindor said, turning to Allie. ''Say that I was having a hard time with the language and that I did not want to stop studying.'' It was a challenge to put a sentence together of words he had already taught her but Stanislaw thought that he did well.
Allison sighed softly, turning and giving Stanis a sympathetic look. "I hope this works," she responded slowly, piecing together the polish she knew. She turned back to the prefect, looking bashful and scuffing her toe in the carpet. "Alright, you're right," She began softly, "We knew we shouldn't slip out so late. It's just, he's been struggling with his lessons so much and the book I found," She reached in her bag and pulled out the small translation book she'd picked up earlier that day. "It wasn't as helpful as I'd hoped." She reached out and took Stanis's hand, giving the prefect her biggest eyes. "I'm really sorry to break a rule, I just wanted to help him adjust. He's been so nervous at school. If we go back to our dorms and promise to come back in the morning, could we please not talk to the adults? We didn't mean any harm," She paused, as if just now realizing what the older girl had said. "This door? Is... is there something wrong with it? I thought it was just a bathroom or an extension of the library..."
Alice's brow furrowed as the young boy started to talk to the girl in a different language,and she crossed her arms. Then the girl spoke again, and Alice listened to what she had to say. She was still a little skeptical, though she did soften a little as the girl spoke more about her friend being nervous. But in the and, Alice shook her head. "I'm afraid it's my duty to talk to your head of house in situations like this." She said firmly. "If your friend is having trouble at school, she's also the best person to help you out." She added with a friendly smile. "Now, if you could tell me your names, I'll escort you back to the common room." She said softly. "I'll explain the situation, and Professor Kingsley is really nice. I'm sure you won't get in a lot of trouble." She added, hoping the two weren't too scared. She felt bad for them, but had been made a prefect, and that meant she had to follow the rules.
Looking at Allie with pride for being able to understand and even reply back to him in Polish, the Gryffindor turned his head back to the older girl and hoped that she would go easy on them. Truth be told, Stanislaw didn't want to bother Professor Kingsley with this as well. She had enough on her mind already regarding Stanislaw Kurek and rule breaking was not something he thought should be one of them. And he couldn't tell the prefect why he did not want to bother their Head of House with this so instead decided on lying about his name when their story of Allie helping him with his language problem didn't work. ''I am Sigurd Rumblehorn,'' he lied. If this would work he hoped that she wouldn't be able to recognise him. If it did not, well, he could only hope that Professor Kingsley would punish them reasonably.
Allison sighed, reaching out to take Stanis's hand and doing her best to look contrite. "Kia Sorens," She told the older girl, starting back towards the door. "So close," she murmured to him softly in Polish, hanging her head as they shuffled towards the door. She was really playing it up now, but if this girl was anything like her dad, a little bit of pouting was all she needed to stay out of trouble.
It had been a few weeks, but Elio was finally getting back into the rhythm of school, and actually beginning to enjoy taking on more of his responsibilities. He had also been looking forward to patrolling with Analei and getting to know the Hufflepuff beyond their experiences from when they were younger. Having just finished their own patrols on the ground floor, the fifth year was on his way back up through the castle towards his own common room, when he spotted a couple of students milling about in the distance. He knew that of course there were other prefects in the vicinity, but not aware that one had already reached them, the Gryffindor headed over quietly to the gathering. When he had gotten closer he realised that it was Alice that had found two first years, and Elio listened, trying to make out what one of the boys was saying, although the words weren't too familiar to him. He suppressed raising his eyebrows when he gave his name, knowing perfectly well who he really was after he seemed to be making a name for himself getting in trouble for Gryffindor as it was. He sighed after the younger girl, watching as she tagged along too. "Hey Alice," he shot a grin towards his friend, he always liked spending time with her when he could, even if it was only at events or the study sessions she ran. "Everything alright?" he asked, wondering where Sapphire had gone, or if maybe Alice was done for the night too.
Alice nodded as both the girl and boy gave their names, then started to lead them towards the common room. She would be glad when this was out of her hands and something for a teacher to deal with instead, but she wasn't going to abandon her duty either. On the way there, shew as surprised to run into Elio. She guessed he was just done with patrolling too, and she nodded at him. "Yeah, everything's good. I just found these two in the library right after my patrol was done, so I'm just taking them to the common room quickly." She said, glancing at the two first years quickly before looking at Elio again. "Are you done patrolling too?"
As the other girl was leading them back to their common room, Stanislaw was already thinking of ways to talk themselves out of it when confronting Professor Kingsley. He did not want to betray her trust but he did not want to get into trouble either. With the fake names both of them had given the Hufflepuff prefect, Stanislaw thought that they would be safe, for now at least. But then one of the Gryffindor prefects joined them as well, and the boy could see their plan fall apart. He looked at Allie out of the corner of his eyes, resisting the urge to grab her hand and run away from the two prefects.

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