Sneaking out

Athene Perthro

Well-Known Member
Athene followed Bellatrix out of the Portrait Hole and into the Dungeons. She motioned for Bellatrix to stay silent, and pointed down the corridor, indicating that they should go that way. It was very dark, but Athene didn't light her wand. She hurried quickly, hoping that Bellatrix was following her.
(((do you seriously think I don't know???? :p I will head back, but let you have a bit of fun before I bust in totally. :p )))

Professor Weiss was walking the Gryffindor's back to their dorm when her wand vibrated. Those sneaky little rats are out of their common room again. She sent the pair back on their own, and proceeded to head back to the dungeons.
ooc: >=D Yessssss!

Bellatrix swiftly followed Athene, and passing her by, not taking any break in her step. "There is no need to worry if she comes, she comes. She will only come quicker if we hesitate." she said as she strode through the dark alley ways, finding to stair case to above.
Athene rolled her eyes, refraining from commenting on the lack of logic in that. She followed Bellatrix to the staircase and out of the dungeons, her feet silent on the stone floor despite her haste.

((OoC: Bella, do you want to start the next RP?))
ooc: Wow...that was bad logic.... :lol: And yes, I shall start the next RP I guess...third floor then.

Bellatrix strode out of the dungeons leading Athene behind her.
Professor Weiss silently entered the dungeon hallways. She looked around slowly, realizing that the girls were already off to another part of the castle. What are they up to? When I find them, they really are gonna be in for it, that is for sure! She quickly and silently cast her patronus running for backup. This castle is too big to find them by myself. I need help. She watched as the silvery lynx took off running up the stairs.

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