Sneaking back to Hogwarts

Njord Aesir

Well-Known Member
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Njord sat quietly by himself at the end of the Hufflepuff table. He was sipping juice and shoveling in large amounts of pancakes, drenched in butter and syrup. If he missed anything at Hogwarts it was the food, the disgustingly large amounts of great food. He had not really seen any of his friends yet except Kat who had appeared gobsmacked when he rushed into the back room at Scrivenshafts. Unfortunately the crusty new owner did not really allow for conversation so he had not had a chance to speak to her. He also had not seen Kailey since his abrupt departure in the night after his conversation with his mother about his father's death. That conversation had come to a dead end with his mother changing the subject at every turn and an Owl appearing with a note from his grandmother telling them his grandfather had taken a drastic turn for the worse in his illness.

Happily his grandfather had rallied and was completely recovered so Njord and his mother were free to come back to school. Njord read his class schedule while he ate and realized he would need to leave soon in order to make it to Herbology in time. He wondered if that frightfully scary Herbology teacher was still there.
((Would this be after the thread in the common room?))

Lemina brushed her hair back. They had herbology first thing, which - after Prof. Rambolt leaving - she wasn't nearly as keen on. Donning, her school containing her work robes as well as books, she headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast. As she arrived, she sat down and looking around her. The table was pretty empty - as usual, however Njord was sitting not to far away. Lemi slid up towards him, "Hey. Herbology next." She stated the facts.
Kailey walked into the great hall buncing a small rubber ball against the floor as she did so, humming a tune under her breath, her books for Herbology in her bag. She didn't have much time and just wanted to grab a few pieces of bacon and high tail it to class, She didn't like the subject much anymore but she didn't want to be late to class either, It was untelling what Professor Styx might do. She looked up momentarily as to not hit someone when she saw him. Njord was sitting there as though he'd never left, The ball bounced out of her hands and down the room between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables and the humming stopped in an instant. For a couple seconds she stood there seemingly frozen, so many things flashing through her mind... a everything from going and attacking him with a hug to stabbing his eyes out with her quill.

Kailey wouldn't have taken it so hard if he had explained WHY he had gone, but she just saw him leaving and the only thing they had agreed on was to split up, no explanation... nothing. As if on speed she quickly made her way to the Ravenclaw table, snatched a few pieces of bacon off of the large platter and resisted the urge to run out of the great hall, but not by much... She didn't care that the large door slammed behind her, she just had to get away... Absorb all of it in before talking to him. She shoved a couple of pieces of bacon in her mouth and bolted for the Sorority, she had half a mind to skip herbology... But that wouldn't do much good... So she sadly changed her direction, ate her last piece of bacon... and walked to the now half full Greenhouse for Herbology.
Andromeda jumped back with a bit of surprise as Kailey came out of the Great Hall, the huge doors banging behind her. She didn't get a chance to say hello and wasn't sure if it was a good time or not, Kailey seemed upset and angry about something.
I'll catch up with her another time. She entered the Great Hall and looked about, prepared to sit on her own when an old familiar face stopped her in her tracks. She hadn't seen Njord in what felt like forever. Walking over to the table, she picked up a small bun and sat down beside him.
"Hey you, long time no see stranger" she gave him a smile remembering then something that Zuka had said in one of her letters that he had left abruptly last year. Well he was similar to her in that respect.
"How have you been keeping?"
Njord greeted Lemi with a smile and asked her to sit. He grumbled with her a little about Herbology and how the Professor was a total creepo. He looked up from her as he laughed at something and saw Kailey walk in. He wasn't sure if she saw him and when she dashed back out he knew he had really screwed up big time. He hung his head and moved some pancake syrup around on his plate when Andy came and sat down beside him. "Huh?" he said as he looked at Andy, barely recognizing her. "Sweet Merlin Andy? What the heck are you doing here?" he said giving her a big hug. He hadn't seen in so long and hadn't heard she was coming back. "How in the heck are ya?" he said releasing her and taking one last look at the great hall door that Kailey had just left through.
Lemina totally agreed with Njord about their Herbology professor. She much preferred Professor Rambolt. Lemi saw Njord get distracted. She followed his gaze, but couldn't see what it was. After comtemplating asking him, she decided better of it, judging by the look on his face.

When Andy came up to them Lemina grinned, she'd always liked this bubbly Gryffindor since she met her back in her second year over the game of truth or dare. That was fun. A little confusing though! She remembered the truth Andromeda had asked her, when her answer get becoming muddled.

"Andy!" Lemi beamed. According to Zuka, she was still a little down, so didn't mention anything about where she had been over the last few months. "Heard your a prefect now, huh?"
Andromeda hugged Njord in return, it literally felt like the longest time since she had seen him. He had grown so much in that time too.
"I missed you ya big lug, had to come back" she tried to be flippant not sure if she pulled it off or not, sometimes even the painted on smile she wore these days ached from over trying. She was grateful another voice spoke up, so she wouldn't have to answer his question of how she was, the most loaded question it would seem nowadays.
"Lemina? Hey, yeah I made prefect. The school must have been desperate. How are things for you both then?" she too had noticed Njords gaze drifting to the doors and wondered if it had anything to do with Kailey but as she didn't want anyone prying in her business, she decided not to pry into his.
"Your kidding yourself Andy, you'll make a great prefect." She grinned at her. "And I'm fine thanks. Except we have Professor Creeperson next. But apart from that I'm all good." Winking, she took a slice of toast and buttered it heavily. Taking a bite out of it, she turned to see what had happened to Njord. She still didn't know why he had left, but wasn't keen on specifically asking this kind of thing.
Njord looked at his two breakfast companions and put on a smile. He really was glad to be back. It was going to be tough but he was determined to make amends to Kailey for being a jerk and was going to be a much better friend to everyone. "Well Ladies," he said heartily. "This is going to be a good year right?" and then laughed. "Even if it kills us..."
Andromeda frowned as Lemina commented on the next professor they had, she wondered who on earth she could be talking about and thought if it was the same professor that gave Zuka the heeby jeebies. She smiled as Njord referred to the year ahead being a good one but physically began to choke on a bite of her bun when he said 'even if it kills us..'
Andromeda had been close to that very scenario not so very long ago and didn't bare reminding about it, not mind even in jest. She knew there was no way Njord or Lemina for that matter would know exactly what happened to her and she really didn't want her friends walking on egg shells around her either. Quickly taking a sip of water, she began to breathe a little easier again before giving Njord a weak smile.
"Yep, best one yet".
"Definately!" Lemina smiled, "This year is gonna ace all!" Grinning, she wondered where both Njord and Andy had been over the last half year. Although now was definately not the time to ask. She took a bite out of her toast after scraping off a little of the butter. Lemi did that, packed the toast and then removed most of it. It was a bad habit she had had since her mother finally let her make her own toast at the age of nine.
"Ya'll right there Andy," he said patting her on the back as she choked. "Well, I suppose I should go get my bag and books before I go to Creepology. Serious Andy, you should see this new Herbology professor, he is the stuff of nightmares. Not what you would expect from someone who is supposed to love plants and gardening."
Lemina fake shuddered and nodded. "Creepology all right." Smiling, she turned to Njord and said, "I've got my stuff already, so I guess I'll just see you down there." Lemi was considering going with Njord to the common room, but that might turn her into creeperson! Noooo! Grinning, she finished her toast. "What you got next, Andy?"
Andromeda smiled and shuddered.
"Doesn't anyone like him? Zuka thinks he's not all there either. I wouldn't mind but herbology used to be one of my favourite subjects if he's not any good that's the end of that" she frowned before turning to Lemina, "I think I have transfiguration this morning. Not exactly looking forward to it but what can you do. I am looking forward to doing the Care of Magical creatures and Muggle Studies though. My choice of electives went for the easy enough to pass ones"
She looked at her own watch and knew she should get moving as well but didn't feel the overwhelming urgency she once would have felt.
"I'll probably see you around the Great Hall Njord, enjoy your class" she was glad Lemina was staying put a while longer, she hadn't really had a chance to get to know her much more than the strange game they had all played together back when she was a first year.
"I know. I used to love Herbology. Professor Rambolt was probably one of my favourite professors. In fact, screw that, she was my favourite professor. Now, Prof. Styx is just plain scary." She took a sip of some orange juice, listening intently to Andy. "I never much liked Transfiguration, even though I was anticipating it so much at the start of first year." Lemi nodded at Andromeda's elective choices. "They are both really fun. Although I don't know what the new Care of Magical Creatures professor is like. I love muggle studies, its a bit a laugh really."
"Well considering alot of my family are muggles, I thought it would be a breeze. Of course I could be proved wrong. The whole theory behind transfiguration gets to me, I mean I was all excited about it too before coming to the school. My Godmother is an animagus and I've always wanted to be one but since learning about transfiguration there is just no way on earth I'd give it a shot now" she poured herself a glass of water and sipped it gently.
"Yeah I can safely say Professor Rambolt was my favourite too, I suppose since the kidnapping her role as deputy headmistress takes precedence".

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