Smoke Ring for My Halo.

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Tempest Sun

Well-Known Member

So.. Tem is a character that I haven't really used, though I always thought she would be fun to plot with. Thought I might as well put up a thread, and at least see if there's any way she can fit in on HNZ. :D She needs everything except family, so read on if you don't know much about the character.

So Basically, Tempest spends her time in two ways: Alone in a studio, dancing (she was in a hip hop crew at Salem but now she's at Durmstrang she doesn't have anyone to practise with); or telling people she dislikes to go f**k themselves. Even though she doesn't make them very easily, believe it or not, Tempest is actually a great friend. If she decides to like you, you'll have a friend for life that will have your back at all times. She's quite funny and confident, so hanging out with her can be a lot of fun. If your character is genuine or emotional, she will easier connect with them. But if they're conceited or mean, Tempest just won't tolerate that or bother with niceties. It may sound hypocritical, but she's a girl that really hates rudeness. She thinks of it this way, like a returns policy: You try hard, she'll try hard. You push her buttons or catch her in a bad mood? .. I pity you. xD

As her name suggests, Tempest is the type of person to have a rough time with enemies. She doesn't mean to, but her manner can be very abrasive and fiery. She has a knack for insults and comebacks, but has never really been in a fistfight. I think it would cool if that changed, though. Maybe she's being especially PMSy, and someone insults her core values on life (aka nothing but dancing), so she just lashes out and throws a punch or whatever. That would be funnnny. Or, you know, just a casual enemy could do. Or a dance rival, or a love/hate frenemy-type. Whateeevz.

I haven't decided what orientation Tempest will be, so throw whatever ideas you have at me. If she ends up with a guy, it would probably soften her a fair bit. Boys have never noticed her, since she's such a guarded tomboy. But if one did start to, at first she'd give him a difficult time, playing hard to get or whatever. After a while, though, she would start trying to be a better girlfriend and making an effort. Though if she ends up liking girls, the plot would be a bit more dramatic. As she comes from a rather sheltered background, Tempest would have a hard time accepting her sexuality and would probably deny or be quite ashamed about it. She'd want to keep the relationship a secret, definitely. I think either could be interesting, it's up to you and whatever you think would work best with your character.

Oh, and last time I put one of these up, I only got replies and PMs from Asian characters, which totally contradicted the fact that she's grown up in a traditional Western lifestyle and feels disconnected from her culture. :tut: Race means absolutely nothing to her, as I'd hope it would to you, so please keep that in mind. :p
Hey Helena! ^_^

I was looking at Tempest earlier before you posted this and I was wondering if I could have a chance to know her well.
Enzo and Tem could be friends, leading to an short love affair? Nothing serious just a fling maybe? I really like to have a special relationship with a girl who's hard to get as my past RP's with some girls weren't that . . . hard get, if you know what I mean. I have more ideas stored in my mind if you don't want this type of thing. I just really want my character to be busy with girls, for as the moment he's single. So I'll be waiting for your reply. ;)
Liam Madden
He's new and I have no idea what's hes all about. I'm getting bored with the same old same oh! Do you have anything in mind? It be great if there was something big going on or something. Like maybe he could be her stalker or something xD I like crazy rps :wub:
How about they already know each other, though not as friends but as classmates? They seem to notice each other during class but tries to ignore each other .. until they finally decided it's time to start a conversation. :r
Claire Amelia Johnson

I can offer Claire. She's a peacekeeper, and doesnt like arguments. She likes learning new things and putting her talents and abilities to the test. She is nice, and is very micheavious, so she'll always ave a plan up her sleeve so be ware, you could be her victim! lol

Anything, but love interest, thank you very much!
Omg, I've never RPed a stalker situation before! :o That could be a lot of fun, I'm sure. What do you think his reasoning would be? Tempest would probably have mixed emtions about it (like angry at first, then weirdly flattered, then completely creeped out). xD

That sounds cool, could you be the one to start something, please? ^_^ Unless you want to wait until another time.

Hi, what school does Claire go to? Lol, if she pranked Tempest, Claire would probably get an argument even if she didn't want one. xD I don't see the two being very close since they don't have much in common. Maybe tolerable/average friends at best. :D

Tempest Sun said:
Omg, I've never RPed a stalker situation before! :o That could be a lot of fun, I'm sure. What do you think his reasoning would be? Tempest would probably have mixed emtions about it (like angry at first, then weirdly flattered, then completely creeped out). xD

Well his member title says Jackal, But I think he will be just fascinated by this girl and feels the need to know everything about her. I never done an RP like that so it be reaaaaal funny. Plus we never rp, I'm an okay role player when I'm really into it. If you like this idea, we can just start whatever or they can have a bit of history together?
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