Open Smelly Hufflepuffs

Phineas Ellis

Nerd | Sneak | Always player 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Phineas was bored. The piece of chalk he'd smuggled from one of his classrooms had kept him entertained for a bit, but there were only so many pictures he could doodle on the walls until that got boring, too. Wandering down the corridor a bit, he was struck with a great idea. Next to the Hufflepuff common room he wrote, in big letters, 'ENTER IF U SMELL,' adding a bold arrow pointing towards the door just in case it wasn't clear enough.
Fleur was making rounds in the castle, she wasn't on duty but she was looking for something to do or at least one of her friends to talk to. She was passing the fourth floor corridor when she noticed one of her first years hanging outside of the Hufflepuff area on the floor. She sneaked over and stood behind the boy reading the sign he had posted on the wall. A snicker came out of her mouth before she could stop it from happening. "Uhm, what do you think you're doing?" She quickly asked covering up her laugh with clearing her throat. She hadn't ever had to take house points away but she thought she might in this case. She hoped no Hufflepuff would pass by, otherwise she'd let him go free if he took the sign down and promised not to hang it up anywhere else, or make any other rude signs.
The end of the OWL year was no joke, and Tristan’s mood had suffered a little from the stress of trying to cram five year’s worth of information into his head. He had just spent an hour studying in the library, and decided to head back to the common room to put his books away before going out to find his girlfriend. If Vivian was in the dormitory, maybe he would delay finding October until later in the day. Either of them would do, he just needed a distraction. As he headed into the corridor connecting to the common room, he noticed Fleur Worth. She wasn’t someone he expected to see hanging around his common room. He mostly knew her from the store they both worked at, and as a fellow prefect. He also knew she seemed to actually like Rory Fergusson, which made him wary of her. He wasn’t sure if she was prejudiced against muggleborns, but he suspected she might lean that way. But his gaze quickly moved away from her to take in what she was staring at. Some first year who apparently had decided to be funny. His bad mood worsening, Tristan frowned as he approached. “Getting himself in trouble, I’d say.” He said coldly, glancing between Fleur and the little brat. “Is he in your house?” He wasn’t a Hufflepuff, which made sense with the message he had written. Though it was a bit of a shame. Taking some points from someone might cheer him up a bit.
Phineas jumped at the sound of his prefect's voice behind him, and grinned sheepishly. "Just drawing," he said, hoping he might be able to get away with it if he was cute enough. He might have done, too, had a grumpy looking boy not also approached just then. Finn scrunched his nose up and wafted a hand in front of it. "You must be a Hufflepuff."
Fleur had to hide her smirk as Tristan approached, she worked with him during the breaks but hardly were they there at the same time. It seemed their boss had thought through things and decided they shouldn't work together after the instance when Rory had come into the shop and meddled with things. She didn't mind Rory these day, he was attractive and perfectly muggle blood free as she could tell. She glanced at Tristan, he was good looking as well. Though at the moment he seemed rather tired looking. "Yes, and as his Prefect I will deal with him accordingly, you may proceed into your common room. Boy, take down your drawing," Fleur said wishing another Prefect hadn't come upon them in that moment. Now she felt obligated to take points away when she really didn't want to. Slytherin was already in last place by thousands of points.
Somehow, Tristan had expected the appearance of two older students, prefects no less, to intimidate the kid. He knew he would have been intimidated in his own first year, but it seemed like this boy simply didn’t care he was in trouble. His comment hit a nerve, and Tristan clenched his hand into a fist in annoyance. He knew the kid was just saying whatever he could think of that sounded funny, and it wasn’t so much what he said that bothered him as how he said it. The total lack of respect was frustrating. He was a prefect, didn’t that count for anything? He knew he would look bad if he lost his temper, though, so he counted to three in his head before turning to Fleur. At least she seemed to be stepping up, though he didn’t like how she tried to send him away. “Perhaps we should talk to his head of house too?” He asked, though even as he said it he knew that was maybe a bit much for such a thing. “You should at least take some points.” He added. He bit back his next words, as he had been tempted to suggest how many to take. But Fleur was an older student and probably wouldn’t enjoy being told what to do. He had to be mindful of that sort of thing too. He spared the kid a glance, hoping that he was annoyed his oh so funny joke was ignored by them both.
Phineas beamed as Fleur practically sent the older boy on his way. Slytherins had a bad reputation, but Phineas had always found them willing to stick up for each other. He turned and tried to erase his work with his sleeve. "Oh noo, it's going to be here forever," he said as he realised the words wouldn't just rub off, though he didn't sound particularly sad about it. In fact, he didn't feel bad at all until the boy mentioned Styx. Finn looked to Fleur for help, stricken."You're not gonna take me to Styx, are you? Pleeaaaseee, I'll do, like, anything you want - I'll be your assistant all day - I'll buy you chocolate from Brightstone - pleease!"
Fleur watched Tristan carefully as he didn't seemed too pleased with the first year they were standing in the corridor with. She knew she'd better be careful with how she went about the next few minutes, planning in her head possible ways to save the kid from too much trouble. After all she did think his little message was kind of funny, and a little true. "Tristan, are you doing alright? It's OWLs for you this year isn't it? You look awfully tired, I'll just take this little bugger down to Styx and out of your way," Fleur said grabbing the boy's arm pulling him from the wall as it was clear the message would be there for at least the night. She wasn't sure how he managed to get it so permanent on the wall but Fleur was not ready to be sold out to Styx for being a bad Prefect. She did pass a little wink to the young boy when she wasn't facing Tristan letting him know everything would be alright.
Tristan was increasingly annoyed with this boy, watching with a frown as he tried halfheartedly to erase the words. The frown deepened when he ignored Tristan completely and asked Fleur not to bring him to Styx. Something about his whining made Tristan glad he didn’t have to deal with students this young that often. Unfortunately, Fleur wasn’t as on his side as he had hoped. She seemed really eager to be rid of him, which frustrated Tristan. He was as much a prefect as she was. And was the thing about him looking tired a jab? He sighed, realizing he really had no authority here when the boy was from her house. “Fine, I’ll get rid of this while you take him away.” He said, taking out his wand. “I’m sure a scourgify will do more than pathetically rubbing at it with your sleeve.” He muttered, turning his attention on the words on the wall rather than the boy. In truth, he wasn’t too upset that this would be out of his hair soon.
Phineas was too worried about being taken to Professor Styx to find Fleur's comment funny, He stumbled a bit as she pulled him away from the wall, looking up at her with a pleading expression that vanished as she winked at him. Yes! She was probably just making out she was going to Styx, but really when they got out of the boy's sight she would let him go. He grinned, then quickly wiped the smirk off his face and hung his head, trying hard to look remorseful. Ugh! Some people had no sense of humour at all. Thank Merlin for prefects like Fleur.
Fleur still had her hand on the boy's arm to bring him down to the dungeons. She had every intention to bring him down there but hardly none to go to Styx. She didn't mind her head of house but she avoided having to bring trouble makers to him. She wasn't ever sure how far a student really needed to go before it was time to bring in a Professor. She figure though she did not want to dock any house points at least 5 wouldn't hurt the house too bad and it might teach the boy a lesson. "See you later Tristan," Fleur said with her charming smile while continuing to drag the boy along with her. Once they'd made it down a landing she let go of the boy. "Keep following me. We are going back to the common room where I suggest you stay, out of trouble, until dinner. I'd also better take five points from you now as well. I'm sure Tristan knows what the house points are currently so if he doesn't see any disappear he'll think to go to Styx himself and we'll both be in trouble. Don't put stuff on the walls again, alright?" Fleur said to the younger student. First years were annoying and she didn't think she had ever been that annoying and then she thought back to how she had stormed into the boy's dorms when she first started going to the school. She might have been a little annoying to Rory in that moment.

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