Small Things I Like

November Albertson

• Miro <3 • Mother of a boy growing up to fast •
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
June 4th, 2030
"I think I like the beginning of semesters the best," November mentioned as she walked up the stairs to the top of the North Tower with her boyfriend. "You're the least busy and I'm able to have more than just a small moment with you each day," she teased Flavio. Her words were true, he was often busier at the end of each term than he was at the beginning. She thought he was really great for taking so much on and not letting it affect him too much. "I guess we have some catching up to do," she spoke once more thinking about the previous semester, they went to the Yule Ball together, but that was not just the only thing big that seemed to happen at the Yule Ball. And then break, she went home for a brief time to see her parents and twin, unfortunately her older brother had also been there. It ruined her mood slightly about being a witch, as he always teased her about not really having magic and that she was just insane like their Aunt. Little he knew of course, but November wasn't allowed to do magic outside of school and show him how wrong he was. Her brother August was the person she disliked the most on the planet, even more than the bully she faced in her dorm room most of the year. She wondered how Flavio never seemed to see through Amber's fake niceness, the girl was only rude to her. She wondered how Amber hide that from her other friends so well. She was the most surprised that Ainsley actually liked the girl enough to be her girlfriend. That fact had surprised her the most at the Yule Ball, though she heard about it after the ball not during.

November sighed as she thought of the words that fought to come out, but she held herself back. She trusted Flavio, but she wasn't sure how much she could really tell him about her home life, about her brother being a bully. And how much she should tell him about Amber not being who she pretended to be when others were around. She was certain the girl had gone to him the day of the Yule Ball to talk to him about whatever she wanted to tell him but not have her find out, it made her wonder if Amber had told him she was gay then, if that was the big secret. It hadn't stayed a secret for very long anyways, made the whole big deal Amber made it be to November seem silly. Like November would care if Amber liked girls, it honestly made her feel better knowing Flavio wouldn't leave her in the dust for Amber as Amber wouldn't actually be interested in the boy like November long thought she had been. She wondered then, if Amber ever had potential feelings for herself, was that why she was mean to her? Like a boy with a crush picking on the girl he liked, was that why Amber had always been sort of rude to her and picking fights? "How was work over break?" November said finally, starting a basic conversation with Flavio.
Flavio enjoyed his holidays, finding the time he had between shifts at Gambol and Jape's refreshing as it was time he had to himself, rather than working on things related to school or his extra curricular activities. Though despite having time to himself and being around his family while at home in Chile, his holidays did leave something to be desired as he was not spending any of the free time he had with November. Since becoming an official couple they spent much of their free time together while at school, and when they parted ways for the holidays it left a heaviness in his heart. He missed her a lot when they weren't able to spend time together, and when they met up again as the new semester was due to begin he made an internal promise to organize to meet with her at least once during the next holidays as he never wanted to feel so empty again. Thankfully being around November made the empty feeling go away and he felt comfortable and happy as they ascended the stairs to the north tower together.

Flavio smiled at November's teasing, though did not say anything until she mentioned the catching up they needed to do. "We do need to catch up." He agreed. A lot had happened in the holidays for Flavio that involved his family, and though none of it was negative and they were happier than they had ever been, it was still a change that he wanted to talk about with November. Not only that, but he also wanted the opportunity to talk with her about their first kiss at the yule ball, the semester having ended too quickly for them to talk before they went their separate ways to return home. Plus he of course wanted to hear all about how November's holidays had been and how her family situation was. She was not as open about her family as he was about his own which made him slightly concerned for her. They soon reached the top of the tower, and Flavio answered her question easily. "It was fun, traveling between Chile and Brightstone is easy when you get used to it." He intertwined his hand with November's, leading her to a nearby windowsill where they could sit down. "How was your break?" He asked in return, hoping she would tell him as much as she could.​
November smiled at her boyfriend as they continued to walk along. All her worries and annoyances that occured during break seemed far away now. Things were better with Flavio, life seemed more organized and put together, less chaotic. She liked that about Flavio and his influence on her life. Her habit of biting her lower lip with her teeth only increased now that they were an official couple and had their first kiss. She wanted to kiss him again but she did not want to be too forward. She was glad they were going to spend some time catching up, though she didn't have as nice of a break as it seemed he had. She wished her brother would stop being annoying or that she could erase his memory of her, just something so he would stop bothering her. But she knew to perform magic on a muggle was a big no-no, especially when she was underaged. "I'm glad to be back," November said as she hopped up onto the windowsill. "August was annoying, but I don't want to talk about him that much. I stayed with my Aunt and Uncle as well, I can't believe she got the position and will be our teacher this year, I thought for sure we were going to miss out on her teaching," the teen said about her Astronomy Professor Aunt.

November played with her hands for a second in her lap before looking back up to Flavio obviously nervous. She glanced around the room before leaning over and kissed Flavio on the cheek. Her face turned bright red and her heart pounded in her chest quite a bit. She knew it was silly to be nervous about kissing him, especially since they'd already kissed on the lips at the Yule Ball. But she couldn't help but be nervous, she cleared her throat and changed topics slightly. "I always wonder what Chile is like, it must be really different for you coming to school in a mostly English speaking country, for me just the seasons were hard to adjust to," November said her cheeks still bright from kissing her boyfriend's cheek. She never really heard him speaking in his native language, but she knew English wasn't his first language, she could tell in his mannerisms of how he used English. Not that his English was simple or lacked intelligence just it seemed he was always very proper in his speaking, hardly used any form of slang. She thought it was endearing however and didn't mind, she liked that he was so proper and sweet.
Flavio let go of November's hand as they reached the windowsill and moved to sit across from her, nodding along when she said she was glad to be back. It bothered him however when she spoke about her older brother August, saying only that he was annoying but not explaining why in much detail. He understood when she said she did not want to talk about it, but wanted to show that if she ever did want to tell him all that was going on, he would always listen to her and try to help. His relationships with his own siblings had never been anything but positive, with all of them being close and supportive of each other. But that did not mean Flavio would fail to understand what was going on nor be unable to be a shoulder to cry on if November needed it. That was what best friends and boyfriends were for and since Flavio was both to November, her not talking about it left him on edge and concerned for her well being. Continuing to nod and listen, Flavio tried not to show this worry even as November said her Aunt had taken up the older years of astronomy and would now be their professor. It put him further on edge knowing that a member of November's family would be teaching him in classes, as well as marking his homework and exams.

Though he could not think about it for much longer, as the short moment Flavio took to contemplate a response to November was interrupted by her leaning in to place a kiss on his cheek. It was unexpected, but not unwelcomed and it caused his cheeks to flush. Kissing was not new to them but showing affection openly was something Flavio definitely needed to get used to. He was unsure of how else to react and was almost relieved when November changed the subject, glad to have time to process what happened while listening to her speak. After waiting an extra moment, he moved his hand to hers, intertwining them as he smiled, quietly hoping this was enough to show her he was not against her showing affection. "It is always a bit confusing when I am used to speaking English in school, and I have to go back home. My mother does not speak much English and when I come home from school she needs to remind me to speak Spanish, since I say things sometimes and forget which language it is in." He explained. "But that is not a bad thing, she does not mind that she corrects me." Flavio absent mindedly brushed his thumb on the back of November's hand as he continued to speak. "It would be nice to have you stay with me in the holidays sometime, I would love for you to meet my family and see where I grew up." He added, the volume of his voice lowering slightly in case she was against the idea. Having November stay with him during the next break would make it perfect for him, so he was glad to have at least mentioned it.​
November always felt as though her face was beat red when she was around Flavio. He was so sweet and it was hard to get used to. Not because she didn't welcome the attention but that she couldn't believe he was giving her all that attention. She remembered the days she'd come up here and just dream about being here with Flavio and having him rub her hand like he was now. She listened to him speaking about his family and realized it was hard for him, she had noticed different things about the way he spoke but she never thought about correcting him, his english was perfectly fine even if he always said it is rather than it's. He offered her to visit during a break which made her really excited. But it also made her feel a little down that him coming to her parent's house would be really difficult, they were all muggles and she felt like he wouldn't understand their life and they wouldn't understand him. Still she hoped one day to introduce Flavio to her own family.

"I..I don't know Spanish," November said looking down at their hands. Her voice lowering just as his had. She'd love to visit him but if his mom only knew Spanish, she'd never be able to really speak with the woman and she feared what would happen if the family didn't like her and began speaking about her in Spanish or something. The thought made her feel slightly uncomfortable. "I mean, I would love, even this summer, maybe, I just, you'd have to translate everything and it could be really annoying," November said quickly and shyly. Her eyes moved up to look at her boyfriend in the face, she had a small smile on her face. She did not want to ruin the idea that she'd never be able to visit him on holidays but she was fearful that she would not understand anything going on.

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